Monday, March 09, 2020
Draft Report of Meeting of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 18th February in County Hall.
In Attendance:
Cllr. V. Casserly (Chair), Cllr. E. Murphy, Cllr. C Bailey and Cllr. T. Gilligan.
Cllr P. Holohan and L. Olagoke (PPN).
Officials present:
C. Ward, Director of Services and B. Hora, Senior Executive Officer.
HI.1 Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held on 4th December 2019
The minutes of the meeting on 4th December 2019 were agreed.
HI.2 Matters Arising
No maters arising.
HI.3 SPC Work Progamme 2020
C. Ward gave an overview of the SPC work programme for 2020. He advised that the plan was based on the objectives and actions of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2024, the priorities and actions discussed at the inaugural meeting of the new Committee meeting as well as the objectives of the Management Team Plan for 2020.
Following contributions from Cllrs. Casserly, Murphy and Bailey it was agreed to include Accessibility Actions and Residents' Association Handbook Development to the proposed work programme.
H-I (4) Age Friendly Strategy
A report was circulated on progressing the development of an updated Age Friendly Strategy. The report highlighted the changing demographics in the County; achievements under the previous strategy; suggested values and themes to underpin the new strategy and proposed actions, background data and challenges under each theme.
C. Ward advised the members of the next steps in the development of the strategy. Following contributions from Cllrs. Casserly, Murphy and Bailey, the report was noted. It was agreed that the Age Friendly sub-committee of the SPC would take place on 3rd March to further consider and develop the strategy.
HI.5 Saggart Community Centre
A report was circulated on the proposed development of a new community centre in Saggart. Following contributions from Cllrs. Casserly, Gilligan and Bailey which were responded to by C. Ward and B. Hora, the report was noted.
HI.6 Migrant Integration Strategy Update
A report was circulated updating the Committee on the implementation of the Council’s Migrant Integration Strategy. B. Hora and C Ward responded to contributions from Cllrs. Murphy and Bailey in relation to including actions rgearding the Flavours of South Dublin festival, refocusing the Social Inclusion Festival, LGBTQ challenges for migrants and the need to reach out to migrant groups.
HI.7 Community Grants 2020
B. Hora gave an update on the delivery of an online grant system for 2020 community and sports grants. It was agreed that, as there will be only one round of grants in 2020, 5% (€15,000) of the community grants budget would be reserved to support groups established after the closing date for applications. C. Ward responded to contributions from Cllr E Murphy, Cllr. C. Bailey and T. Gilligan and the report was noted.
HI.8 Any Other Business
It was agreed to include an item on the next SPC meeting agenda on the 2020 Endeavour Awards.
The meeting concluded at 7.15pm.