Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to erect bins on the Old Bawn pathway across the road from Ahearnes pub as litter gathers in Dodder Park as a result of having no way to dispose of it along this stretch of road, if the Manager could look at the possibility of placing a bin on each entrance to the park at this location and would he make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
Headed Items
"That the Manager reports on how, when Oxigen fail to turn up to carry out a scheduled recycling collection in Jobstown and there is a significant amount of litter issuing from overturned or windswept bins it becomes the Council's or concerned residents responsibility to clean up the areas affected"
"To ask the Manager to provide a breakdown of the numbers of houses within the remit of each Estate Officer in the Tallaght area and likewise within the remit of each Anti-Social Team Officer?"
"To ask the Manager to outline to what extent information is freely available to Councillors as a result of the implementation of the the RAS scheme in this Council vis a vis the numbers of private rented houses in particular estates in Tallaght for example, compliance of Landlords to register tenancies with the PRTB, payment of taxpayers money ie Rental Supplement to landlords who are not registered etc?"
“To ask the Manager what action he intends taking to improve the condition of Kiltipper Way, particularly that section of the road and pathway which is on the left hand side of the road going from Ellensborough to The Square, and specifically, when he intends to repair the broken walls, remove rubbish, repair trees, and generally improve the condition of the streetscape along this section of the road, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”
Headed Items
Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti-Social Behaviour
Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to report on the progress of the proposed Ladies Keep Fit project due to commence from the recently refurbished Brookfield Community Centre?"
“To ask the Manager to outline the progress in terms of providing a Community Centre for the general Ballycullen area, if the existing funds which are in place to provide such a centre are going to be utilised over the coming year, given the failure on the part of all sides to resolve this issue and to agree a location, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
Report on Nabco Centre - Donomore Park
Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to report on the current status of the taking in charge of the green spaces in the Sundale Estate - to outline the delays in this process to date and to give an approximate date for the completion of this process?
"To ask the Manager to report on the Dodder Linear Park (section from Mt Carmel Park to Oldbawn Bridge), with particular reference to pathways, promised access points, amount of monies expended to date since 1998, and can he indicate when, if at all, the viewing mound at Firhouse will become operational (given that the Council has permitted a construction compound to be located there)?"
" To ask the Manager to give consideration to having the boundary wall at Avonmore Road/Dodder Valley Park stone cladded which would be consistent with the other boundary walls along the perimiter of the Park in OldBawn and could this issue be a headed item for the next relevant Council meeting?."
"To ask the Manager if and when a playground will be provided in the new Ballycragh/ Ballycullen Park, so that younger children can play in the Park and use a facility which is desperately required, and given the fact that the nearest playground to the entire Ballycullen area is some two miles away, if he could expedite this request, and if he could make a statement on the matter?"
“To ask the Manager if the Council’s Parks Department can improve the boundary at the back of the houses at (Details supplied), given the fact that a wall has not been considered at this location, and given the general unsightly and ugly condition of the lands in question, if this work can be completed as part of the Firhouse Road Improvement Scheme, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
“To ask the Manager to clarify for the benefit of residents who live on Verschoyle Drive in Saggart Abbey, the exact landscaping plans which are to be implemented before the new Citywest Shopping Centre is open, and specifically if he could outline what type of division will be erected on the open space between the houses on this road, and the area of the shopping centre which will take deliveries from early in the morning, if the Manager accepts the necessity to keep both developments completely separate, and that the landscaping work will be to the highest standard, and given the fact that this development is now completed, to outline when this landscaping work will commence, as the centre is due to open later this year, and if the Council have agreed plans to spend the €600,000 contribution to the local community in the area, and if consultation has occurred with local community groups in the area, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager to landscape and generally clean up the site at (Details supplied), given the fact that the Department of Education have now eventually completed the fence so as to stop incursions onto their land, and given a commitment that was given to local residents, that the Council would improve landscaping in the area, if this work can now be expedited, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
Headed Items
"That a draft plan for the proposed public park at Ellensborough be presented to the Committee for consideration as a matter of urgency, and that the consultative process commence thus enabling local residents to have a meaningful input into the outcome"