Monday, February 19, 2007
QUESTION: Councillor M. Corr
"To ask the Manager to provide a breakdown of the numbers of houses within the remit of each Estate Officer in the Tallaght area and likewise within the remit of each Anti-Social Team Officer?"
The Council's 5 Estate Management Areas each fall within the remit of an Estate Management team. These teams are comprised of the Estate Officer, an Anti-Social Team (made up of two or three Investigative Officers depending on the area/working arrangements etc), the Housing Inspector, Maintenance Clerks of Work/Foremen and relevant Administrative staff from Allocations, Rents, Maintenance, Estate Management and Anti-Social Unit. These teams meet on a regular basis to ensure co-ordination and exhange information in the delivery of the Council's Landlord function.
The figures sought are presented as an average from the county wide perspective as the Areas are kept under constant review to ensure that workloads are evenly distributed.
The Council's housing stock in the county at present is 8,034. On average, therefore, the number of houses per Area is 1,607. While the number of houses within each of these areas presents a certain picture as to the remit of these teams, the nature of the work involved means that those employees referred to do not actually deal with each house on an individual basis. It is therefore more informative to consider those remits in the following way:
Estate Officers
The nature of the work of these employees means that they deal with an estate as a whole so it far more relevant to deal with the number of estates, and residents groups within those estates, per area rather than the number of houses. There are 80 Council housing estates in the county in which there are 37 residents groups.
The average therefore is 16 Estates/circa 7 residents groups per Estate Officer.
Anti Social Teams
The nature of the work of these employees means that they deal with individual Anti Social Cases rather than the number of houses. There are 381 live files in the county.
The average therefore is circa 72 files per Anti Social team.