Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes
Minutes of the Lucan Area Committee Meeting of 25th January, 2011
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
To ask if the Manager is engaged at the present time, in securing, through the Applicant Source Housing Initiative or otherwise, 1 or 2 bedroom units in Lucan which could be allocated to existing older Lucan Council tenants in 3/4 bedroomed houses in Lucan, who wish to downsize but to remain in Lucan close to adult children?
To ask the Manager if the existing number of Traveller Accommodation Units, including Group Housing, Official Council Halting Sites and Emergency/Temporary Halting sites in the area of Lynch's Lane, Hayden's Lane, the Grange and the Grand Canal is in accordance with the number set out in the Traveller Accommodation Programme?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
Corporate Services & Libraries
To ask the Manager to write to Dublin Bus to repeat the call for Dublin Bus to meet urgently with the members to resolve the dissatisfactory elements of the restructured service in Lucan and Palmerston?
To ask the Manager to write to the Minister for Education & Skills to request that the special class at Scoil Áine Naofa in Esker be retained for the school year 2011-2012 and beyond; and that the current unacceptably-long delays for psychological assessments being encountered by many children in the Esker parish area are addressed as a matter of urgency?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Library News & Events
Correspondence Corporate Serivces & Libraries
(A) Letter from Dublin Bus regarding 151 Terminus at Foxborough (Item ID 26413)
(B) Letter from Lidl Ireland Gmbh regarding sale of compostable bags (Item ID 24910)
(C) Letter from Dublin Bus regarding promised bus shelters on Kennelsfort Road, Palmerston (Item ID 24898)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee requests the Manager to set up a meeting of Committee members with representatives of the Lucan, Ballyfermot and Ronanstown Garda stations to discuss the effectiveness of the existing division of responsibilities for districts in Palmerston, Lucan.
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister of Education and Skills to make provision for permanent accommodation for Naíonra Chlann Lír on the lands at Esker Lane, located behind Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig, which form part of the land disposal agreed by South Dublin County Council in December 2010. The Naíonra is currently accommodated in the Gaelscoil.
That the Librarian bring forward proposals for the long awaited Digital Library for Palmerston.
To ask the Manager to report on activities of the Dog Warden in parks and green spaces within the Lucan area?
To ask the Manager to provide a report on the work to date in cleaning up Palmerston Village, Manor Road, Kennelsfort Road and the network of laneways in the area, as per my motion at the January meeting; To ask if the hand-cart cleansing service in the area has been curtailed i.e. cut back and to thank the Manager for the additional and excellent road sweeping recently carried out in Palmerston Estates?
To ask the Manager if he can provide an updated report on presentation rates of the Brown Bin and the Black Bin in the Lucan Electoral Area, on a weekly basis, since the roll out of the Brown Bin became fully operational in 2010, and if he can provide figures for the average presentation rates of Black Bins, before and after the full roll out of the Brown Bin Service?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
That this Committee, following on from the report on the Greater Dublin Noise Action Plan requested by me and presented to the September 2010 meeting, welcomes the subsequent noise monitoring carried-out in mid-January by Environmental Health Offices at residential areas fronting onto the Outer Ring Road and backing onto the N4 at Lucan and at Kennelsfort Road in Palmerston and requests that a report be presented on the findings of this monitoring and any resultant noise mitigations measures which may now be considered.
That this Committee calls for action to be taken by the litter warden to remedy litter problems in the Oakcourt Estate including dumping and graffiti.
To ask the Manager to support the efforts of the CPLN Area Partnership in establishing a new Adamstown Film Club?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Application for Grants
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee re-affirms and will not give up on its commitment to the provision of a public Swimming Pool in Lucan, condemns unequivocally the decision, supported by all the Coalition parties and members including FF, Green and Independent Dáil Deputies representing Lucan, to abandon, after the relevant Government Department had led this Committee and the Council "up the garden path" for years, including the years of the dear departed Celtic Tiger, by giving repeated written replies referring to the re-opening of the Swimming Pool Programme, the scheme of financial support for Local Authority Swimming Pools, recognises that this betrayal of the Lucan Swimming Pool Project, combined with the collapse in Development Levy income to the Council makes it very difficult for the Manager to raise the necessary finance for a Swimming Pool Project, nevertheless requests the Manager to meet with Lucan EA Councillors to discuss and explore any options that might be open to the Council, and the community of Lucan, to bring a Lucan Swimming Pool project to fruition.
That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on the long-awaited and planned Swimming Pool for the Lucan area. In the light of years of effort and representations by the Lucan community and Lucan Public Representatives, including many Motions passed by the Council and Area Committees in pursuit of this water leisure facility, and the Manager's efforts to provide a Swimming Pool for Lucan, that the Manager would report on his most recent efforts and discussions with the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Department's response to our most recent request for funding through the Swimming Pool Programme, and what alternative initiatives, including possible joint ventures can be explored to deliver a Lucan Swimming Pool.
To compliment the Manager on the “Voluntary Corp” initiative and that the Palmerston Community be selected as a pilot area and that consideration be given to incorporating a strategy for helping maintain safe footpaths and roadways during inclement weather such as the period just experienced, for the eradication of litter and dumping and for the promotion of health and safety across Glenaulin and Waterstown Park.
To ask the Manager to update on the proposed review of pedestrian safety at Dodsboro Road as requested by Dodsboro Residents Association at the recent deputation meeting?
To ask the Manager, further to my previous representations, to update on proposals to complete the cycle-path on Willsbrook Road outside Esker Woods estate and efforts to secure funding for these works?
To ask the Manager why the light at the end of Waterstown Avenue (entrance to the Park) has not been reinstated since the pole was replaced. I and a number of residents have repeatedly asked that it be restored as its absence is a source of serious concern to local residents as given the level of anti social activity in the Park they fear for their safety?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(a) NRA 2011 National Primary & Secondary Roads Grant Allocations
(b) NRA 2011 Regional & Local Roads Grant Allocations
(c) Roadworks Programme 2011
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
That this Area Committee acknowledges the serious anti-social issues affecting the residents of Finnstown, which have been significantly increased owing to the through pedestrian traffic accessing and exiting from Finnstown Estate via the boundary stub wall and fencing at Hayden's Lane. Prior to this stub wall and fencing being installed as part of the widening of Hayden's Lane, no such serious issues existed. On behalf of all the residents concerned, this Area Committee requests the Manager to bring a detailed report for discussion, that will include proposals for works which will help relieve the Finnstown residents of their on-going torment.
That this Committee, further to my previous repeated requests, recommends that the Manager installs a signalised pedestrian crossing on Griffeen Avenue at Oldbridge Estate on the basis that the provision of a new signalised pedestrian crossing at this location could reliably be expected to increase the overall number of pedestrians crossing Griffeen Avenue and in particular to increase the numbers of children (and parents) walking to school; and therefore the fact that a traffic count warrant has not yet been reached should be disregarded as a reason not to install this importantly-strategic signalised pedestrian crossing which has been a long-held objective of the local community in Oldbridge, Rossberry, Tullyhall and Hayden’s Park Estates, from where many pedestrians, including hundreds of school children, have to cross the busy Griffeen Avenue to access Griffeen Valley Educate Together NS, the Griffeen Youth Centre, the local shops and bus-stops.
That this Committee calls on the NRA to urgently improve signage at the Ballyowen Lane turn-off (immediately before the Texaco garage) westbound on the N4.
That this Committee requests the Manager to conduct a full review of current on-street parking at Old Lucan Road in Palmerston, between the Kennelsfort Road junction and St. Philomena’s Church and on the adjoining residential roads i.e. 'the horse-shoe', Waterstown Avenue and Robin Villas; with a view to reporting back to the elected members at both the next Area Committee and Traffic Management meeting on the matters to be considered in response to requests to revoke pay-parking at 'the horse-shoe'; and on the appropriateness of installing additional yellow-line markings and other parking restrictions to improve safety and traffic flow in the general area.
To ask the Manager, further to the taking-in-charge report presented at the January meeting, to update on the process of claiming bonds in the cases of the various unfinished estates in the Lucan area?
To ask the Manager if any letters, notices or procedures, are currently active in relation to complaints received about unauthorised use/development at either of the houses for which addresses are supplied?
To ask the Manager if he can provide full information on the boundary treatment to be provided, in the Planning Application or in the conditions attached to the permission, for the HSE Residential Units facility at St. Loman's Road, Lucan and in particular if he can clarify whether the development will result in the removal of any of the mature trees between the site involved and Liffey Lawn, Liffey Valley Park?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
B. Files requested by members
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
That the Manager will hold a pre-planning briefing for Councillors regarding the planned school at Esker Lane.
That this Committee expresses its satisfaction that the Department of Education agreed to my request to house a permanent pre-school facility within the plans for a new school build at Esker Lane. Further that this Committee calls on the Council’s Planning Department to liaise with representatives from Esker Educate Together, Naíonra Clann Lir and the Department of Education with a view to making provision for a preschool that will facilitate the Irish and English speakers in nearby schools.
To ask the Manager to report on tree-pruning in Oakcourt, Palmerston?
To ask the Manager to update on proposals to install electronic timer-controlled gates at Glenaulin Park, Palmerston?
To ask the Manager to update on the taking-in-charge of the large grass verge at the access road from Griffeen Avenue to Rossberry, Tullyhall and Hayden’s Park Estates?
To ask the Manager to consult with both FáS and the Dublin LEADER company to examine the feasibility of running a work-placement/training programme on stone wall building, focused on delivering specific local projects such as completion of the stone wall around Hermitage Park onto Ballyowen Lane?
To ask the Manger for an up to date report on the proposed re-location of the Park's Depot to Griffeen Park?
To ask the Manager to explain why there are no directional signs for Waterstown Park?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
2010 Halloween Report
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That the Area Committee request the Manager to present an updated report on the review being carried out of the 5 Year Playground Programme, and include information on the Lucan EA, that the Committee is of the view that in the context of the Programme the Regional Playground proposed at the 12th Lock end of Griffeen Valley Park is not a viable project in the short to medium term, and requests the Manager to give serious consideration in the review to a different approach based on small playgrounds placed in local parks/green spaces and managed with the support of interested parents, and that Hermitage Park be considered for a pilot small playground project, serving the surrounding estates of Ballyowen Park, Larkfield, Liffey Valley Park, Mount Andrew and Ballyowen Lane.
That the Area Committee, noting that, as advised in the Reply to my Question 8 at the January 2011 Area Committee Meeting, the Manager intends to convene a special Information Evening before the commencement of the Part 8 Process for the proposed Park's Depot in Griffeen Valley Park, is of the view that the Information Evening should be open to any member of the public, including residents of estates in and around Griffeen Valley Park, and parents of Esker Educate Together NS pupils and prospective pupils, and other parents, but that the focus of the meeting should be on the Council's intentions in regard to a replacement Park's Depot for Lucan, the options considered by the Council and the case for selecting a specific site for the Part 8 proposal.
That this Committee welcomes the recent guided walks initiative in Waterstown Park, Palmerston and requests the Manager to produce an information leaflet on Bio-diversity in Waterstown Park, which I understand is amongst the highest in the Council's Parks?