Tuesday, February 22, 2011
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
That the Librarian bring forward proposals for the long awaited Digital Library for Palmerston.
The Libraries Department is committed to the provision of a Library/Digital Hub in the Palmerstown area as outlined in the Library Development Plan 2007-2011.
In late 2010 a meeting was held in Stewart’s Hospital between the CEO of the hospital, Maura Donovan, the Corporate Executive Director, Sean Priestley, County Manager Joe Horan, Director of Development, Parks and Roads Jim Walsh and County Librarian Georgina Byrne. The discussion centered on how the two agencies might cooperate on the provision of an enhanced medical/public library for clients and staff of the hospital and the wider community of the area. The existing library’s location is not ideal as it is located within the high walls of the original hospital complex and set far in from local housing and activity.
In 2008 the Stewart's Foundation obtained planning permission for a single story exhibition space over the existing Sports Complex in Palmerston in order to develop an interpretative centre commemorating the Special Olympics. The possibility of locating a new Library Hub in this space was discussed by the group who agreed to investigate the original planning application in terms of suitability, location and cost of providing such a facility. All discussions were predicated by the need to identify possible sources of funding.
Details of the 2008 planning application by Stewart’s Hospital for the Sports Centre site were presented to the County Manager and County Librarian by The County Architect following on from the meeting with Maura Donovan. That application consisted of a first storey extension over the existing ground floor where the swimming pool and physiotherapy suites are currently located.
One important issue under investigation in relation to the possible location of a Library/Digital Hub on this site is the possible difficulties which might arise from structural and fabric damage caused by moisture penetration from the swimming pool below. Another very relevant consideration is the cost of developing this first floor extension as per the design submitted for planning permission in 2008. The County Architect will shortly report to the Libraries Department on these two elements and the County Librarian will apprise the elected members of his findings as soon as possible.