Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 9th September 2008
"To ask the Manager to provide an up to date report on the progress of the appointment of contractors to carry out the renovation work for Templeogue House and is there a specific start date for the commencement of this work?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants (if any)
Library News Events
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"To ask the Manager to remove the weeds from under the trees in the cobbled area at the junction of Whitehall Road and Rockfield Avenue?"
"To ask the Manager to prune or remove the tree (*details supplied) as it is currently breaking the phone line entering the house?"
"To ask the Manager to provide an up-to-date report on the progress of the work on the Councils new bowling green in Greenhills and can he specifically outline why work has stopped, when it will recommence, and provide specific details on the type of reinstatement to be carried out of all the area surrounding the new bowling green?"
"To ask the Manager when will the car park repair works for Perrytown Community Centre, as previously agreed, be carried out?"
"To ask the Manager to clear out the overgrowth including the brambles, weeds and small saplings which are to the left hand side of the entrance to St Annes estate. This area was previously cleared by the Council but has been allowed to deteriorate over the last number of years?"
"To ask the Manager to have the ivy growing on the backroom wall of house (*details supplied) and the trees pruned back so as to stop the dampness in that bedroom. The ivy and trees are growing in Council green area at the side of this house?"
"To ask the Manager to remove the oak tree blocking the entrance to house 18 Knocklyon Avenue. There are three oak trees on the grass verge at this location?"
"To ask the Manager to have the shrubs and trees pruned back along Ballyboden Way on the side of the entrance to Ballyboden St. Endas. They are blocking the cycle lane and the pedestrian footpath?"
"To ask the Parks Manager when work will commence on the upgrade of Willington Roundabout as agreed with this Councillor and WORK residents association some time ago, and if an outline could be given of proposed work?"
"To ask the Manager when will the trees in Longwood Estate be attended to as agreed with Residents Association and to give a full report on the issue?"
"To ask the Manager to prune the growth that blocks the linear path between ARANLEIGH and LONGWOOD – requested previously?"
"To ask the Manager to prune the shrubs on the little Green at Glendown Ave which were ‘omitted’ by default (stated in writing) in 2006/7 programme - agreed previously?"
"To ask the Manager to provide fencing to the side of 106 Westbourne Lodge to protect from further vandalism of the hedgerow and to protect against grafitti and to investigate the possibility of additonal planting at this location?"
"To ask the Manager to replace the trees as requested adjacent to Beverly Court on the Scholarstown Road as the original trees were vandalised?"
"To ask the Manager to replant the gap in the row of mature trees opposite the west end of Avondale Terrace?"
"To ask the Manager if he is considering the status of the footbridge linking Osprey Drive and Limekiln Road and if so to explain the context and rational for the possible options?"
"To ask the Manager when the trees that were cut down earlier this year on Orwell Park Heights are going to be replaced and will he make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
Report on adverse weather on Parks maintenance
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager erect a safety barrier at the exit of the footbridge from Prospect Manor onto the footpath on Edmonstown Road."
"That the Manager prepares a master plan for the open space at Orlagh Grove to be designed in conjunction with the Boherboy water scheme completion."
"That the Manager update the committee on the preparation of a Master Plan/design for the open space at Pearse Brothers Park and this to be discussed in conjunction with the Housing Department."
"To ask the Manager to provide dog fouling signs in Beechfield Park and the Cherryfield area generally which were previously promised?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the position in relation to a householder and Bord Gais and the repair by them of broken pipes from the house to the main sewer and to ask when the repair work will be carried out. (Details Supplied)?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the rodent infestation and dumping in the garden of, in the laneway at rear and in adjacent neighbours gardens (*details supplied) to say if the matter has been resolved?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a full statement on the roll out of the new bin payment scheme across the ward with specific reference to the date when the new system will be fully operational through out the ward and the final date on which tags will be accepted. Can he also clarify the cost per lift under the new scheme and the difference if any betwwen that and the Tag cost?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a bin at the entrances and exits from all secondary schools throughout the ward as a means of tackling the growing litter problems caused by school students using local shops at lunch hour?"
"To ask the Manager for a detailed report on the new payment methods for bin charges “pay as you go” and to state how housebound/elderly people who do not use phone and previously had their tags delivered/bins put out by neighbours will be facilitated?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on my many previous requests re condition of Bring Bank site on Grange Road and to state how much longer is this eyesore of a site going be left in this condition, it gives a bad name to recycling. Also to state last action with OPW re location?"
"To ask the Manager if a survey has been done in the TRAC area on missing/broken stopcocks? And if so has a timetable being prepared for repair of same? which can be dangerous - particularly for those with 'high heels' Was this issue included when Roads department were doing the survey on footpaths?"
Headed Items
Report on Litter Management Plan 2008-2011
Report on Greenhills allotments
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager inspects the laneway between houses 76 and 78 Crannagh Road leading to Crannagh Way so as to
. Remove over grown grass from the footpath
. Remove dirt and rubbish from the laneway."
"That the Manager outline the action taken to date with regard to littering problems outside Orlagh Grove Shopping Centre."
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti Social Behaviour
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That this committee discusses the delay in repairing/having the pitches in Whitechurch ready for play and to give a timescale for same.
– to quote a resident “ pitches which have been destroyed and decimated due to the long drawn out development of the infill housing.” "
"That the Manager provide Boundary fencing at the rear of the houses in Grangebrook Estate which have been overlooked, not as planned, by the new social housing units developed there and to outline a timescale for the completion of the housing there and when they will be ready for occupation."