Headed Items
a) Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
b) Clondalkin, Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart and Brittas Area Committee Meeting
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
c) Tallaght Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
d) Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(A)Appointments to Statutory and Other Bodies
(B)Report on Conferences/Training
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on details of inspections on privately rented homes in 2023 and 2024. Report to include the total number of inspections carried out; dwellings inspected not meeting regulatory requirements; improvement Letters issued to landlords for improvements to be carried out; Improvement Notices served on landlords for improvements to be carried out; prohibition Notices served on landlords; and Prohibition Notices served on landlords.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide details of the % of commercial rates charged by the council each year since 2007.
To ask the Chief Executive if glyphosate is used by council staff and contractors, and if so what was the total amount used in 2023 and thus far in 2024?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide details of average wait times for Garda checks on successful housing applicants.
To ask the chief executive what caps exist on the number of social homes that can be purchased by the council in 2024 with funding from central government
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a list, in tabular format by LEA, of the number of locations and volume M2 of footpath repairs carried out during 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
To ask the Chief Executive to report, in tabular format by LEA, how much was spent on footpath repairs during 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on homeless services and supports in our county including those provided by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE).
To ask the Chief Executive what standards and quality of services and care are in place for homeless service providers, including those provided by the Dublin Regional Homes Executive (DRHE) and how are these measured.
To ask the Chief Executive to report on oversight of homeless services, are services inspected, how are they inspected, and to provide any reports available on inspections of service providers in our county and to indicate whether on independent oversight is in place.
To ask the Manager to outline the amount of homes that have been levied with the rent surcharge agreed in the 2020 budget and to give an accurate figure totalling monies collected with this charge and to give a breakdown of persons per home affected by this charge and if he could offer this in tabular form.
to ask the manager to issue a full report and analysis on the implementation of the new rent increases imposed by SDCC from April 2021 and that this report be available prior to November budget is agreed.
To ask the manager if the legal dept can review the need for informal groups to require public liability insurance when booking use of SDCC community centres and facilities. These are often prohibitive to groups attempting to start up, evolving and growing, when trying to get voluntary groups established.
To ask the manager would it be possible to review the need for multiple community groups operating within the sphere of common community spaces to require individual public liability policies, instead SDCC providing an umbrella policy that various groups can sign up to.
to ask the manager to outline and offer a figure for rent collected as a result of specific changes to assessment criteria introduced in April 2021. ie a figure for rent collected over and above tenancy thresholds for 2021,2022,and 2023.
If a HAP property does not meet satisfactory standards when inspected what course of action is taken.
How many abandoned vehicles have been removed by SDCC year to date?
To ask the manager for details on spending associated to illegal dumping for the past 12 months - tabular month on month
To ask the Chief Executive to give a report on the wait time for Garda Clearance to be carried out, report to include wait times on new applications and and existing tenancies.
To ask the manager how many offers of housing was declined in 2022 / 2023 and 2024 YTD
Could the Manager please give details of the number of requests that were made for tree removals, resulting from damage to property between 2020 to 2024. Could he also detail the number of cases where the householder was asked to provide an Engineers report?
To ask the Chief Executive what steps are in place to enforce planning refusals when they are not adhered too?
To ask the Chief Executive to what extent does the council intervene when it comes to anti-social behaviour and when does it become a matter of An Garda Siochana.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the process of getting Garda clearance for people to become social housing tenants.
To ask the Chief Executive officer to outline the process in which a person can apply for homes with adaptations and outline how a person would be successful/unsuccessful.
To ask the manager how many planning applications in 2024 have been received and how many have been rejected?
To ask the Chief Executive for a list of attendance at each mobile library from January 2023 to date, including attendance to services that have since been withdrawn or new services set up?
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the annual costs for each mobile library; and if a statement can be made on the matter?
To ask the Manager, in the absence of a central online location that provides such information being available, to outline for the benefit of the elected members the seasonal opening and closing times of all car parks managed by SDCC in the county and to make this available for all citizens in a suitable part of the website in the coming weeks?
To ask the Chief Executive how much is budgeted for 2024 for the SDCC brand review?
To ask the Chief Executive how many households are currently paying rent to SDCC including HAP and RAS?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide any details of housing projects delivered through the LDA in the county since its introduction in 2023, including a breakdown of social, cost rental, affordable purchase and private purchase units.
To ask the Chief Executive what percentage of the council's Revenue account income has been made up by Local Property Tax, each year since its introduction?
To ask the Chief Executive what powers the council have to enforce the recommendations of council environmental health inspections on HAP properties.
To ask the Chief Executive what is the process by which disabled tenants can view the property before they accept the councils offer.
To ask the Chief Executive if there are plans for SDCC to amend policy/practices allowing for information relating to the progress of CRTiS applications to be shared with the tenant.
To ask the Chief Executive if legislation allows for SDCC to extend the eligibility timescale for Homeless HAP to 90 days, in line with the typical notice periods granted through the courts if facing eviction
To ask the Chief Executive to specify the number of Medical Practitioners that are engaged by the Council in the determination of HMD1 forms, broken down by academic or medical qualification and the number determinations made by year for the years 2019-2024 and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Can the Chief Executive provide an update on the feasibility study regarding the implementation of a freepost system for people returning official documents to South Dublin County Council, such as grant applications, housing applications, and submissions on planning applications?
To ask the Chief Executive at what stage is a tree in a housing estate deemed inadequate, particularly when it has been identified as overgrown, unsuitable for residential areas, and causing issues such as sap damage to property?
Can the Chief Executive clarify why trees that appear to be of a potentially dangerous height have been allowed to remain in place?
Could the Chief Executive please provide a detailed report on the transportation of the exceptional abnormal loads, weighing 490 tonnes each, from Dublin Port to Grange Castle?
To ask the Chief Executive if the reduction of the vacancy refund credit to 25% (in the 2024 budget) has improved the occupancy of vacant commercial and industrial premises this year.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the allocation of €1.5M in the 2024 budget to address outstanding road, footpath and laneway maintenance as well as repairs and legacy tree and hedge management issues across the County.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update or report on the €200k allocated under the 2024 budget to fund increased supports to business in receipt of the Trading Online Voucher Scheme to promote e-commerce capability.
To ask the Chief Executive what formal commercial arrangements/licences are in place with car sharing companies and their access to parking in car parks across South County Dublin.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide details as to how much of the €70,000 allocated for Conferences Abroad under Budget 2024 has been spent to date.
To ask the chief Executive When will public notice-boards become available in SDCC village's so that local groups can inform the public about their upcoming events?
To ask the Chief Executive For a report into the 300K Have your say by year 2019 – 2024 and LEA as to what funds where not spent in each LEA and what happened to these funds?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on dog fouling. Report to include if there are plans for an increase in fines for dog fouling and for more regular patrol of dog patrols?
To ask the Chief Executive what heritage grants will SDCC apply for this year to protect our heritage by LEA?
To ask the Chief Executive would he give a report to how the highest priority vulnerable families with a disability are prioritised. Report to include when appropriate accommodation is expected be found for them in order to meet the UN Convention the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Headed Items
(A) Section 183 for disposal of additional site in Kilcarbery
(A) Correspondence RE European Parliament has been elected
(B) Motion passed at Wexford County Council - Zero tolerance approach to violence
(C) Resolutions agreed by Members of Sligo CC RE Community Employment Schemes
(D) Resolutions passed by Leitrim CC - RE Strategic Gas Emergency
(E) Resolutions passed by Leitrim CC - RE Zero tolerance approach to violence
(F) Resolutions passed by Roscommon CC - Illegal dumping
(G) Resolutions passed by Roscommon CC - Min. Chambers VAT rate
(H) Resolutions passed by Roscommon CC - Min.Ryan VAT rate
That Council agrees to make South Dublin County Council an apartheid-free zone and boycott all Israeli goods.
That the Chief Executive initiate Compulsory Purchase Order proceedings on all sites that are on the Derelict Sites Register (as published 20/06/2024)
This Council calls on the Chief Executive to immediately reverse the policy of removing public bins from this county as a method of reducing illegal dumping of domestic waste and requests that all public bins removed for this reason are replaced as a matter of urgency.
That the Chief Executive to write to the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, calling on him to meet with local representatives regarding the lack of public health nurses in the south Dublin county area.
This Council welcomes and commends the roll out of Communication Boards at playing facilities in SDCC which aim to improve accessibility and inclusive play for children with language difficulties, and calls on the Chief Executive look at the feasibility of their inclusion in other parks, pitches or play facilities where appropriate.
That this Council writes to the Department of Housing asking that, when assessing eligibility for Housing Adaptation Grants, that the income of the whole household, as opposed to the individual seeking assistance, should not always be taken into account, and that there be flexibility to determine each application on a case by case basis to prevent undue hardship
That this Council calls on the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment to introduce a community benefit scheme to be paid into by companies and business interests that use extensive state resources but offer a low worker/job ratio comparative to industrial norms.
This Council agrees to develop a method for residents living in estates that have not yet been taken in charge (TIC) to liaise with SDCC on the work needed for an estate to be at the TIC standard.
That South Dublin County Council notes the decision by the Government to recognise the State of Palestine and now calls on the Taoiseach to pass the Occupied Territories Bill which has been supported at all stages by a majority of members of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann.
This Council calls for increased inspections for cars illegal parked and breaches of road safety in the vicinity of schools in local residential areas at drop off and pick up times throughout the county.
That South Dublin County Council invests in a stand alone educational campaign on responsible dog ownership focussing on dog fouling, appropriate signage, the role of the dog wardens, bye-laws on dogs in public open spaces and dogs in the home.
That this Council undertakes an inspection campaign this winter to ensure all retailers only stock and sell approved solid fuels.
That SDCC engage with AHB's regarding no pet policies when allocating housing, pets are an integral part of a family and people should not be faced with the decision to surrender them or refuse a offer
This council calls on the Chief Executive, in the interests of road safety and as an additional traffic management tool, to implement a Quiet Streets programme in our county.
That this council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Minister for Children, Norma Foley and ask her to remove the portions of the SPHE curriculum dealing with sex, pornography and gender identity in horrendously explicit and wholly inappropriate terms for 12-15 year old children.
To call on the Government to introduce an emergency strategy to address the crisis in disability services in terms of the recruitment and retention of essential staff.
That the Chief Executive ensures that signs are installed at the entrances to estates in our county to give full legal effect to the HGV parking ban implemented in the early 2000s, commencing with urgent cases identified by Councillors.
That this Council urgently requests a meeting with the relevant government departments and organisations involved in the modular homes project.