Monday, October 14, 2024
HEADED ITEM: D. of Corporate Performance & Change Management
Report on the Public Consultation Process in relation to the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 – 2029.
In accordance with Section 10 of the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998, the Council is required to prepare, adopt and implement a new Traveller Accommodation Programme to meet the existing and projected accommodation needs of the Traveller Community who are eligible for social housing support within the South Dublin County Council administrative area. The new Traveller Accommodation Programme will cover the period from 1st January 2025 to 31st December 2029.
The Minister of State for Housing, Planning and Local Government issued a number of directions under the Act in relation to the preparation of the new Traveller Accommodation Programme and these are contained under Circular 46/2023, together with ‘Guidelines for the Preparation, Adoption and Implementation of Local Authority Traveller Accommodation Programmes 2025 – 2029’. The Minister has specified that the latest date for adoption of accommodation programmes is the 31st December 2024.
Consultative Process
The Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998 requires an extensive and thorough consultation process to underpin the preparation and implementation of the accommodation programme with all interests concerned. Accommodation programmes are required to be prepared and implemented in consultation with other local public authorities, community groups and other bodies, Travellers both directly and via the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee, Traveller support groups and the public in general. The purpose of these consultation provisions is to ensure that the views of all concerned with or affected by proposals for Traveller Accommodation are considered.
On 9th January 2024, notice of the intention to carry out the 'Assessment of Need' and to prepare the draft accommodation programme was given to members of the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee, the Health Services Executive, and all five adjoining Housing Authorities. The closing date for the receipt of submissions prior to the publication of the draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 – 2029 was 8th February 2024. 5 submissions were received from Clondalkin Travellers Development Group, Tallaght Travellers Community Group and the Irish Traveller Movement, National Traveller Women's Forum and Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, National Traveller MABS and Irish Coalition to end Youth Homelessness.
The Council in collaboration with the Clondalkin and Tallaght Traveller community development teams also engaged independent consultants to conduct three focus group meetings with Travellers in April 2024.The needs and preferences of the participants were explored and the requirement for diverse and culturally appropriate choices was highlighted. Participants identified a desire for well-structured sites with safe and healthy living conditions and dedicated space for cultural practices. A desire for proximity to family was also expressed. The participants also highlighted the need for genuine consultation with accountability and transparency.
The draft programme was published on 1st July 2024 and notice of its publication was advertised in the local press and on the Council’s website, social media platforms and our consultation portal. Notification was also provided to the elected members and members of the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee, and the five adjoining Housing Authorities. Following publication, a two-month period in which interested parties could make submissions on the draft programme commenced. The closing date for submissions was Friday, 30th August 2024.
Outcome of public consultation process:
A total of 4 submissions were received during the consultation period from Clondalkin Travellers Development Group, Tallaght Travellers Community Group, Cena and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council which are categorised as follows:
Summary of issues raised:
Provision of a transient site for Travellers be a priority under the new Traveller Accommodation Programme.
As outlined in the draft Traveller Accommodation Programme, it is an objective of the Council to consider the provision of transient accommodation in the county during the term of the current Traveller Accommodation Programmes. However, in consultation with other Dublin Local Authorities, it has been confirmed that there is no consensus among Travellers for transient sites in their respective areas. It was collectively agreed among the four Dublin Local Authorities to adopt a regional approach to addressing this matter.
Consideration for their provision within the Dublin regional area will only be given if there is consensus amount Travellers in the region for these sites. This consideration will be coupled with the development of a national policy governing their location, management, and control. This approach ensures alignment with the needs and preferences of the Traveller community.
Provision of culturally appropriate housing
The Council constructs and refurbishes Traveller specific accommodation projects in accordance with guidelines issued under section 123(6) of the Housing Act 1988, as amended by the 1998 Act. These guidelines are available on the departmental website at which were prepared in consultation with representatives from the Traveller community and National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee. Extensive consultation is also undertaken with residents in respect of the design and layout of their new homes and the Council have engaged Cena a recognised approved housing body led by Travellers to assist in a number of consultation processes. It should also be noted that the research for developing draft guidance on the planning and design of Traveller specific accommodation is currently being finalised by the DHLGH.
Long term accommodation
An assessment of the projected accommodation needs of Travellers arising from the duration of the programme has been carried out. The results indicate that there is projected need for an additional 146 units of accommodation. These will be achieved by the construction of new Traveller specific group housing developments, refurbishment of existing vacant units and standard social housing allocations.
The Council recognises the vulnerability of Travellers who are experiencing homelessness, and we continue to work and collaborate closely with the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE) to assist individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In the interim, while awaiting the availability of social homes, homeless families are supported by the Council’s Homeless Unit which helps those who find themselves homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Unit provides comprehensive outreach assistance as well as detailing emergency accommodation options, including central placement, self-accommodate, family hubs, and other supported accommodation. The Council is committed to ensuring that all individuals in need receive the necessary support and guidance during their time of need and we recognise the literacy and digital issues facing Travellers who are seeking to access homeless services.
Caravan Loans
It is acknowledged that Travellers can face difficulty in accessing finance to purchase caravans/mobile homes. In response, the Council volunteered to be one of the pilot local authorities for the new Caravan Loan Scheme launched by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in 2021 and we also participated in the 2023 National Caravan Loan Scheme. The Council remains committed to facilitating access to suitable accommodation for Travellers through this financial support scheme subject to funding from the DHLGH.
Provision of Traveller Specific Age Friendly Accommodation
It is proposed to consider the provision of housing specifically designed/adapted for older members of the Traveller Community within this programme. While it is noted that the life expectancy is generally lower among members of the Traveller Community, there is an observable increase in the age profiles with some older Travellers tenants residing in accommodation that is no longer suitable for their needs. New group housing developments at Fonthill, Kishogue and Owendoher Haven have all incorporated age friendly homes and the Council will also consider adaptation works to existing homes where required.
Tenant Participation
The Traveller Accommodation Unit welcomes and encourages tenant participation in the management and maintenance of our Traveller specific accommodation. The team meet various resident’s associations and community groups on site regularly and on an informal basis. In addition, monthly outreach clinics are held in collaboration with the Tallaght and Clondalkin Traveller community development projects.
Wrap around supports for Traveller families
Approval has been granted for the recruitment of a dedicated Traveller Liaison Officer who will work with and support Travellers with their housing options. This addition will greatly enhance the team and strengthen the Council’s efforts in providing effective culturally appropriate support services to Travellers.
Chairperson of the LTACC should be ex- offficio member of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee
The guidelines recommend that the Strategic Policy Committees will have two-thirds of its membership drawn from the elected representatives of the Council and that one-third of the membership be drawn from external sectoral groupings. The Housing SPC will have 8 elected members, plus 1 representative from the Development Construction Sector, 2 PPN (1 community, 1 social inclusion pillar) and 1 Trade Union. A number of elected officials who are members of the Housing SPC are also represented on the LTACC and this ensures communication and collaboration between the two committees.
Following a review of the submissions and having regard for the legislative requirements, it is now recommended that the Council proceed with the draft ‘Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025-2029’ in the foregoing report. Accordingly, the following Motion is proposed for adoption:
“The Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025–2029 is hereby adopted by South Dublin County Council.”