Monday, October 14, 2024
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
To ask the Chief Executive what heritage grants will SDCC apply for this year to protect our heritage by LEA?
Please find an update on grants under the National Architectural Conservation Grant Schemes, Heritage Council, Local Biodiversity Action Plan Fund and Creative Ireland.
National Architectural Conservation Grant Schemes:
There are currently two different Architectural Conservation Grant Schemes in operation which are managed and administered by the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer and funded by the Department of Housing, Local Gov and Heritage (Architectural Heritage & Policy Unit).
Both schemes are to provide financial assistance to owners/occupiers of Protected Structures or properties within Architectural Conservation Areas in supporting architectural conservation repair works.
The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2024 was announced last November 2023 with applications closing in January 2024. The Architectural Conservation Officer submitted the following projects to the Department and all were successful in receiving funding under BHIS. All projects are currently underway and the date for project completion is next week with recoupment submission to the Dept due by November 8th 2024.
SDC01/24 - 588 Wood view Cottages, Rathfarnham (ACA), Works comprise of the conservation repair of 6 no. historic timber sash windows to halt further deterioration and to improve ventilation and energy efficiency.
Grant Funding - €8,115.25 (50% of total estimated cost of works).
SDC02/24 - Rathcoole Health Centre, Rathcoole , The repair, restoration and reinstatement of the original stone boundary wall which forms part of the Protected Structure.
Grant Funding - €15,000 (max. grant funding available)
SDCO3/24, The Old Glebe House, Newcastle - Repair of original timber panelled front door and repair and upgrading of 18 no. timber sliding sash windows., Grant Funding - €15,000 (max grant funding available).
SDC04/24 - Knocklyon House (Rutland Centre), Roof Repairs - Grant works include removal of fibre cement slate and concrete ridge tiles, remove and replace lead valley, soakers and cover flashing with code 5 lead, with counter flashing set into the render and sealed with hydraulic lime.
Grant Funding - €8,370.62 (50% of total estimated cost of works).
SDC05/24 – No. 7 The Crescent Lucan – Repair and upgrading of 2 no. original timber sash windows to include draught proofing. Repairs to original front door, draught proofing and decorating.
Grant Funding - €3,370.90 (50% of total estimated cost for works)
SDCO6/24 – No. 8 The Crescent, Lucan - Repair of 3 no. original sash windows, retaining original glass for re-fitting to restored sashes. Front Door - full restoration of door, stripping paint and repair. Install draught seals, install threshold & decorate. Grant Funding - €4,835.10 (50% of total estimated cost for works).
SDCO7/24 - St. Marys Church, Tallaght Priory - Roof repairs - The lead in the upper roof is to be replaced. The outer valley will require repairs including removing ineffective liner and replacing with fleece membrane correctly applied, covering all joints etc. Repair works to rainwater goods are also included. Grant Funding - €15,000 (max grant funding available).
The Historic Structures Fund (HSF) was announced last November with applications closing in January. The successful project was approved by the Department with a total fund of €50,000 being provided for conservation repairs to St. Finian’s Old School House, Peamount Hospital. The HSF scheme for 2025 has not yet been announced but in line with previous years an announcement is likely during Nov/December.
BHIS 2025
A Revised Scheme for BHIS was announced by the Minister during July 2024 for next year. The BHIS Architectural Conservation Grant Scheme for 2025 has been revised and the new closing date for applications is the 27th September 2024 the change was announced by the Department and seeks to give applicants more time to get works completed. The amount of grant aid has also been revised allowing a greater level of funding to be provided.
The Councils Architectural Conservation Officer is currently assessing grant applications which have been received under BHIS 2025. Qualifying grant projects will be submitted to the Department for final approval and successful applications will be announced by January 2025.
Local Biodiversity Action Plan Fund, Creative Ireland Programme & Heritage Council
The Heritage Officer regularly engages with the Heritage Council’s programme of support for County Heritage Plans which is restricted to applications from Local Authority Heritage Officers. This grant scheme is currently closed and will next be accepting applications in Quarter 1 of 2025. SDCC has been successful with funding applications in previous years from the Heritage Council.
The Heritage Officer also regularly successfully engages with the Local Biodiversity Action Plan Fund as administered by National Parks and Wildlife Service, and also with the Creative Ireland Programme. Both grant schemes are currently closed for applications.
A programme of potential SDCC heritage projects for implementation under the Heritage Plan budget 2025 has not yet been compiled and agreed, so it is not possible at this time to outline which projects will be applied for by LEA in the year ahead. There are no other programmes of grants for heritage projects relating to the Heritage Officer’s remit that are currently accepting applications.