Agenda - Tallaght ACM (2) 27th October 2009

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27/10/2009 15:30
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Tallaght ACM Administrator
Brian Martin

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 28th September, 2009.

Development & Parks


Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
John Browne

"To ask the Manager has the leasing issue been resolved in relation to Rossfield Stores, Tallaght?" 

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Rachel Nolan

"To ask the Manager in view of demand from local residents has he any plans to extend the allotment programme this year at the existing area in Bohernabreena?" 

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
John Browne

"To ask the Manager will he give report outlining the fines imposed on the owners of the derelict site located beside the Traders Pub, Limekiln, for non compliance and will he make a statement on the matter regarding what measures he has taken to recover these demands and bring about improvements to the site?"

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
Mary Keenan

"To ask the Manager to undertake a clean up of the Poddle River where it flows through Tymon Park? In particular in areas around the bridges where there is considerable littering."

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
John Browne

"To ask the Manager for an update on the derelict site notice served on the owners of the Burmah garage site at Wellington Lane?"

Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Walsh 2009
Mary Keenan

"To ask the Manager what proposal he has for planting shrubbery(daffodils etc) for the year and whether more trees are to be planted in Beechfield park?"  

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept., Parks Department
Parks Department, Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.

New Works Development & Parks

(None Received)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept., Parks Department
Parks Department, Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.

Correspondence Development & Parks Department

(None Received)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Bill Kearney

Cathaoirleach's Business.

This Committee calls on the Manager in view of ongoing complaints regarding incursions by bikes and quads on football pitches in and around St Marks GAA club and bearing in mind  the added time and financial costs involved in repairing the damage caused by these illegal incursions, can he agree to look at new measures, and liaise with the Garda Authorities and discuss ways of tackling and eliminating this and other similar problems in the area.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Brophy
John Browne

That this Committee declares that the Burma Garage site on Wellington Lane be declared a derelict site and calls on the Manager to initiate the process necessary to declare the site derelict.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
Jim Kilgarriff, Mary Keenan

That this Committee requests the Manager to arrange an inspection of the Osprey bridge where repairs were recently carried out , and report back to this Committee on the findings

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Bill Kearney

That this Committee mindful of the energy costs of keeping the water-fountain at Watergate Park , operational on a 24 hour basis, requests the Manager to explore alternative methods of having this fountain operational , during the hours of daylight, in this the premier park in Tallaght.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Walsh 2009
Jim Kilgarriff, Mary Keenan

1. To ask the Council that it would consider securing the close environs of the changing rooms with a fence similar to the nearby premises on Bunting Road in order to prevent vandalism and graffiti.

2. Would the Council make a decision as to the future of the defunct 35 year idle playground and would it install paybars or exercise bars for children/adults on the site . Alternatively to cover it in and make a flowerbed of same.

3. Research the need for a basketball court where according to residents no team has ever played the game since its inception.

4. In the interim to remove the graffiti (some of it of an obscene nature) from the pavillion.

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Brophy
Jim Kilgarriff, Mary Keenan

That this Committee requests the Manager to outline the Development Plans for the Osprey Bridge and that he includes a timeline for any proposed improvement work.



Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Brophy
John McLoughlin

"To ask the Manager to provide clear sign-posting for the M50 at the Wellington Lane/Orwell Roundabout.  Signposting should enable HGVs to clearly see the route for the M50?"

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
John McLoughlin

"To ask the Manager to inspect the overflow car parking on Rossmore Road.This occurs every Sunday due to the recent introduction of a car boot sale on the grounds of the Spawell site?"

Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
John McLoughlin

"To ask the Manager to erect sign posting on Wellington Lane and roundabout directing traffic to the M50. At the moment a significant amount of traffic, including heavy goods vehicles, are losing their way and ending up in local housing estates?"

Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
John McLoughlin

"To ask the Manager for a progress report on the erection of noise barriers on the M50 along the Tymon Park section leading into the W.O.R.K area?"  

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Tony O Grady

"To ask the Manager to arrange the replacement of the broken kerb-stone located outside No 9 Brookdale,Old Bawn Estate, Tallaght?"

Headed Items

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Thomas Curtin

Proposed Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over existing pathway alongside 1 Raheen Drive, Tallaght.

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Tony O Grady

Report on Repairs to Ramp between the Pedestrian Entrance to the Killinarden Enterprise Centre and Killinarden House.

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
John McLoughlin

Report on Old Bawn Road Quality Bus Corridor.


H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Roads Department

Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads

(No Business)

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Roads Department


(No Business)


Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Roads Department


(None Received)


Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
William Purcell

Cathaoirleach's Business

This Committee agrees to call on the Manager to give a report outlining if he has received representations regarding increased traffic volumes and associated problems being experienced by residents living in the Silken Park Kingswood Cross area and  if any steps can be taken to alleviate these local difficulties. 

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
John McLoughlin

That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange in conjunction with Dublin Bus for the re-erection of the City bound Bus stop on the N81 between the Cloonmore and Raheen/Maplewood stops which was removed as a result of the improvements to the N81 and the construction of the Outer Ring Road.

Corporate Services & Libraries


Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Brian Martin

"To ask the Manager to request the relevant telephone company to remove from Tallaght village the remains of the public-telephone, located outside Ulster Bank Ltd.?"

Headed Items

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Selina Bonnie

Disability Proofing Resource for Elected Members

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Georgina Byrne

Library News & Events

H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate, Libraries
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate, Libraries

New Works Corporate Services & Libraries

(No Business)


Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate, Libraries
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate, Libraries

Correspondence Corporate Services & Libraries

(None Received)


Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Brian Martin

Cathaoirleach's Business.

This Committee calls on the Manager to investigate in conjunction with the Garda Authorities and other landowners in the area the viability of taking measures to eliminate the regular incursions by scrambler and quad bikes and now by anti social elements on the lands at the rear of Aldi and the side of Ard Mor Estate.

Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Brian Martin

That the elected members of the Tallaght Area Committee request that the Corporate Services Dept., write to the Minister for Health, Ms. Harney and express our opposition to the proposed closure of the Childrens Hospital, Tallaght, as outlined in the renewed Programme for Government, of last week. In addition we seek the support of all elected members of South Dublin Co., Council, for this motion.


Headed Items

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Planning Not is use

Planning Files.A) Large applications under consideration.

                    B) Files requested by Members.

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Planning Not is use


(No Business)


Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Planning Not is use


(None Received)


Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Martin Judge, Paddy McNamara

Cathaoirleach's Business.

This Committee concerned at the long delay in relation to the removal of the illegal mast located at Cookstown Road, Tallaght and opposite St Marks Community School calls on the Manager to give a comprehensive report outlining if the mast is still in situ, the reasons behind the long delays in this case, and the next  steps, if any, this Council proposes to take in view of the court decision on this matter.