south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


MOTION: Councillor E. Walsh 2009

1. To ask the Council that it would consider securing the close environs of the changing rooms with a fence similar to the nearby premises on Bunting Road in order to prevent vandalism and graffiti.

2. Would the Council make a decision as to the future of the defunct 35 year idle playground and would it install paybars or exercise bars for children/adults on the site . Alternatively to cover it in and make a flowerbed of same.

3. Research the need for a basketball court where according to residents no team has ever played the game since its inception.

4. In the interim to remove the graffiti (some of it of an obscene nature) from the pavillion.


It is the experience of the Parks Department that the enclosure of a building within a public park with palisade fencing is ineffective as those intent on anti-social behaviour and acts of vandalism will force access.  Beechfield Park is currently enclosed by a surrounding boundary hedge with pedestrian access gates and it is not proposed to install palisade fencing.

Part of  the former playground site at Beechfield Park is incorporated into the basketball court and while it is acknowledged that this facility is not in active use, the Parks Department will consult with the Councils' Sports Officer to establish if there is a demand for basketball facilities in the area.  If a user group can be identified, consideration will be given to upgrading of the basketball court subject to identification of the necessary funding to undertake the works.  If there is no identifiable local interest in basketball, consideration can be given to the removal of the hard surface and its replacement with soft landscaping treatment subject to the identification of the necessary funding.   

With regard to the changing room facilities, the Parks Department has previously arranged for the removal of graffitti. The financial provision in the Parks Budget in 2009 for the removal of grafitti is exhausted. The removal of graffiti will be listed for attention in the context of the 2010 provision.