Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 10th February 2009
"There are a number of bungalows being constructed alongside Whitchurch Lawn.
The boundary wall adjacent to 17 Whitechurch Lawn was taken down as part of this construction work. It was a low wall and encouraged severe anti-social behaviour. Residents would like no wall built in its place or at least discussion with residents before any measures are taken. Can the Manager respond please with the latest position on this matter?"
"To ask the Manager for the latest position in relation to the boundary treatment to be agreed with Grangebrook residents and what stage this work is at?"
Headed Items
Report on Housing Construction Programme
Report on Social and Affordable Housing
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"To ask the Manager to implement the work as agreed with Greenhills Boys Football Club and ensure that the ducting for the lighting is done at the same time. Can the Manager also ensure the immediate removal of the clay mound?"
"To ask the Manager to have the sucker shoots cut on the tree at the side of house 17 Willbrook?"
"To ask the Manager to give a report on outstanding issues regarding tree pruning in the Rathfarnham area as by questions and membersnet requests listed below.
- Tree to be pruned back blocking the street light outside 77 Dodder Park Road.
- Tree to be pruned back blocking the street light outside 41 Pinewood Park.
- Tree to be pruned back blocking the street light outside 660 Woodview Cottages.
- The clearing of dead laurel trees and pruning and clean up at the bank of the Owendoher River at the Laurel Apartments?"
"To ask the Manager to examine the space opposite 8 Beaufort Court, which was traditionally maintained by the Council but is used by cars now and to prepare a works project to be included in the 2009 programme of works to adddress the problem and return the open space to its previous state?"
"To ask the Manager to inspect the trees on the open space to the rear of houses in Idrone Close, including No. 32, with a view to pruning them. They overlook the houses in Idrone Close and are about 60ft in height?"
Headed Items
Arboricultural Programme 2008-2009
National Tree Week 2009
(No Business)
"That the Manager report to this Committee on the discussions it has had with Knocklyon Football club."
"That this Committee discusses the Willbrook Lawn open space area with the aid of a full report on the matter outlining the DATE that this open space will be made available for the residents use. As per e-mail submitted by the Residents Association are not prepared to wait any longer in order to have this space made available to them; and that the work on same proceed immediately."
"That the Manager provide an update on the proposed works which are being carried out on the Orwell roundabout."
"That this Committee discuss the Part V111 for Greenhills Football Club and that a report be given on the present situation regarding this development."
"That the Manager give a report on what can be done to stop youths climbing over the wall at the green area between 19 & 21 Willbrook downs to stop anti-social behaviour."
"That the Manager actively consider the possibility and potential for providing a caretaker's residence and permanent caretaking presence at Rathfarnham Castle Park."
"That the meeting discuss the causes of the breakdown in communications between the Council and the Rathfarnham Castle Residents Association with a view to agreeing the steps to be taken to restore confidence and trust between the parties - particularly regarding the measures necessary to ensure that anti-social behaviour at night time at the playground is eliminated."
"That the Manager outline how Parks are cleaned of dumped items. In particular how some items which are not removed on a first clean seem to remain for many years with no effort to remove them."
"That this Committee recommends in light of the fact that the Whitecliffe Residents Association have not agreed to have the building of the wall on their green area deferred (as stated in answer to my previous question on this issue) and to have the money that was allocated for the construction of this wall in the 2008 budget utilized for this purpose immediately."
"To ask the Manager to outline what the delay is in providing grant suport to WASF athletic club?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants (if any)
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"To ask that Manager to have the rotten leaves along the road to the entrance of Moyville estate removed?"
Headed Items
Draft Eastern River Basin Management Plan
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager outline the steps he has taken with management of Superquinn in Knocklyon to alleviate the litter problem, particularly as it affects Idrone Estate and Idrone Avenue in particular."