Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 23rd June, 2008.
Corporate Services
Headed Items
(none received)
(A) Letter dated 12th August, 2008, received from Dublin Bus, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 1st October, 2007, in relation to provision of seats at the bus shelter opposite St. Maelruans estate, Old Bawn Road.
(B) Letter dated 12th August, 2008, received from Dublin Bus, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee of 26th May, 2008, in relation to the provision of bus shelters at bus stops.
(C) Letter dated 17th September, 2008, received from An Post, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 23rd June, 2008, in relation to provision of a post box at Old Court shopping centre.
Letter dated 9th September, 2008, sent to An Post, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 23rd June, 2008, in relation to provision of a post box at Old Court shopping centre.
Headed Items
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
"To ask the Manager for an update on the taken-in-charge of Maplewood estate (Maplewood Ave) and in view of the circumstances outlined in a recent e-mail to the Development Department, could the issue be expedited?"
To ask the Manager for a time-frame for when Kiltipper Way will be taken-in-charge by this Council?
Headed Items
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
B. Files requested by members
Place naming strategy for Tallaght Town Centre
Initiation of High Court Judicial Review of variation of County Development Plan – Golf Village, Fortunestown Lane, Saggart
Fortunestown Lane / Garter Lane Draft Local Area Plan
a) Manager’s Report on Pre Draft Consultation Submissions
b) Proposed Draft Local Area Plan
Briefing on preparation of Development Plan 2010 - 2016
(none received)
Headed Items
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
That the Manager outlines the current status of the Local Area Plan for Saggart as agreed in the Development Plan in 2004.
That this Committee supports the retention of the land located between No 3 and 5 Inis Thiar, Old Bawn as dedicated open-space.
To ask the Manager, to provide a report on the reasons why CARP in Killinarden are waiting since 2003 for the receipt of their management licence taking into account the hugely important role this orgainisation plays in the area?
To ask the Manager if he would agree to allow the residents at *Details supplied to incorporate a disused laneway at the back of this person’s property, which is completely inoperable and has already been closed off by South Dublin County Council, and given the fact that this laneway has not been cleaned for 5 years, if a laneway cleanup can be organised, and if he will make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Manager to confirm that the car park at Castle Tymon Neighbourhood Centre is in the ownership of South Dublin County Council, and that a commitment was given that funds would be expended this year in upgrading the car park, and resurfacing the entire surface of the car park as it is in a deplorable condition, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Headed Items
Derelict Sites in Tallaght
Report on proposed development at Saggart Arms, Saggart, Dublin 24 – Hannah Homes Ltd – Planning Reg Ref SD06A/0636
(none received)
(none received)
Headed Items
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
To ask the Manager to immediately reinstate the 'The Crescent' road sign for Millbrook Lawns at the entrance to the Millbrook Lawns Estate coming from the Old Bawn Road and given the fact that this sign has been down for quite some time, if it can be reinstated as a matter of urgency and if he will make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Manager to examine the possibility of placing a slip lane at the junction of Firhouse road into the Ballycullen area as cars turning left onto Ballycullen road have to queue unnecessarily and if this slip lane was in situ it would relieve a lot of the traffic at this junction and would he make a statement on the matter?
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(none received)
Proposed initiation of procedure to extinguish the public right of way at the rear of 58/62 and 63/68 Balrothery Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
Proposed initiation of procedure to extinguish the public right of way at laneway to rear of 159 - 178 Castle Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
(none received)
(none received)
Headed Items
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to investigate the feasability of providing driveways for the residents of 45-60 Fettercairn Road as their cars are constantly being vandalised out on the main Road".
That this Committee calls on the Manager to have arranged as a matter of urgency, the installation of individual road signage with Brookview Estate, in view of the apparent absence of any individual road signage within that Estate.
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to investigate the possibility of providing some form of pedestrian crossing from the bus stop outside the shell garage on the Old Blessington Road/N81 to the north side of the road to facilitate residents of Deselby and The Belfry Estates crossing this busy road to their homes when finishing their bus journey as there is no safe point to cross".