Monday, September 22, 2008
HEADED ITEM: P. Department
SD07A/0276 | Reg. Date: 30-Jul-2008 Applicant’s Name: Shillelagh Quarries Ltd., Submission Type: Clarification of Additional Information | Location: Aghfarrell Townland, Brittas, Co Dublin Proposed Development: (a) Continuance of use of the existing quarry on lands that have been used for this purpose since before 1st October 1964 on a site registered under Section 261 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Quarry Reference SDQU05A/1); (b) all existing ancillary facilities including the existing processing plant (crushing and screening plant), overburden storage areas, stockpile areas, water management system and the truck/vehicle parking area; (c) extension of the existing quarry extraction area by 4.2 hectares, within the registered area, to give a total extraction area of 15.5 hectares within an overall application area of 28.1 hectares; (d) provision of a wheelwash and hydrocarbon interceptor; (e) landscaping and final restoration of the site. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement. Decision Due on or before: 23-Sep-2008 |
SD07A/0990 | Reg. Date: 08-Aug-2008 Applicant’s Name: Tabmaz Partnership Submission Type: Significant Additional Information | Location: Former Gallagher's site at junction of Airton Road and Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Proposed Development: (a) Demolition of 3 existing buildings consisting of a single storey factory/warehouse unit, a single storey office block with canteen and a two-storey office block; (b) construction of Block A consisting of three single storey retail warehouse units and an external garden centre - gross internal floor areas are as follows: Unit 1 - 3354sq.m., Unit 2 - 1543sq.m., Unit 3 - 1525sq.m. and garden centre - 952sq.m; (c) construction of Block consisting of two single storey car showrooms, security office and bin store: gross internal floor areas are as follows: Showroom 1 - 1316sq.m., showroom 2 - 934sq.m., security office - 26sq.m., bin store - 40sq.m; (d) construction of a separate ESB sub-station and switch room - 32sq.m; (e) construction of car parking providing 229 public parking spaces (including 11 disabled spaces); (f) construction of external car showroom display parking areas - 877sq.m; (g) the moving/de-canting of an existing vehicular entrance on Airton Road and the construction of an additional vehicular entrance on Greenhills Road; (h) the construction of 2 free-standing totem signs and associated building signage; (i) associated landscaping and low level stone wall to the boundaries fronting Airton Road and Greenhills Road. This applicaiton is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement. Significant Additional Information: Changes consisting of the following - (a) the re-design and re-location of car Showroom 1 consisting of an increase in internal floor area from 1316sq.m. to 4547sq.m. and change from a single storey building to a two storey building including ground floor workshop area and car display and first floor compound area and car display; (b) the re-design and relocation of Car Showroom 2 consisting of an increase in internal floor area from 934sq.m. to 3402sq.m. and change from a single storey building to a two to three storey building including ground floor workshop area and car display, first floor compound area and car display and second floor compound area; (c) the change of use and re-location of Retail Warehouses 2 and 3 to Car Showrooms 3 and 4 with an increase in internal floor area from 3068sq.m.(combined) to 3597sq.m. (combined) and change from a single storey building to a two storey building including ground floor workshop area and car display and first floor compound area and car display; (d) the change of use and re-location of Retail Warehouse 1 and Garden Centre to Car Showroom 5 with an increase in internal floor area from 4306sq.m. (combined retail warehouse and garden centre) to 4633sq.m. and change from a single storey building to a two storey building including ground floor workshop area and car display and first floor compound area and car display; (e) the re-location of the northern access junction on approx. 16metres west along Airton Road; (f) the re-location of the in-only eastern access road approx. 30metres to the south along Greenhills Road including the removal of the stone wall along Greenhills Road; (g) the omission of the two free standing totem signs previously approved; (h) the addition of protective Paladin fencing to the poplar trees on the southern boundary; (i) the re-location of the ESB substation and bin storage area which is now proposed as external; (j) changes to the public and display parking provisions within the site; (k) changes to the proposed landscaping provisions; (l) the omission of the security office. The proposed gross internal floor area has increased from 9722sq.m. to 16211sq.m. (incl. sub-station). Public car parking provisions have reduced from 229 spaces to 168 spaces with an additional 123 external display parking spaces proposed. Decision Due on or before: 02-Oct-2008 |
SD08A/0538 | Reg. Date: 01-Aug-2008 Applicant’s Name: Melbury Developments Submission Type: New Application | Location: Swiftwood, Garters Lane, Saggart, Co. Dublin Proposed Development: Permission for subdivision of apartment no. 113 into 2 no. 2 bed plus study apartments - No's 113 and 114 and the subdivision of apartment no. 115 into 2 no. 2 bed apartments no's 115 and 116, all on the 4th floor. Retention is sought for the subdivision of apartment no. 55 into 2 no. 2 bed apartments no's 55 and 56 at first floor level; The subdivision of 11 no. 3 bed plus study duplex apartments at second and third floor levels into 22 no. 2 bed apartments, with 11 no. apartments on the second floor and 11 no. apartments at third floor level, subdivided as follows: - No. 71 into no's 71 and 91; no. 72 into no's 72 and 92; no. 73 into no's 73 and 93; no. 81 into no's 81 and 101; no. 82 into no's 82 and 102; no. 83 into no's 83 and 103; no. 84 into no's 84 and 104; no. 87 into no's 87 and 106; no. 88 into no's 88 and 107; no. 89 into no's 89 and 109; and no. 90 into no's 90 and 110. Apartment no's 71,72,73,81,82,83,84,87,88,89, and 90 are located on the second floor. Apartment No's 91,92,93,101,102,103,104,106,107,109, and 110 are located on the third floor. All other apartments in the development retain their original unit numbers. No alterations have been made or are proposed to be made o the exterior of the building and no structural alterations have been made or are proposed to be made to the building. Retention is also sought for amendments to the parking layout within the overall development site. The overall number of parking spaces remains at 183 as permitted under planning reg. Ref S00A/0639. Decision Due on or before: 25-Sep-2008 |
SD08A/0549 | Reg. Date: 07-Aug-2008 Applicant’s Name: Mountbrook Group Submission Type: New Application | Location: Woodtown Manor, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Proposed Development: 1) Retirement accommodation comprising 100 no. retirement units located within 4 no. three storey blocks; 3 no. two storey blocks; and 25 single storey units. The accommodation comprises; 59 no. 2 bed retirement units within the blocks, 4 no. 1 bedroom retirement units within the blocks, 12 no. 2 bedroom duplex retirement units within the blocks, and 25 no. 2 bedroom single storey detached and semi-detached retirement units, totaling 11,287 sq m; 2) Refurbishment of the two storey Woodstown Manor(Protected Structure) (ca. 779 sq m) and new build single storey extension (ca. 1,021 sq m), to provide ancillary facilities associated with the retirement accommodation (including reception, kitchen, dining area, offices, doctor/ nurse room, refuse area, etc.) totaling ca. 571 sq m; a publicly accessible restaurant totaling ca. 236 sq m; a publicly accessible health and well being centre totaling ca. 993 sq m; 3) Single storey 40 sq m ESB sub-station; 4) 155 no. surface car parking spaces, access roads, footpaths, foul water treatment plant, tennis and boules courts, surface water attenuation tanks and all associated site work. 5) Demolition of single storey derelict house and outbuildings/ sheds comprising an area of 611 sq m; 6) A public hiking trail of 250 meters approximate length. Decision Due on or before: 01-Oct-2008 |
SD08A/0580 | Reg. Date: 19-Aug-2008 Applicant’s Name: Paula O' Brien Submission Type: New Application | Location: Site located at Cookstown Estate Road, Cookstown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: The demolition of an existing office block with a floor area of 2200sq.m and the construction of a part 4 storey mixed use development with a total gross floor area of 4642.6sq.m made up of the following; 2 no. retail units at ground floor measuring 202.6sq.m, 3 no. office units at ground floor measuring 661.1sq.m, 5 no. office units measuring 2282.8sq.m spread between first, second and penthouse levels. The proposed development also includes the relocation of the existing vehicular access along Cookstown Estate Road and site landscaping to surface carpark & ancillary site works. Decision Due on or before: 13-Oct-2008 |
SD08A/0636 | Reg. Date: 09-Sep-2008 Applicant’s Name: Mak Developments Submission Type: New Application | Location: South City Business Park, Kiltipper Way/Killnarden Link Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: Construction of a warehousing unit (13.15m high) totalling 4691.3m2 including 922.7m2 of ancillary intergrated office/staff facilities on two floors and 1127.3m2 of mezzanine storage together with rear canopy 5.0m high, entrance off existing internal estate road, utilities, services, landscaping, planting, paving, parking and all associated site development works. Decision Due on or before: 03-Nov-2008 |