south dublin county council crest


Monday, September 22, 2008


MOTION: Councillor M. Corr

That the Manager outlines the current status of the Local Area Plan for Saggart as agreed in the Development Plan in 2004.


Work has been completed or is on going in relation to a number of forward planning and infrastructural matters in relation to Saggart.  These include –

Ø      The pre-draft public consultation stage of the Fortunestown Lane/Garter Lane Local Area Plan (for lands which were re-zoned under Variation No. 2 of the Development Plan) has been carried out by the Planning Department.  The period for submissions closed on Friday 23rd May.  The submissions have been assessed and have been reported on in a Manager’s Report which is Headed Item (H-I (7)) at to-day’s meeting of the Area Committee.  The views expressed during the pre-draft public consultation stage will inform the preparation of the proposed Draft Plan, which is underway, and which will be brought to the Members for their consideration.

Ø      The Mill Road Area Plan has been prepared for zoned residential lands at the junction of Mill Road/Naas Road on the north-western edge of the village.  This plan will guide the future development of these lands.  No planning application received to date on the lands.

Ø      Preliminary work on an area plan for the zoned residential lands on the Boherboy Road, west of Verschoyle, has been carried out.

Ø      A study regarding possible Architectural Conservation Area designation for Saggart Village has also been carried out.

Ø      The Council deferred consideration of the new by-pass road around Rathcoole and Saggart until the Outer Ring Road has been completed.  The by-pass road, as partially approved at the July 2006 meeting of Council, will be located to the south of Rathcoole and will extend from Keating’s Park in the west to the GAA lands adjoining Rathcoole Park to the east.  The CPO has been confirmed for Phase 1 (Stoney Lane to the GAA lands).  

In compliance with the terms of the Part 8 Approval, a further study in respect of traffic patterns in Saggart is to be carried out upon completion of the Outer Ring Road. As the Outer Ring Road is not yet fully complete, it is therefore premature to re-examine the need for the relief road for Saggart and consequently the preparation of a Saggart Local Area Plan would be premature at this time.  In addition, as noted above, other area plans for the Saggart area have been or are being prepared which are guiding current development and will guide the future development of the village and the general area in a sustainable manner.