Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of RTFB ACM held on 12th January 2021
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Executive would he consider providing a local library for the Greenhills, Perrystown, Templogue area of SDCC.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants - (NO BUSINESS)
Library News & Events
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive to outline supports that are available to local businesses through this Local Authority in order to help them continue to trade, operate and employ workers throughout this global pandemic.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Corporate Support
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive engages with TII or the relevant body to have the trees along St. Colmcilles Way, backing onto Orlagh Park cut back as they are causing enormous issues for local residents.
Water & Drainage
To ask the Chief Executive to please replace a 3 metre section of fence opposite "Address Provided" that prevents access to the river? Residents believe that contractors acting on behalf of the Council removed part of the fence while dredging the river.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on when the piece of equipment due to be installed at the playspace in Greenhills park will take place. Can you please advise as to what this will be replaced with also? The wobble board was set alight in December 2019, over a year ago at this stage and the community would be grateful to have the playspace back to full capacity.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update in relation to the teenspace proposed for Templeogue and what it is envisaged that the teenspace shall include.
To ask the Chief Executive to identify possible locations in this Local Electoral Area where biodiversity meadows/areas could be planted.
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this committee requests that South Dublin County Council supports the residents of Cherryfield and Beechfield who wish to find a permanent solution for the ongoing graffiti that continues to occur at the Pavillion building in Beechfield Park. The Residents Association have been advised that painting over the graffiti is not an option, due to the blockwork type. It is also clear that even if they could, it would not discourage further graffiti. Indeed, it might even encourage it. We therefore request that the building be legitimately given over to local street artists who can create a piece or pieces of street art that will promote community, minding your mental health and empowerment. This could also help discourage others from tagging the wall in future.
That the Chief Executive agrees that given the ongoing problem of Anti-Social Behaviour at the new playground in Carrigwood, to recommend cutting back the hedging between it and the road to afford greater passive surveillance.
That this Area Committee requests that Council Management engage with Bolton Park Residents to take over management of a small playground within their new estate as a means of resolving public liability insurance, that they are unable to secure.
That the Chief Executive agrees to the have area of green scrub adjacent to "Address Provided" cleared so that it may be properly maintained by the local RA. This area is a magnet for drug use and illegal dumping.
That the Chief Executive agrees to urgently repair the pedestrian bridge on Edmondstown Road - there is significant damage to the bridge and is in need of repair.
That in accordance with the wishes of local schools and the aim of the Sports Pitch Strategy to ensure maximum flexibility, the new pitch at Mount Carmel will have portable goals to ensure its suitability for multiple sports.
That the Chief Executive please provides a report on the Big Belly Solar Bin project which was conducted in Rathfarnham?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Bi-annually Report on Litter Management Plan
That the Chief Executive asks all waste removal contractors to take great care not to drive on footpaths and verges within the estates in this Area.
That the Chief Executive gives serious consideration to providing temporary additional measures such as cameras to catch and prosecute offenders, given that fly-tipping has become endemic in Glenasmole during the lockdown, particularly in Piperstown and the stretch from Cunard Lane to the Military Rd.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting - NO BUSINESS
To ask the Chief Executive to please detail how many voids came back into the housing stock in 2020 in Firhouse Bohernabreena LEA?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Supply Programme Quarterly Report
To ask the Chief Executive to outline what village status is, if (and if so, why) villages receive greater funding and resources that other areas and how village status is determined. Can the Chief Executive please confirm the status of the areas of Orwell, Perrystown, Greenhills, Firhouse and Knocklyon?
To ask the Chief Executive what happens where planning permission has been granted, which has been upheld by An Bord Pleanála but where the land owner has rescinded permission for use of their property. Does this void the permission? In this instane, I refer to the recent granting of permission to install a 24m telecommunications mast behind houses at St. James Road, Greenhills, in the Greenhills Industrial Estate.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive reports on the current planning permission C2SD19A/0088, especially in relation to traffic restrictions and the boundaries with neighbouring estates.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update of grass verges that have been damaged in the Rathfarnham-Templeogue LEA and to ask how and when these verges will be repaired and what measures will be put in place to prevent such damage recurring.
That the Chief Executive would consider removing lamp post number 2 in Church Lane in Rathfarnham as it is choked with ivy and is inoperative and has been so for some time, and to replace it with a more traditional style of lamp post, like those in Rathfarnham village. At present, the lighting in the laneway is very poor and residents can be uneasy traversing the laneway after dark on their own.
To ask the Chief Executive to repaint school markings on Firhouse road outside Scoil Carmel fading badly on one side.
To ask the Chief Executive to include the Cremorne Estate, Knocklyon in the next Footpath Repair Programme.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads - NO BUSINESS
2021 Roadworks, Footpath and Cycle track Programme.
That this Area Committee requests that a public wall is built higher to prevent access to the Owendoher River on Ballyboden Road near the Fairbrook House properties. Anti social behaviour and littering is occuring on the riverbank as young kids are gaining access over a small wall and using the river in a dangerous way for jumping or diving. I have attached a photo of the precise location.
That the Chief Executive takes steps to deal with the problem of run off water seeping from the wall at Tournville in Rathfarnham out onto the path and roadway at Woodview Cottage Green as per attached photos, and rendering the pathway, in particular, lethal for pedestrians in icy weather.
That the Chief Executive installs a pedestrian barrier at the traffic lights on the Knocklyon Road close to the entrance to upper Dargle Wood, opposite the footpath down to Supervalu.
That the Chief Executive addresses the issues surrounding increased footfall, traffic and parking at rural hotspots in our mountain communities particularly at the Massys Wood, O'Callaghans Bridge and the Hellfire Club.