South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, February 09, 2021


MOTION: Councillor D. O'Donovan

That the Chief Executive reports on the current planning permission C2SD19A/0088, especially in relation to traffic restrictions and the boundaries with neighbouring estates.


The primary permission for development on this site is SHD3ABP-305878-19, granted by An Bord Pleanala in March 2020. As part of the Stage 3 documentation, a boundary treatment drawing was submitted and is not amended in the conditions of permission by ABP. The boundary treatment adjoining the existing dwellings is to retain the existing 2m high walls.

In relation to traffic restrictions, the SHD proposal included a submitted Preliminary Construction Management Plan prepared by DBFL Consulting Engineers on behalf of the applicant. This is available on the website. Condition no.2 of the permission granted outlines that the proposed development shall be carried in accordance with the EIAR. Section 14.5 Construction Phase in the Traffic and Transport Section states:

‘All construction activities will be governed by a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), the details of which will be agreed with the local roads authority prior to the commencement of construction activities on site. The principal objective of the CTMP is to ensure that the impacts of all building activities generated during the construction of the proposed development upon both the public (off-site) and internal (on-site) workers environments, are fully considered and proactively managed / programmed, respecting key stakeholders requirements thereby ensuring that both the public’s and construction workers safety is maintained at all times, disruptions minimised and undertaken within a controlled hazard free / minimised environment.

The likely impact of the construction works will be short-term in nature. The number of staff on site will fluctuate over the implementation of the subject scheme. Nevertheless, based upon the experience of similar projects, it would be expected that approx. 30 - 40 staff will be on site at any one time, subsequently generating low levels of two-way vehicle trips during the peak AM and PM periods over the period of the construction works (construction workers will use shared transport). On-site employees will generally arrive before 08:00, thus avoiding the morning peak hour traffic. These employees will generally depart after 16:00.

Likely deliveries to the site would be expected to arrive at a steady rate during the course of the day, the majority of which would be lorries that will be brought onto the site over the entire duration of the construction stage of the development. The proposed haul routes for the lorries will enter and exit the site via the Scholarstown Road. It is envisaged that the main access route will be through the M50 Motorway.

The potential impact during the construction phase would have a short term effect on the surrounding road network and with the CTMP and deliveries managed accordingly, these mitigation measures will reduce the impact on the road network during this period.’

The Planning Department will liaise with the Roads Section in relation to the CTMP.