Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 8th January 2008
Headed Items
Application for Grants
Library News Events
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"To ask the Manager to include the cherry tree outside (*details supplied) in the current year's works programme for removal. The resident has informed me she has requested that this be done as the roots of the tree are a hazard to pedestrians?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a new boulder at Roebuck Drive as the residents of the Drive have consulted with a stonemason who has informed them that the present stone is not suitable for inscription?"
"To ask the Manager to ensure the replacement and pruning of trees on Templeville Road as many of these are in need of replacement and pruning?"
"To ask the Manager to have street lighting put in place at the green area and pathway at the side of house 51 Aranleigh Gardens that might stop any anti social behavior in the area?"
"To ask the Manager to have the 30ft high tree (*details supplied) - totally unsuitable species for an urban street - removed and replaced with a suitable smaller species. Residents are worried re height, light etc. etc?"
"To ask the Manager when the planned low granite wall and railing will be provided at Whitecliff Estate at its boundary with Whitechurch Road?"
"To ask the Manager when a cleanup of the area adjoining the pedestrian bridge between Prospect Manor to Edmondstown Road will happen and what plans are in place for on-going upkeep of the area?"
Headed Items
Parks Works Programme 2008
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager examine the footpaths recently provided on the Glendown open space as they are flooding badly and pedestrians are unable to walk on them."
"That this committee discuss with the aid of an up to date report the taking in charge of Stonepark Abbey with a view to speeding up the full implementation of this objective as already agreed by this Council."
"That this meeting discuss the unwarranted delay in opening the pedestrian bridge between Prospect Manor and Edmonstown Road."
"That the Manager outline whether the open space between St. Mels Avenue Greenhills and Greenpark Estate was ever in the ownership of the Council and as to whether the Council ever sold this open space and that this Committee start in the proceedings for a C.P.O. on the open space due to the inability to maintain the land in question."
"That the Manager state what steps have been taken to reassure residents of Rathfarnham in relation to public consultation, provision of parking and anti-social behaviour in relation to the installation of the new playground."
"That this Committee discuss how and when the €123,200 allocated in the Parks Works Programme to the Terenure/Rathfarnham area in 2008 will be spent."
"That the Manager put in place car parking facilities beside the new Playground being built at Rathfarnham Castle."
"That this committee (a) discuss the provision of parking for the new Playground at Rathfarnham Castle and to revisit my suggestion of the provision of a small carpark to facilitate this playground & the formal garden inside the main gates of Rathfarnham Castle - otherwise as stated previously parking will take place on the quiet residential road of Woodlands and Castleside Rathfarnham - taking into consideration that Rathfarnham Castle and courtyards are for community use as well. (b) to work towards the provision of a Park Ranger for this park and to have stated opening and closing times displayed on all access gates. (c) to state the remit of the current 24 hours security service currently at the castle is this internal to the Castle -- does this facility extend to security of the grounds as well? (d) to state who will monitor the CCTV cameras and what part of the park will the CCTV monitor."
"To ask the Manager for an update on the request by residents of Wainsfort Manor to remove graffiti from the banks of the Poddle River and from walls adjacent to locked gates between Kimmage Manor and Wainsfort Manor. (Ref: Membersnet ID: 4459 and 4454)?"
"To ask the Manager to take urgent action to clean the graffiti at Delaford Road, along the laneways at Delaford and on the roof of Knocklyon Utd FC as soon as possible?"
"To ask the Manager to clean up the area between 16-17 Orlagh Grove Road?"
"To ask the Manager to outline the position with regard to private refuse collectors in Terenure-Rathfarnham?"
(No Business)
Headed Items
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(No Business)
"To ask the Manager for an update in relation to Item ID 13031 submitted in respect of apartments in Rathfarnham Village?"
Headed Items
Report on Housing Construction Programme
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Council outline the appropriateness of proceeding with the Part 8 plan for Kingston while the office of the Ombudsman is conducting an enquiry into the matter."