south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


MOTION: Councillor M. Ardagh

"That the Manager state what steps have been taken to reassure residents of Rathfarnham in relation to public consultation, provision of parking and anti-social behaviour in relation to the installation of the new playground."


In respect of the public consultation process for the proposed construction of a children’s playground at Rathfarnham Castle Park, Rathfarnham the following report was presented and noted at a meeting of the Terenure Rathfarnham Area Committee on 13th March 2007 and was subsequently presented to the Council Meeting of 10th September 2007.

“At a meeting of the Terenure Rathfarnham Area Committee held on 14th November 2006 it was agreed to proceed with a public consultation process for the proposed development of a children’s playground at Rathfarnham Castle Park, Rathfarnham.


The proposed construction of a children’s playground at Rathfarnham Castle Park, Rathfarnham was advertised in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, in the Irish Independent on Thursday, 11th January, 2007. 

The scheme went on public display from Thursday 11th January, 2007 to Thursday 8th February, 2007 at:

·                    The offices of South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght,

·                    Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

·                    Rathfarnham Castle Tea Rooms, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

The closing date for receipt of submissions was Thursday 22nd February, 2007.


A consultation process was also undertaken directly by staff of the Parks & Landscape Services Department with representatives of classes from St. Mary’s Boys Primary School, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 and the Loreto Girls Primary School, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.  Discussions with the children focused on their opinions and requirements from the proposed construction of a playground in their locality at Rathfarnham Castle Park.  The feedback was very positive and enlightening and the co-operation of the schools in welcoming and facilitating the process is appreciated. 


Three submissions were received before the closing date as follows:

  1. The Office of Public Works, Historic Properties, 7 Ely Place. Dublin 2
  2. Mrs. Angela Slattery, 21, Knockaire, Knocklyon. Dublin 16.
  3. Mr. Tom Mullins, Principal, St. Mary’s Boys School, Grange Road, Rathfarnham. Dublin 14.

Two submissions favoured the proposal, one with some observations.  One submission objected to the proposal.  A schedule of the submissions is detailed below.

Submission by

Item No.

Views Expressed

Council’s Response

1. Office of Public Works


Provision of a well designed screen of vegetation to minimise visual impact on the Castle.

The Council will incorporate these observations into the detailed design proposals for the scheme.


In order to reduce the visual impact of the playground from the Castle, that the high impact colours usually associated with children’s play facilities be substituted for more earthy colours such as a range of greens, browns and blacks, both for items of play and surfacing.

The Council will incorporate these observations into the detailed design proposals for the scheme


In relation to the proposed adventure trail, provision of considerable planting in the immediate environs of the individual exercise stations, which will help to maintain the woodland setting of the Castle and at the same time restore the woodland, where recent storm damage and an ageing tree population has taken its toll.

The Council will incorporate these observations into the detailed design proposals for the scheme

2. Mrs. Angela Slattery


Reasons for objection:

Due to unsociable behaviour.

One of the reasons for locating the playground within Rathfarnham Castle Park is due to the existing presence of a Parks & Landscape Services Department depot within the grounds also.  This will allow for close supervision of the facility by the Parks staff and reduce the possibility of anti-social behaviour.  In addition, there is a 24 hour security presence in the Castle and the surrounds are monitored by CCTV which will also be of assistance in this regard.


Grounds are an unspoiled area of the Castle and should remain that way

Rathfarnham Castle and its surrounding parklands are a popular recreational facility in the locality and it is felt that the inclusion of a playground will not spoil the area but rather add further to the amenity and recreational experience for park users. 


When apartment was purchased, there was no playground and it should not be built there now.

No address has been provided in respect of the apartment referred to

3. Mr. Tom Mullins


As an educator and as some one who has a keen interest in children, there should be many more playgrounds for our children.  We should have a suitable playground for our children.

We welcome support for the project from the local schools.


It is an objective of the Play Policy, adopted by the Council on 10th July 2006 to facilitate and support provision of appropriate, accessible and safe playgrounds and play areas for young people in South Dublin County. Arising from Action 2 of the Play Policy the Draft 5 Year Playground Construction Programme, which includes a proposal to construct a children’s playground at Rathfarnham Castle was presented and adopted by the Council on 1st December 2006. 

As the proposed works are consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, having regard to the Council’s Play Policy as adopted by the Council and the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004 – 2010, it is recommended to proceed with the proposed scheme as advertised.”

With regard to issues of car parking and anti-social behaviour which may or may not arise from the operation of the playground, these will be monitored and addressed as necessary.  Car parking facilities currently exist at the entrance to Rathfarnham Castle Park from Rathfarnham Road and will be linked to the new children’s playground by a new pedestrian pathway.