Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 13th November 2007
"To ask the Manager to remove the graffiti from the gable wall of the premises on the laneway between the Ashleaf Centre and the shops on Whitehall Road West (entrance off Whitehall Road West)?"
"To ask the Manager what the Council's criteria are for the issuing of a casual trading licence. (Details supplied)?"
Headed Items
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
That this committee recommends that SDCC partake in a trial of the Green Cone waste digesters in one area in the Terenure Rathfarnham Area. This takes all household waste including bones, meat etc. etc with NO residue ONLY FERTILISING RESIDENTS GARDENS. Meath, Louth, Cavan, Donegal, Mayo and others are currently using this system. This would greatly reduce waste to landfill.
"That the Manager report on the ongoing monitoring of noise and pollution at the Yard at the rear of Muckross Avenue and to say what the findings are."
“That the Manager put in place a facility, drop in area for green waste i.e. grass and hedge cuttings which cannot be composited at home to serve the Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Ballyboden/Knocklyon areas."
"That the Manager report on the collection and replacement of waste disposal bins on Whitehall Road e.g. bins are being collected before 7.a.m. and bins are not being returned to same house. To state what can be done to rectify this."
"To ask the Manager when the landscaping work will be carried out in Taylor's Court, Ballyboden and to ask if the design plan is available and if a contractor has been engaged to carry out this work?"
"To ask the Manager to give an update report on findings concerning the small strip of open space at Rathfarnham Village adjacent to two apartment blocks referred to at the last November Housing meeting (question)?"
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti Social Behaviour
Report on Grass Cutting at Taylors Court.
Report on Social and Affordable Housing
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager give an update on the Community Housing Units in Kimmage Manor."
"To ask the Manager for the latest report on the Pastoral, Community and Library project for Ballyroan and to state anticipated timescale and costs involved?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants
Library News Events
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager report on the recent site meeting with members of the community and the Whitechurch Building Committee and to ask if any concerns in relation to the community centre were raised by the residents at the site meeting."
"To ask the Manager to list the groups and organisations from the locality that utilise Rathfarnham Castle and the Pearse Museum?"
"To ask the Manager when the tree pruning/removal work will commence on Cypress Drive?"
“To ask the Manager to have the trees trimmed at the side of 79 Cremorne Firhouse Road as they are blocking light into house 79 Cremorne?"
“To ask the Manager to have the tree cut down outside house 22 Westbourne Lodge as it is lifting the path and causing damage?"
“To ask the Manager to have the small grass area in the laneway at the side of house 16 Westbourne Lodge levelled and reseeded so residents can cut the grass?"
"To ask the Manager Parks Dept if provision has been made for the Working Trials Club of Ireland for a facility in Tymon Park in conjunction with the new development there for Rounders club?"
"To ask the Manager for a start date for the Formal Garden at Rathfarnham and for a start date for the children's playground and anticpated timespan for each project?"
"To ask the manager to replace the broken trees at Scholarstown Road adjacent to Beverly Court as they are unsightly?"
Headed Items
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager give a full detailed report on the time schedule for completeing the Dodder Linear Walk."
"That the Manager review our standard of grass cutting and the unacceptable manner in which Parks department leave areas after grass cutting."
"That this committee discuss the Manager's proposals regarding the removal of trees on Cypress Drive."
"That the Manager report on the progress of the works carried out on the road frontage at Priory Walk on Whitehall Road and in the open space and to say if any work is still outstanding."