Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 9th October 2007.
"To ask the Manager to update the members when the small grass space at the entrance to Roebuck Drive off Whitehall Road West will be landscaped and the name of the estate inscribed on the boulder?"
"To ask the Manager to prune the tree on the small open space off The Court, Cypress Downs at the rear of (details supplied) which is overgrowing into the resident's garden, blocking her light and endangering the fabric of the boundary wall?"
"To ask the Manager to include in the grass cutting and maintinance of the area between 29 Whitechurch Veiw and 1 Whitechurch Dale in the maintenance of Whitechurch estate?"
"To ask the Manager what funds have been allocated to the refurbishment and enhancement of the green space in Orwell Park and whether a multi annual programme of funding be set aside to re-develop the green space in line with proposals submitted by the Orwell Park Residents Association and will he make a statment on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager could the roundabout at the junction of Osprey Road and Wellington Lane be refurbished to the same standard as the junction of Templeville Road and Wellington Lane and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the closure of the Bridge at Cloragh Mills, Edmondstown Road, linking Prospect Manor with Edmonstown Road. That a detailed report from the planning enforcement outline exactly the problem
(a) why the new bridge was closed after it being opened temporarily
(b) to state what works are outstanding on the bridge to bring it up to standard for re-opening
(c) to state what avenues SDCC is going to explore in order to ensure proactively that this bridge is opened without any further delay - as conditioned in planning?"
"To ask the Manager for a report on discussions with the residents of Moyville Lawns and an update on progress on items raised?"
"To ask the Manager if there is any way of controlling the number of magpies in Tymon North Park as many residents in the Greenhills area have noted the sudden increase in their numbers and the notable decrease of small birds that have been frequenting their gardens for years and will the Manager make a statement on the issue?"
"To ask the Manager what assistance the Parks Department could provide to the residents of Rossmore who wish to cut back and clear the undergrowth at the trees on Rossmore Road and will he make a statement on the issue?" |
"To ask the Manager could the pond in Tymon North Park be examined as residents have advised me that the water appears stagnent and will he make a statement on the issue?" |
Headed Items
Report on open space land at Willbrook Lawns
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager give a report on the provision of services in Rathfarnham Castle."
"That the Manager examine the trees on Glendown Lawn which were planted by the residents many years ago but have now grown to great height, in some cases over 30 feet, which now have an adverse effect on the street lighting. There is also a problem with magpie nests in the trees causing damage to cars. The residents believe that the poor street lighting has reduced security on the road and cars have been interferred with. Could the Council examine the situation to see if the trees could be severely pruned, additional lighting provided and the nests removed from the trees."
"That the Manager give a full detailed report on the time schedule for completeing the Dodder Linear Walk."
"That the Manager arranges for a comprehensive clean-up of the wooded and shrubbed areas on BOTH sides of the Templeroan Road as soon as possible given the state of the area."
"That this Committee discusses the disposal of the land to FAUGHS G.A.A. club with a view to expediiting the disposal procedure, and if a letter of 'comfort' could be issued to the club prior to this meeting as requested over three months ago. The club are missing out on valuable grant opportunities which they could avail of if this letter demonstrating that the procedure for disposal were at an advanced stage."
"That the Manager examine how the grass verge at the shops on St. Peter's Road, which was previously landscaped by the Council, can be redesigned for ease of maintenance, and will the Parks Department carry out an immediate clean up of the area which is overgrown with weeds and has become an eyesore."
"That the Manager give an updated report on the Rathfarnham Castle, and address the issues on his report of the 13-6-06."
"That this committee recommends that funding be allocated as a priority to allow for the execution of a new plan, proposed by the Orwell Park Residents Association, for work on Orwell Park Green i.e. the removal of all the Poplar Trees, replanting with smaller more suitable trees - not clustered together; and the construction of a pathway - noting that the 10,000 euro that was allocated for seating etc. on this Green in 2006 was not agreed by the Residents Association and so remained unspent."
"That the Manager review our standard of grass cutting and the unacceptable manner in which Parks department leave areas after grass cutting."
"That this committee discuss the Manager's proposals regarding the removal of trees on Cypress Drive."
"To ask the Manager for clarification of ownership of the area outside the gates of the scouts den in Limekiln Green and clarification on who is responsible for maintenance of that area?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants
Library News Events
Restoration of Templeogue House
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager set out the response from the Department of the Environment on the Council's submission on the proposed works for the restoration of Templeogue House and will he state when these works will commence and ask when consultation will take place with the Templeogue House Development Committee on the matter."
"That this committee discusses the provision of a swimming Pool for the Terenure Rathfarnham area -
(a) to ask if a suitable site has been identified,
(b) to outline a projected timescale for advancing the project."
"To ask the Manager if the Litter Warden has been successful in gaining access to (details supplied) to advise the tenants on best practice in relation to presenting bins for collection and removal of rubbish from gardens?"
"To ask the Manager to clean the Graffiti from the walls at:
1. Wall at entrance to Roebuck Drive
2. Wall on Whitehall Road West fronting Wellington Court apartments?"
"To ask the Manager to install additional bins in Orwell Park especially in the vicinity of the entrance to Orwell Shopping Centre?"
"To ask the Manager for clarification on the special offer regarding collection of bins by an outside company as many residents are confused and want to know what will happen if they don't accept the offer?"
"To ask the Manager if a leaf cleaning service could be introduced as in Paris with big hoovers as many old persons are fearful of walking with leaves on the paths and are afraid of falling and breaking a limb?"
Headed Items
Report on additional Bring Banks
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Council review its cleansing policy with regard to Rathfarnham Village and specifically its policy in relation to the issuing and payments of fines."
"That the Manager
(i) relocates the Bring Banks to the front of Whitechurch Shopping Centre
(ii) engages with the Spar ShopKeeper with a view to assisting with graffiti removal;
(iii) takes action against the landlord in relation to the derelict site/shop;
(iv) engages with the landlord in relation to the condition of the Shopping Centre including the dangerous surface of the car park."
"To ask the Manager to take any necessary steps to secure the dangerous boundary dividng the Laurels Apartments in Rathfarnham Village from the road into Castlecourt Apartments Rathfarnham Village as there is a considerable drop from one side to the other adjacent to a planted strip of land?"
"To ask the Manager for the number of persons now on the housing list (allocations) for the Terenure Rathfarnham area?"
"To ask the Manager for the number of homeless persons waiting for housing in the Terenure Rathfarnham area?
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
Part 8 Report on Taylors Lane
Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti Social Behaviour
Report on Grass cutting - Taylors Court.
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager give an update on the Community Housing Units in Kimmage Manor."