Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee 1 Meeting 17th September, 2007.
"To ask the Manager what initiatives have been put in place to ensure good estate management practice is practiced in all existing and up and coming estates in its ownership in the Tallaght South area, to indicate how successful any new initiatives have been and what proposals the manager has going forward to encourage community ownership, participation and civic responsibility?"
"To ask the Manager to report on the environmental issues that have arisen over time at St Aidan's Halting site and to state what is currently being done to address these issues and when the Manager envisages that this problem will be resolved?"
"To ask the Manager how many additional staff have been allocated to supplement the current staff numbers in estate management roles and on the antisocial team in the Tallaght area with the significant growth in numbers of South Dublin County Council owned housing developments such as Fortunestown B etc?"
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
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Cathaoirleachs Business
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the cleansing and cutting of the grass verges along Kiltipper Way on the Cushlawn side and the grassed areas at Cushlawn Drive and Walk regardless of whose responsibility it is as the Community in suffering unnecessarily as a result of a three year dispute between the Council and a developer".
"That this Committee be presented with details of the Respond Housing Project proposed for Springfield Tallaght including details of commencement and date of completion"
To ask the Manager to state when the proposed/promised CCTV system for the RAPID areas of Tallaght will be installed, the extent of this system and how this will be operated?
"To ask the Manager to give a report on the progress of the Jobstown Youth Facility?"
"To ask the Manager what additional resources have been allocated to the RAPID areas of Tallaght to deal with the aftermath of the Halloween season in terms of bonfires etc?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants (if any)
Library News Events
Library Development Plan
Community Linkage Fund Report
Ballycragh Community Facility
Cathaoirleachs Business
"That the Manager review as soon as possible the current pricing structure for use and membership of the Tallaght Leisure Centre as there still appears to be a significant reluctance to use the facility by many residents in its locale?"
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the immediate reinstatement of the basketball post at Fettercairn Community centre which was agreed by motion at the March 2007 meeting as the Court could and can not be utilised properly in its current condition".
"That this Committee receives an update on discussions between the Community Department and the Department of Education on what plans the minister has for financing the re-furbishment of Tallaght Swimming Pool at the Tallaght Community School Balrothery"
"To ask the Manager if the Council has at its disposal machinery for vacuuming broken glass particles from footpaths particularly those located through parks in the Tallaght area, if this machinery is not already used by the Council, to ask the Manager to go about purchasing this equipment as a matter of urgency as there have been a significant number of injuries to children throughout the summer along pathways that have not been cleared adequately by routine cleansing?"
"To ask the Manager how many additional staff have been engaged in the Parks Department in light of the recent significant growth in the number of playgrounds, play spaces and green spaces in the ownership of the Council, through RAPID initiatives, taking in charge completions etc?"
"To ask the Manager that the rear boundary of Firhouse Community College be pruned and that the mound of waste on the open space adjacent to Firhouse Community Centre and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager to report on what works will be carried out at Killinniny Tower, and can he provide a definite timescale for same?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the securing of the land along Whitestown Way which has recently been the site of a number of illegal ecampments and can the Manager make a statement on the matter?"
"What is the species of tree that are growing in front of 36 to 46 Gleann na Smol in Oldbawn ?. Is this Tree know for its prolific production of sap ?. Why were some of these Trees removed in the past and replaced with small Trees ?. What procedure must be followed to have the rest of these Trees replaced with a different species of Tree ?"
“To ask the Manager if he would organise as a matter of priority a clean up of the existing walk-way from Elmcastle Green in Kilnamanagh to the local National School, as this walk way is in a very poor condition and requires remedial work on the part of South Dublin County Council, and if he would make a statement on the matter?”
“To ask the Manager to state the total number of trees in the Elmcastle area in Kilnamanagh, which are in a poor condition or have died, and if the Parks Department are considering replacing these trees, albeit with more appropriate trees for the area, in the context of the upcoming tree planting programme, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”
Headed Items
Part 8 Report for new Playground in Sean Walsh Park
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Cathaoirleachs Business
That this Committe calls for the grass verges at Firhouse Road southern side (from Mortons Pub westward) be regularly cut and maintained, having regard to the fact that this phase of the improvement scheme was completed 3 years ago.
That, having regard to the fact that the existing shrubbery is unsightly, provides a haven for anti-social activity, and does not provide an adequate sound barrier, a suitable boundary eg a wall be erected at the area on Firhouse Road opposite Mount Carmel Park.
"To ask the Manager to focus the attention of the Litter Warden on a number of privately rented houses at * Details supplied as there is persistent and significant illegal dumping occurring which has been reported to myself on several occasions?"
"To ask the Manager to indicate, by way of an FAQ sheet, the implications of the proposed Variation to the Dublin Waste Plan for residents of the Tallaght area?"
Headed Items
Report on Additional Bring Banks
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Cathaoirleachs Business