Headed Items
(a) June Special Council Minutes - 15th June 2023
(b) Annual Meeting Minutes - 30th June 2023
(c) July Council Minutes - 10th July 2023
a) Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
b) Clondalkin Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
c) Tallaght Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
d) Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
To ask the Chief Executive how many renters in situ have enquired about purchasing their rented accommodation where an eviction notice has been provided in relation to a Landlord's Need to Sell and how many have been accommodated/had their application progressed?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report in relation to SDCCs obligations under S42 Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014. In particular, regarding "the actions to be taken to enable [SDCC] implementation of the Duty, and the key moments for implementing the duty in developing or reviewing our strategies plans, programmes and policies.
To ask the Chief Executive, in regards to S42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014, whether IHREC has asked for any review to be made or change in operations and/or policies?
To ask the Chief Executive if any complaints have been made in relation to SDCC under S42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014.
To set out in tabular form by year from 2019 to date, the amount of funding allocated for tree maintenance, to include tree pruning, tree felling, tree stump removal and tree replanting.
What happens to funding allocated for projects approved under the €300k Have Your Say initiative which cannot proceed, is there a facility whereby an additional project may be chosen from the shortlist instead, so that the funding is used in the area it was intended to benefit?
To ask the manager how many people are currently waiting for a place in family hubs in the county
To ask the manager how many homes have been purchased in the county as part of the tenant in situ scheme
Recently on CBL properties were advertised with a 25 year lease, what happen after the 25 year lease expires
To ask the Chief Executive if there is rodent infestation or extreme tree or hedge overgrowth caused by the neglect of a vacant property what course of action can the neighbouring properties take.
To ask the CEO if an applicant is on another Local Authority housing list but has a cross over for area of preference as South Dublin, does the applicant keep their time on the list & how does that allocation process work?
To ask the Chief Executive of all current staff within the Council, what percentage are female?
To ask the Chief Executive, since the new Council housing portal has been in place for the public, how many queries have been answered and resolved & how many has gone unanswered and unresolved?
To ask the Chief Executive, what is the average waiting time for a 4 bed on medical priority?
To ask the CEO, when a house fire occurs in a Council or AHB property, is it Council Policy to provide alternative accommodation to a tenant or tenants while work is carried out?
Could the Manager please make a report giving details of the current policy concerning the process of adding adult children to the tenancy of current social housing and explain why so many applicants are turned down for tenancy?
Are there any barriers to Council allotment holders keeping beehives on their plots?
To ask the Chief Executive how many applications there have been for Local Authority Housing Loans to South Dublin County Council in 2023 and how many have been approved?
To ask the Chief Executive what procedures and incentives are currently in place to deal with graffiti, and to give a report on how many hours/month are spent by South Dublin County Council in dealing with graffiti ?
To ask the Chief Executive what facilities and programmes are currently in place in our South Dublin County Libraries for neuro diverse children and if there are any plans to install sensory pods or sensory rooms ?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the Domestic Lead Remediation Grant Scheme. Report to include how many applications there have been in 2023, the criteria for eligibility, and how many grants have been approved?
To ask the Chief Executive what Programme is currently in place in South Dublin County Council regarding the maintenance of road traffic signs, road name signs and housing estate signage?
To ask the Chief Executive if South Dublin County Council Staff are dealing with reports from Communities in respect of the increasing use of Nitrous Oxide; will he appreciate the concerns of local Communities in respect of this matter and will he make a Statement ?
To ask the Manager as to the location and protection of high quality/heritage trees in SDCC, including current efforts to map and protect said trees?
To ask the Chief Executive how much on average is spent annually on cleaning up illegal dumping in the county?
To ask the Chief Executive if there are any schemes for waste disposal for households in hardship?
To ask the Chief Executive if the Vacant Homes website (www.vacanthomes.ie) is still in use and if members of the public should continue to report vacant homes to the website or directly to South Dublin County Council?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a list of all vacant homes in the South Dublin County Council area that have been reported by members of the public or councillors to SDCC directly and through the Vacant Homes website?
To ask the manager to comment on the report in the Journal.ie stating that South Dublin County Council has not levied any monies against landowners of derelict sites in 2022 and update the meeting on progress in 2023 to date. https://www.thejournal.ie/local-authorities-not-collecting-dereliction-levy-6122687-Jul2023/
To ask the Chief Executive how many Data Centres are in the County Council area and how it compares to other local authorities?
To ask the Manager to report on existing contracts for clearing weeds at hard surfaces in estates and in the public realm where glyphosate may be used by contractors. Report to include when contracts are due for renewal and updates in finding alternatives to glyphosate.
To ask the Chief Executive how South Dublin County Council will ensure access to information and views of local people who do not use online facilities following the introduction of the new Customer Care arrangements for the public.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm what options are available to members of the public with limited I.T. skills or accessibility issues to allow full and equal access following introduction of the new Customer Care arrangements
To ask the manager how many vehicles in its fleet have transitioned to being electrified and what percentage does this represent?
To ask the chief executive if it can happen that a household that have been granted a tenancy transfer between two SDCC owned properties or from an SDCC owned property to one managed by an AHB can ever be paying double rent in both residences while they move from one to the other?
To ask the Chief Executive, why despite the ambition of Cycle South Dublin and other active travel initiatives, that this local authority has by far the lowest budgetary allocation for staffing for Active Travel projects for 2023 of the four Dublin Local Authorities? Note, Local Authority allocations are published online by the NTA under,'Active Travel Investment Grants: 2023 Allocations'.
To ask the Chief Executive to update members on how and when a schedule of Public Rights of Way will be created for this local authority as agreed in the current County Development Plan?
To ask the chief executive what approach this local authority has to keeping on street storm water drains cleared?
To ask the Chief Executive if this local authority publishes and distributes a hard copy programme of events for Heritage Week which takes place in August each year as is the norm in other local authorities such as Kildare County Council?
To ask the Chief Executive to give details of the number of Home Loans granted this year and will he confirm actions being taken to promote the availability of such supports.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the policy of the Council in dealing with requests, from any source, to cut down a Tree in an estate and will he make a statement?
To ask the CEO if any contact has been received from NCBI seeking support for the "Clear Our Paths" campaign; does he plan actions in that regard and will he make a statement? Charlie O'Connor
To ask the CEO to detail plans to deal with the challenge of the forthcoming Halloween Season; will he give assurances and make a statement?
To ask the Chief Executive to detail how many Council houses have been refused by those on our lists so far in this calendar year and will he make a full statement in the matter?
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm if regular checks are made on the quality of the water supply in our County and will he make a statement?
To ask CE to confirm what levies were collected the council in relation to Derelict Site Levies in the county to date. If the CE could make a statement on the matter given a recent publication on this matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to explain the Taking In Charge process and what happens if a builder doesn't comply?
To ask the Chief Executive, in regards to the Taking In Charge process, why are developers allowed build elsewhere without finishing estates ?
To ask the Chief executive to explain the Memorandum of Understanding with Utility companies ?
To ask the Chief executive in regards to the Memorandum of Understanding with Utility companies , How its enforced?
To ask the Chief executive in regards to the Memorandum of Understanding with Utility companies , to consider how it could be strengthened and enforced?
Headed Items
(No Reports)
(a) LD 1587 - Proposed disposal of substation site to ESB - Brady's Court, Old Bawn, Tallaght, D. 24
(b) Disposal of fee simple in 111 Castle Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
(c) Disposal of fee simple in 29 Alpine Heights, Clondalkin, Dublin, 22.
(b) Disposal of fee simple in 111 Castle Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
(a) LD 1587 - Proposed disposal of substation site to ESB - Brady's Court, Old Bawn, Tallaght, D. 24
(c) Disposal of fee simple in 29 Alpine Heights, Clondalkin, Dublin, 22.
(a) AFS 2022
(b) Audit Report
A) URDF Round 3 Funding
B) Update on Previous Funding Approvals
(a) Reply from the Minister of Transport in relation to Motion 4 (Road Traffic and Roads Bill 2021) at the June 2023 Special Council meeting.
(b) Reply from the Minister of Health in relation to Motion 4 (Decriminalisation of Drug Use) at the June 2022 Council meeting.
(c) Correspondence from Clare County Council re. Stained-glass image of St. Brigid
(d) Correspondence from Cork County Council re. Lyme disease
(e) Correspondence from Leitrim County Council re. School Bus drivers
(f) Correspondence from Waterford County Council re. Active Travel Funding
(g) Correspondence from Wexford County Council re. Use of the term "Halting Sites"
That this Council calls upon the Department of Rural and Community Development to include rural areas of Dublin in the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) in order to assist in carrying out improvement works on private and non-publicly maintained roads.
That South Dublin County Council writes to the Minister for Justice to express our support for the continued use of the Special Criminal Court, as necessary to combat organised crime and terrorism, and support stronger safer communities.
That the Chief Executive reviews how medical priority applicants are allocated ground floor or specially adapted accommodation as well as how such additional accommodation is identified so that those in most urgent need on health and safety grounds are not left waiting years solely due to time on list.
That this Council confirms its pride in, and continued support for, Ireland's traditional policy of military neutrality, and writes to the Taoiseach to declare this support
To ask SDCC that when a victim of domestic violence moves from one local authority to another that they are allowed carry over their time on the housing list rather than starting from the beginning
This council agrees that in line with Regional Policy Objectives and 2022-2028 SDCC County Development Plan, opportunities for widening of footpaths in urban cores presented by planning permission applications for lands bordering existing narrow footpaths in same urban cores will not be lost.
To ask the Minister for Health and the Government to ensure that the "3 Day Wait" period be retained in the Termination of Pregnancy Act and that promises made by the Government, during the 2018 Referendum to Repeal the Eighth Amendment, not to be reneged on now.
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to initiate a Campaign, highlighting the "Scramblers and Quads, Know The Info" and the "Do It Right" campaign, and to work with all schools, Community Centres and Community & Voluntary Projects in our County to raise awareness.
That this Council look at how the motion agreed at the County Development plan below can be made a reality be rededicating an existing space or allocating a new space in our county to support and facilitate the provision of a memorial park of remembrance for all survivors of the Mother and Baby and County Institutions.
This Council agrees to call on the Taoiseach and Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, as a matter of urgency to increase the pace of implementing imperative actions and critically examines any inactions which are contributing to missing legally-binding greenhouse gas targets for 2030 and beyond.
That South Dublin County Council erect Lyme disease information and warning signage in all public parks and areas, which may pose any risk of tick bites which can result in the contraction of Lyme disease, to advise of the dangers of this disease and the steps to take to minimise the risk of contracting this chronic condition. See attached image of signage erected in Kilkenny following the adoption of a similar motion.
As members of the public have raised issues with the limitations of the Housing Maintenance Portal this Council calls on the Chief Executive to reinstate the Customer Care Desk in the Council for the public to attend for advice & emergencies, to allow for walk-ins for maintenance requests and to allow maintenance requests over the phone to support tenants who are not IT literate/or for those who do not have access to the internet or for those who have a disability