Monday, September 11, 2023
QUESTION: Councillor K. Mahon
To ask the Manager to report on existing contracts for clearing weeds at hard surfaces in estates and in the public realm where glyphosate may be used by contractors. Report to include when contracts are due for renewal and updates in finding alternatives to glyphosate.
The elected members of South Dublin County Council voted in July 2017 to adopt a partial ban on the use of glyphosate based herbicides and this partial ban continues to be enforced as intended in public parks, public gardens and in play spaces. The Council's Public Realm section continues to seek ways to reduce the use of glyphosate in accordance with the relevant aims of the Pollinator, Biodiversity and Climate Action Plans.
Glyphosate continues to be used to control the growth of weeds on hard surfaces, in particular as part of the services provided under the road sweeping contract which is performed by Oxigen Environmental Ltd. This contract includes a weed control programme which provides for the treatment and removal of weeds throughout the period April to September. The terms of the road sweeping contract will enable the Council to move away from the use of glyphosate and demand the use of non-glyphosate treatment methods, once a suitable alternative method has been identified and tested to the satisfaction of the Council. A number of alternative methods have been examined and trialled (hot water, hot foam, electrophysical, non-glyphosate chemicals) however none have been found to be suitable to date. The road sweeping contract will expire at the end of 2024, a tender process will take place during 2024 to procure a new service and this will provide an opportunity in the coming 12 months for the position to be reviewed regarding the continued use of glyphosate or alternatively a move away from it's use to a proven alternative treatment system. There are currently no alternative methods in use by the Council or it's contractors, in areas where the partial ban on glyphosate applies the growth of weeds is managed by either hand removal or allowing weeds to grow in boundary areas where grass and weeds are allowed to grow long.
The Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (SUD) establishes a framework within which EU member states can achieve the sustainable use of pesticides by setting minimum rules to reduce the risks to human health and the environment that are associated with pesticide use. The Directive is designed to further enhance the high level of protection achieved through the entire regulatory system for pesticides. Implementation of the SUD relies heavily on the training of the various people involved at all levels including professional users and sprayer operators and such a training programme is in place for the relevant Council staff.
The current approval for the use of glyphosate is due to expire this year and the matter will be considered further by the European Commission at the appropriate time. This Council will comply fully with whatever decisions are made regarding the continued use, or otherwise, of glyphosate based herbicides.