Headed Items
Minutes of Meeting held on 25th April 2022.
Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) Presentation
"To ask the Manager how many people are on the housing list in the Tallaght area with a requirement for 4 bed accommodation and is there a plan to build 4 bed accommodation?"
"To ask the Manager for a date for when the fire door for Saoirse Women's Refuge will be replaced?"
"Can management confirm how many housing units in Tallaght are owned by Real Estate investment Trusts and Landlords IRES REIT, URBEO and Comer Brothers? What payments are they liable for under the Annual Rates Scheme? Can the Council confirm how much is paid monthly to these landlords under the HAP or Homeless HAP schemes?"
"To ask the CEO to report on the work towards the allocation of the Age Friendly accommodation units at Fernwood and Maplewood in Springfield and in reporting will he also confirm when he now expects the developments to be completed and may we have a statement?"
"Can the manager report on what is the plan for Hazel hill site and current about of families at location?"
"Can the manager make a report on issues of anti social problems in the Tallaght area?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask if a report can be provided to the June Tallaght Area Committee into a review into how homeless services in the constituency operate in terms of funding, support for access to addiction programmes and mental health services, supports for people entering/leaving the accommodation, and how often regular meetings with key workers take place. A video interview released by journalist Martin Beanz showed single women in homeless services raising concerning points surrounding the issues above (surveillance, reporting to tusla, lack of training by staff to deal with issues, never having meeting with key workers?"
"To ask the Manager to update on the provision of a Community Centre for Citywest?"
"To ask the CEO to report progress on the delivery of the long promised Community Centre for Citywest; will he furnish full details and make a statement?"
"To ask the chief executive for an update on the proposed community centre in Citywest?"
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"Can the manager please update on the plans for the junction/ traffic management at OldBawn Rd/ N81/ Tallaght Village and provide a timeframe for works?"
"To ask the CEO how many parking fines were issued in Tallaght in 2021 and may we have listing of the areas involved and may we have a statement?"
"To ask the CEO if there has been any progress in respect of the School Street Project at St Mark's National Schools in Springfield and may we have a statement?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this council discuses the issue of clamping at Citywest Quarter where residents are being routinely clamped because of lack of carpark spaces - I have been contacted by a resident who has been clamped serval times in the past couple weeks (125 removal fee, 50 added on for any additional days). Residents have been told underground carpark is full, and they will be put on a list without any timeframe of when or how the issue will be resolved. This includes HAP tenants, and people who are already being squeezed by cost of living crisis - additional fees like such are causing an impact. Can the manager report on the number of car parking spaces in the planning permission and any related issues?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to furnish a report on the development of the proposed Innovation Quarter on Tallaght Town Centre Lands and may we have a statement?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
"To ask the CEO for an update on plans to provide a Library for Citywest on a site in Citywest; will he outline the schedule being followed and make a statement?"
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Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Manager if there is an update on signage in Sean Walsh Park (around the playground) with contact information for parents and guardians to alert the council to issues within the playground that they are concerned about eg. Drug paraphernalia/ broken bottles?".
"Would the Manager make a report to this Area Committee regarding the much viewed video on Social Media, showing a person in a wheelchair which had a bike attachment, having great difficulty in getting through a Kissing Gate at Dodder Valley Park, and indicate to this Committee how the accessible entry points are made known to the public and to also advise how modifications can be made to these gates to make greater accessibility?"
"To ask the CEO to update members on plans for works on the Wetlands site, Tree Park Road, Kilnamanagh; will he appreciate the local interest in respect of the issue and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to report on further contacts with stake holders in respect of Butler/McGee Park; will he detail further plans for the Park and make a statement?"
"Can the manager have cushlawn parade inspected as it has been reported that lots of glass broken on paths and open space area also other rubbish dumped in the general area?"
"Can the manager provide public bins around the killinarden area Especially around the schools and community center and sports clubs in the area?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
"To discuss and agree a solution to help reduce the Anti Social behaviour in the Carrigmore / Cushlawn end of Sean Walsh Park?"
"This Area Committee calls on the CEO to identify an area within Kilmartin Estate or Boundary for a wild flower meadow?"
"Can the manager report on the amount of dumping in the tallaght area and what the cost was to the council for removal of waste in each LEA?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)