Headed Items
Confirmation and Affirmation of Minutes of October 2021 ACM
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive to ensure litter picking takes place in the green spaces of the junction between Wainsfort Drive and Wainsfort Road and if a statement could be made if the green areas are public realm under the ownership and management of South Dublin County Council.
Correspondence(No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
That the manager update this Area Committee on the progress of the playspaces in Dodder Valley Park.
That this Council approves the planting of a small Pocket Forest on the Green area opposite St. Colmcilles Primary School and the Church in Knocklyon.
That the Manager commits to include an upgrade of the walkway between Edwards Court in the Moyville Estate, and the Edmondstown Road in the next works programme. Necessary works include a handrail for elderly residents, clearing away the foliage which conseals an uneven surface beside the steps and additional lighting.
That the manager issues a report on when the installation of the new bins that were committed to for the area is due to commence.
That the small bin at the top of Woodview Cottage Green, as per photo attached, be replaced with a large bin sufficient to cope with the amount of rubbish being discarded, noting the footfall in the area.
That the Manager commits to planting a wildflower meadow on the grass verge at the top of the Scholarstown Road - see map attached. The area is difficult to keep cut and tidy and it would really enhance the area to cultivate some colour along this busy road.
To ask the Manager what the current plans are in relation to noise pollution in the Castlefield estate, following on from the latest government report on noise pollution in Dublin.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
That 'dogs on leash' signs be provided for public roads in the immediate vicinity of sheep farming areas in Glenasmole / Bohernabreena.
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
That the manager provide an update on Irish Water's progress as regards the promised containment tank to address the recurring problem of sewage surcharging into Dodder Valley Park and on what other remedial steps are being taken in the interim.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Housing Allocations Report
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
That the Manager reports on the current status of all Tidy Town groups in the RTFB LEA, specifically in relation to governance, funding provided over the past five years and accounts filed in relation to same.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update as regards the ongoing works on the Grange Road in Rathfarnham and when it is anticipated these works will be completed.
Could I ask the manager how much the upgrade works on the Cypress Grove Road Cycle lane is costing please, and is the budget coming from central government or where?
Can the Council please provide details of any estates in the Firhouse Bohernabreena LEA which are engaged in the TIC process?
To ask the Manager for an update on the planned pedestrian crossing at the Stocking Wood estate in Rathfarnham.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads - NO BUSINESS
Winter Maintenance Programme
To ask the Chief Executive to furnish an update, in tabular form by LEA, setting out which areas and estates have been upgraded to LED lighting, together with a schedule and timeline setting out when the remaining areas and estates will be upgraded.
That a member of the Roads team conduct a site visit of the laneway at Friarstown Lower which residents are seeking to have taken in charge.
To ask the manager for an update on any permanent cycling schemes that relate to the D12 Bike Bus route, including details of routes, plans, timelines and funding streams.
That this area committee requests the Chief Executive to consider measures for safer pedestrian access at a junction between Anne Devlin Park leading to Ballyroan Road? Concerns have been raised about the safety of school children, just at the pedestrian crossing at Anne Devlin Park in Rathfarnham. Would further road markings be possible to indicate a pedestrian crossing point? A photo of the junction is attached.
To ask the Manager to redesign the cycle track at Taylor's Lane where it meets the private shops (Costcutter). That such a cycle track should be brought back behind where the cars are parked. To provide a report on the safety of this track in its current state and to ask if this cycle track is designed to DMURS and in accordance with the National Cycle Manual.
This area committee asks the Chief Executive to examine the condition of footpaths on Ballyboden Road, in particular between 159-197 Ballyboden Road and arrange repairs as required.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
SHD Stocking Lane, Ballyboden, D16
Economic Development
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New Works (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
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NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants - NO BUSINESS
Corporate Support
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)