Agenda - October 2006 County Council Meeting

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09/10/2006 00:00
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


a) Minutes of Meeting of South Dublin County Council, 11th September 2006

b) Minutes of  Adjourned Meeting of South Dublin County Council, 19th September 2006

(all circulated herewith)

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Roads Department, Housing Administration, Planning Not is use


a) Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee (1) - 5th September 2006.
Dealing with Roads, Planning (dealt with at Sept. Meeting), Development and Corporate Services. 

(no report)

b) Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee (2) - 5th September 2006
Dealing with Community (1 report - Grants), Parks, Environment and Housing.

(circulated herewith)

c) Tallaght Area Committee (1) - 18th September 2006
Dealing with Environment, Parks, Community (1 report - Grants) and Housing.

(circulated herewith)

 d) Tallaght Area Committee (2) - 25th September 2006
Dealing with Roads, Planning, Development and Corporate Services.

(no report)

 e) Lucan /Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 20th September 2006 
Dealing with Development, Planning (1 report  - Motion CPO), Corporate Services and Roads . 

(circulated herewith) 

f) Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee (2) - 26th September 2006
 Dealing with Environment, Parks, Community (1 report - Grants) and Housing. 

(circulated herewith)

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

 a) Clt


a) Draft Calendar of Meeting Dates

b) Report on Joint Inter Authority Area Committee Meetings on Fringe Issues

c) Filling of Vacancies on the Vocational Education Committee and County Enterprise Board. 

d) Report on Annual Allowance for Mayor and Deputy Mayor

(all circulated herewith)

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Pat Smith, Jim Walsh (Development Business), Mary Pyne, Philomena Poole, Frank Coffey, Tom Doherty


a) Environment SPC,  6th September 2006 - (i) Minutes of Meeting held on 3rd May 2006

b) Housing and Social Development SPC, 7th September 2006 - (i) Minutes of Meeting held on 4th May 2006

c) Sports, Recreation, Community Development and Parks SPC,  13th September 2006 - (i) Report of Meeting 13th Sept, (ii) Minutes of Meeting held 24th May 2006

d) Transport SPC, 14th September 2006 - (i) Report of Meeting 14th Sept, (ii) Minutes of Meeting held on 11th May 2006

e) Economic Development (Planning & Development) SPC, 20th September 2006 - (i) Report of Meeting 20th Sept, (ii) Minutes of Meeting held 17th May 2006

f) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Education & Libraries SPC,  28th September 2006 - (i) Report of Meeting 28th Sept, (ii) Minutes of Meeting held 25th May 06

(all circulated herewith)

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(no report)


Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Breda Fogarty

To ask the Manager to write to the PRTB requesting the following information relevant to this County:

1.   The number of complaints against tenants in Private Rented accommodation from neighbours suffering the ill effects of mis-management of properties owned by Private landlords?

2.   The average length of time for all stages of a Dispute Resolution to be completed?

3.   When it is envisaged that the PRTB services will be available to the public by telephone outside of the hours of 10am til 12.30pm?


Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Pat Smith, Bernie McCormack
To ask the Manager to make a statement about the Council policy in relation to placing council officials on community and voluntary groupings? In his statement, could the Manager please define the role of Council staff  on such groupings, the instructions given to them, and explain whether, or not, that role has changed in recent times?
Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Paul Hogan

To ask the Manager to report on the most up-to-date information health issues relating to overhead ESB Power Lines as agreed to my request at the May 2006 Council Meeting, and when will the Manager report to the Council by way of a Headed Item on this matter?

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Paul Hogan

To ask the Manager to report in detail on the second designation of Strategic Development Zoning lands in South Dublin County Council and very specifically to report in detail on the impact of resulting further traffic congestion if our transportation infrastructural problems are not firstly and comprehensively resolved prior to the development of any further high density development such as a second SDZ in South Dublin. The absence of a modern and comprehensive transportation system is currently causing the most chronic traffic congestion on our roads, the result of which is severe damage to the quality of life of the local residential community?


Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Muiris O'Keeffe

To ask the Manager to provide up-to-date and detailed reports on meetings and consultations that have taken place in recent times with the relevant authorities, including the Gardaí, Dublin Bus, the Toll Bridge Operators, Dublin Transportation Office  etc., including details of what innovative ideas and fresh thinking is being considered by these authorities in association with South Dublin County Council in the interest of maintaining the quality of life of the local residential community in helping to resolve the most severe, unprecedented and unacceptable levels of traffic gridlock on our roads?

Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Michael Kenny
To ask the manager to report on the effectiveness of the Enforcement Function within the various SDCC Departments, detailing the number of cases investigated and their outcomes for the years 2004, 2005 and 2006, such report to include the number of resources deployed in enforcement activity by department / function, the performance measurement employed and would he make a statement on the matter in light of the impact of the constraints in employing additional staff.
Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Paddy McNamara
To ask the Manager if he will provide a report on the manner in which a vote/plebiscite of registered electors under Section 180 of the Planning and Development Act should be organised and overseen for it to be valid for the Council to act upon the result in accordance with the Section of the Act concerned?
Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Bernie McCormack
To ask the Manager for a report on the effect on the delivery of the Council's services of the embargo on the recruitment of additional staff in a County with a rapidly increasing population and consequent increase in demand for services ?
Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Patricia Doherty
To ask the Manager if he will provide information on the following: (a) How many applications have been received for Council's Affordable Housing programme since 1 January 2005 ( excluding houses provided under the Sustaining Progress Initiative ) ?, (b) How many of the applicants have been approved as eligible in the same period?, and (c) How many approved applicants have been allocated Affordable Units?  
Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Brendan Hynes
To ask the Manager for an updated report on projects in which the Council is currently involved with external organisations such as Housing Associations to provide sheltered housing for older people, including information on the location of the projects, or potential projects, in the County?
Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Michael Kenny
To ask the Manager if South Dublin County Council will establish a new post of responsibility within the Planning Department which would give advice to local groups and residents where a major development is being proposed, if he is aware that Dublin City Council have employed 2 planning officials to head up such a unit to help residents and groups within the City Council area, if he would discuss this development with Dublin City Council and make a statement on the matter?
Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Ursula Donnellan

To ask the Manager to make a statement concerning the recent work of Council staff in relation to the compilation of the electoral register, to state the total number of changes as either by way of deletions or amendments to the existing Register that have occurred as a result of the preparatory work for the compilation of the Register for 2007/2008, and if he will make a statement on the matter? 

Headed Items

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Roads Department


(no report)

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Housing Administration, Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.


a) LD 1140  Proposed grant of Lease to Weston Hockey Club at Lock Road, Ballyowen.

(circulated herewith)







H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Planning Not is use


(circulated herewith)

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(circulated herewith)

H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Tony Shanahan
Michael Kenny

Report on Proposed Variation of South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004-2010 for lands at Tallaght West Swimming Pool/Sports Complex

(circulated herewith)





H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Finance Department
Finance Department


(circulated herewith)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter, dated 14th September 2006 from Waterford City Council regarding motion passed calling on the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources to implement the recommendations of the report 'An Post - A New Vision'.

(circulated herewith)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Yvonne Dervan

Mayor's Business

That this Council re-examine our policy on how builders/developers fulfill their Part V requirements, in relation to the provision of 3 or 4 bedroom houses.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Irenie McLoughlin

Mayor's Business

That this Council supports the restoration of  "Whitehall House" Kingswood, Tallaght  which was for a period the home of poet Katherine Tynan.  The elected members urge the IRFU to indicate when work will commence on the house,  which is in their ownership and is a protected structure (Ref: 179).

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Martin Judge
That the Council undertakes a review of the regulations governing the siting of planning application roadside public notices, particularly in light of obvious flaws relating to where a planning application may be lodged within an estate that directly affects residents to the rear of that house but located in a different estate.
Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. O'Conchúir
Neil O'Byrne
That this Council will adopt a policy of using the Irish Language in the naming of all new housing estate developments.
Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Paul Fleming

That this council approves the following change to the disposal of 'end of life' vehicles:-

a)  That the €50 charge be scrapped.

b)  That a sum of perhaps €200 be paid to people who bring a car to an 'end of life'  unit.

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Martin Judge

That that the Members discuss the process to secure the integrity of the Council's planning files and call on the Manager to improve it in light of recent failures by the Council to fulfil its obligations in this regard. 

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Billy Coman

That this Council values the role and contribution of the Community Forum and Community Platform and will positively support them by holding at least one conference per annum dealing with issues of concern to the community and voluntary sector to which the executive from both organisations, as well as the elected members of the Council be invited and by  providing each organisation with a full time support worker and by including both organisations on the relevant invitation list for council events.

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Gerry Fitzgibbon

That the Manager would report on the initial stages of the Review of the Water Leisure Strategy specifically regarding the provision of the outstanding Swimming Pools.  Would the Manager also set out in detail his intentions to ensure that the necessary funding is available in the case of government funding not being made available. 


Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Billy Coman
That in the light of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to which Ireland has signed up, and which includes the right of the child to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child, and the onus  the National Children's Office, the National Children's Plan and the National Play Policy place on local authorities to provide for children exercising this right, this Council should appoint a Play Officer as it is required to do under the National Play Policy.
Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Ardagh
Michael Coleman

That the Manager review the criteria for animal rescue groups that entitles them to have fees waived: 

  • Confirmation of an organisation's status as a registered charity.
  • Confirmation of planning permission to operate a dog pound facility
  • Copy of a current General Dog Licence
  • Names of the nominated individuals, approved by the organisation to collect dogs on behalf of the organisation

as not every animal rescue group is a registered charity,  no rescue centres have permission to operate a dog pound as these are rescue centres and not every animal rescue have premises and many volunteers operate from their homes and will he give a report on the matter.



Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Paul Fleming
That this Council recommends that South Dublin County Council reduce the use of fossil used fuel by switching to a renewable energy source.
Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Paul Fleming

That this Council, in order to combat the proliferation in illegal domestic clothing collections;

investigates the possibility of introducing bye-laws which oblige all collectors to clearly identify their company/organisation name , address, landline and other relevant company/organisation/charity number details, together with the relevant tax clearance details;

and inter alia introduces severe penalties for those collectors and residents who knowingly breach these regulations;

organises a publicity campaign to alert householders to any proposed changes

and examines best practise in this regard.

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
John Quinlivan
That South Dublin County Council adopt a policy whereby our County Council would purchase back houses in Council estates from elderly residents in return for them moving into rented sheltered accommodation.
Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Jim Kilgarriff

That the Manager would report on progress made to resolve the residual works and issues causing the delay in the opening of the County's first Skate Park. Now that the substantive works have been completed for some considerable time, would the Manager seek a time-scale from the developers to complete the Skate Park so that it can be opened without further delays.

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Paddy McNamara

That this Council agrees to draw up a policy as per  circular PD1 of 2006 from the Minister reminding planning authorities of their legal obligation imposed by section 180. The circular also stated that planning authorities must establish a policy for the completion and taking in charge of estates, and  (b) that it include a policy on management companies.

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Yvonne Dervan
That in view of the enormous barriers facing young people in securing their own homes in South Dublin, due to rampant inflation in house prices in every part of the County and the failure of Government to adequately resource the provision of Social Housing and Affordable Housing, this Council re-affirms its commitment to realising in practice the delivery of 15% of all housing in the County as Social and Affordable Housing under the Part V process and calls on the Manager to refuse to negotiate any departure from this requirement with any developer in the County.