South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, October 09, 2006


QUESTION: Cllr. Eamonn Tuffy

To ask the Manager for an updated report on projects in which the Council is currently involved with external organisations such as Housing Associations to provide sheltered housing for older people, including information on the location of the projects, or potential projects, in the County?


Proposals for sheltered housing schemes are currently being developed by the Council in partnership with voluntary housing associations, while a number of sheltered schemes are being provided directly by the Council including the new and refurbished units at Liscarne, Clondalkin and New Road, Clondalkin (which will be suitable for independent living).    In addition, the Council encourages the provision of a broad mix of house types and unit types in all the larger schemes being designed or developed together with an appropriate and sustainable tenure mix to reflect the varied housing needs of the County.

There are proposals for the provision of 51 units of sheltered accommodation for the elderly as part of the Part V requirement included in the planning permission for a residential development on the site of the former Eircom Training Centre, Wainsfort Road, Terenure.    It is likely that the units will be managed on behalf of the Council by a Voluntary Housing Association with the relevant expertise required to manage such a facility.   

It is proposed that the sheltered units will consist of the following:

13 No. 2 Bedroom 4 person units

22 No. 2 Bedroom 3 person units

15  No. 1 Bedroom 1/2 person units

1 No. Caretaker unit

While each suite is a self contained unit, with dedicated kitchen, bathroom and living area, the project will also incorporate shared facilities including a communal dining room and kitchen, laundry service, medical treatment room, and specially equipped assisted bathrooms.   The facility is designed to allow elderly persons maintain their indpendence for as long as possible, while providing in-house care facilities as required.    It is envisaged that the accommodation will provide for a mix of independent, semi-independent and fully supported accommodation and the configuration of the different client groups to be accommodated will be subject to discussion with the voluntary housing association selected to manage the project.

The Council is currently in discussions with Fold Housing Association in relation to the proposed management of 35 units of sheltered accommodation for elderly people as part of a commercial/residential development at Whitestown Way Tallaght.   Further details of that project will be made available to the Members when it has been further developed.

Proposals are currently being developed for the provision of a number of sheltered housing units as part of the Part V provision in respect of a  development at College Park, Terenure.    Further details of the project will be made available to the Members when it has been  further developed.