Agenda - Tallaght ACM (1) Meeting - 16th January, 2006

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16/01/2006 00:00
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Katherine Nicholls

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting (1)  - 7th December, 2005

(circulated herewith)



Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Paul Fleming
"To ask the Manager is he prepared to initiate a brown bin trial in the Tallaght area in the coming months?"
Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Paul Fleming

"To ask the Manager to arrange for a clean-up of the perimeter of St Annes School Fettercairn and along Drumcairn Avenue as these two areas have become eye sores with litter strewn about the place and along the railings surrounding the school?"

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Paul Fleming
"To ask the Manager, to investigate the ongoing burning of refuse on the green space at Brookview Drive (details supplied )with a view to obtaining details of those involved in this illegal activity?"
Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Paul Fleming
"To ask the Manager if he would positively consider a request from Pine View Residents in Aylesbury for a junk collection to be organised in this Estate for the 2006 junk collection and if he will make a statement on the matter?"

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services

New Works

(none received)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services


(none received)

Headed Items

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services

Cathaoirleach's Business - Councillor E. Maloney

(none received)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Paul Fleming
"That this Committee recommend that the Council change its policy of not placing litter bins within estates"
Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Paul Fleming
"That this committee calls on the Manager to install a litter bin adjacent to public open space at Ard Macha, Old Bawn.    This area is located within the catchment area of the shopping centre and is used by students and public alike as access.   The Council policy of not placing bins in housing estates should not apply in this case"



Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Michael Coleman
"To ask the Manager to give a comprehensive update with respect to the provision of Creche facilities in both the Jobstown Village Core and within the new Brookfield Community and Youth facility?"

Headed Items

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services

Application for Grants

(circulated  herewith)

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Teresa Walsh

Library/News Events

(circulated herewith)

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Michael Coleman

Update on Public Art Programme - Per Cent for Art Scheme

(circulated herewith)

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services

New Works

(none received)


Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services


(none received)

Headed Items

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services

Cathaoirleach's Business  -    Councillor E. Maloney

(none received)



Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Jim Kilgarriff, Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager if he is aware that chunks of the perimeter fence surrounding the park and opposite the houses at (*addrress supplied) have been and are being dismantled and will he direct that this wall be reinforced and will he note that failure to act on this leaves pieces of bricks lying around the place which are dangerous and an invitation to anti-social behaviour?"


Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Jim Kilgarriff
"To ask the Manager to forward a schedule of tree planting for the West Park area following the removal of trees earlier this year?"
Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Jim Kilgarriff, Bill Kearney
"To ask the Manager what progress is being made on the cleaning out of the water areas in Sean Walsh Park as there is consistently a lot of litter at waters edge?"
Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Jim Kilgarriff
"To ask the Manager when does the Parks Department plan to close off the Pedestrian Entrance to Tymon Park from Balrothery?".
Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Jim Kilgarriff
" To ask the Manager to have arranged the pruning of the  trees to the rear of number 10 Radhairc na Habhainn, Old Bawn bridge and will the Manager note the damage done to the adjacent fencing by the trees and will the Manager confirm if there is a preservation order on any or all of those trees?"
Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Jim Kilgarriff
"To ask the Manager to outline his plans, if any, for the improvement of the open space adjacent to Firhouse Road West and the Aylesbury Shopping Centre, if money as been set aside in the context of the 2006 Parks Works Programme for such a project, the nature of consultations to date with the local community in connection with this project and if he will make a statement on the matter?"

Headed Items

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Jim Kilgarriff


(circulated herewith)

H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Jim Kilgarriff
Jim Kilgarriff

Arboricultural Programme 2005-2006

(circulated herewith)

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department

New Works

(none received)


Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department


(none received)

Headed Items

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department

Cathaoirleach's Business -  Councillor E. Maloney

(none received)



Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Jim Kilgarriff, Christy Boylan
"That this Committee recommends that the Parks Department end the process of spraying verge edges and service bollards and strimms edges as this process is unsightful and does not eradicate the problem"
Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Jim Kilgarriff
"That the Parks Department ensure that all residents in the Ardmore Estate are included in a consultation process with respect to the taking in charge issues relating to the green spaces in the estate".
Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Jim Kilgarriff
"That this committee requests the Manager to locate a site for a skate park in Tallaght central area to enable people to begin a process of fund raising planning etc"



Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Tom O'Neill

"To ask the  Manager if he is aware of the necessity to clean up loose rubble opposite the houses at *(address supplied) since it is being used as missiles to cause damage to windows and property in the area and will he note that a very minimal amount of work would secure this area?"

Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Helen Keane, Jimmy Kelly

"To ask the Manager to provide a detailed status report with respect to the motion passed at the adjourned special meeting of the Council 9th May 2005 which states the following:  

“That this Council in the provision of a Group Housing scheme for Fortunestown ‘B’ commits to achieving the urgent essential services for the people of West Tallaght supports the implementation of a timetable, concluding December 2007.  This timetable to include:

·        The provision of a comprehensive social integration programme within local schools

·        Provision of additional creche and playground facilities

·        The sustainable operation of the existing all-weather pitches

·        The sustainable operation of the local Swimming Pool

·        The upgrading of St. Aidan’s Halting Site

·        The sustainable operation of the Brookfield Community & Youth Facility.

 This timetable to be subject to a six-monthly report to the Tallaght Area Committee comencing June 2005.”


And to ask the manager to make a statement with respect to any delays in the provision of the aforementioned projects?"


Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Tom O'Neill

"To ask the Manager to report on progress with respect to the setting up of a Residents/Tenants representative group in the Russell Square development, to indicate any barriers to the setting up of such a forum and how he proposed to overcome these barriers?"


Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Tom O'Neill
"To ask the Manager to outline the Council's plans to deal with anti-social behaviour in the Tallaght Central area given the Manager's recent commitment to tackle this issue?"
Qu (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Breda Fogarty, Michael Fagan
"To ask the Manager to outline any progress made on the initiative to use private rented accommodation for the Council's housing needs "RAS"?"
Qu (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Tom O'Neill
"To ask the Manager, to list in an itemized manner the number of anti-social complaints received in the past twelve months from each estate in the Administrative area of this Committee and further list the number of transfer requests from each estate that cite anti-social as the reason for their application for a transfer and that these lists be drawn up in an effort to identify and target trouble spots with imaginative preventative  measures but also reactionary methods when necessary?"
Qu (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Tom O'Neill
"To ask the Manager, what plans there are, if any for the vacant unit which formerly housed the "Tallaght Lone Parents Centre" at Kilmartin Drive, Fettercairn, stating if it is envisaged that it will be utilised by the housing or by the Community Department?"

Headed Items

H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration
H-I (14)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration
H-I (15)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Helen Keane, Jimmy Kelly
Six Monthly Report on Implementation of Timetable of Programmes and Services in the West Tallaght Area (following from motion adopted at Council Meeting of 9th May, 2005 at which the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2005 - 2008 was adopted)
H-I (16)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

New Works

(none received)


Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration


(none received)

Headed Items

H-I (17)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Cathaoirleach's Business -   Councillor E. Maloney

(none received)


Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Philip Murphy
"That the Architects address as a matter of urgency the condition of the boundary wall of Russell Square given the ommission of an agreed report on the matter to the last Tallaght Area Committee"
Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Tom O'Neill
"That this Committee calls on the Manager, to clarify his position in relation to the provision of a boundary wall to the rear of 16 Kiltalown Road, while understanding there appears to be an issue with a spring in the garden but  recognizing the resident in question is in need of the aforementioned wall for privacy and security reasons further calls on the Manager to make provision for this wall as soon as possible".
Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Tom O'Neill
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the "Laneway" between 60 Donomore Park and the boundary of Killinarden Park to be extinguished as it serves no purpose other than creating a rat run for stolen cars and a hang out for anti-social elements from the area".