Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 26th April, 2010.
"To ask the Manager to inspect the Junction of Fortfield Road and Templeogue Road for road safety issues in particular cars going straight ahead to our Lady's school and engaged in turning right towards the village?"
"To ask the Manager to inspect the footpath outside of houses 9 to 13 Templeville Drive and replace the temporary tarmac repairs with concrete as promised when the path was dug up?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a disabled parking spot at the shops at Whitehall Road West at the Post office. To investigate if the parking outside these shops is in Council control and if not to locate a parking site at the top of Rockfield Ave as near to the shops as possible and before the houses?"
"To ask the Manager to carry out a review of the traffic-calming measures within the Swiftbrook Estate with a view to providing additional ramps and signage?"
"To ask the Manager to inspect path outside *Details Supplied.The path has a 2 -3 inch step between joints and needs immediate fixing?"
"To ask the Manager to repair road outside *Details Supplied?"
"To ask the Manager to provide double yellow lines opposite House, *Details Supplied. The resident can't enter or exit his own driveway due to the number of cars that park opposite his house and on the bend of adjoining road?"
"To ask the Manager to review the need for a ramp on Old Bawn Avenue, at the sharp bend close to No 40 and 43, due to residents concerns about safety?"
Headed Items
Adoption of Control of Parking Bye-Laws 2010.
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(No Business.)
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee, in view of the obvious danger to pedestrians exiting from the gap from Garrynisk Estate in Kingswood towards the LUAS track, calls on the Manager to liaise with other agencies with a view to urgently resolving this matter.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the installation of a yellow box and a flashing “children crossing” sign at the junction of Wainsfort Grove and College Drive. Exiting from Wainfort Grove onto College Drive is dangerous because of the difficulty in seeing traffic on College Drive due to a bend in the road. This has been exacerbated since the opening of the Daisy Chain Montessori school and crèche in the area.
That this Committee notes the lack of landscaping and ugly substandard nature of the completed works at the Outer Ring Road - Tallaght section and requests the Manager to carry out a detailed analysis of how this stretch of road compares aesthetically to other roads of a similar significance in the county with a view to enhancing this area immediately.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange an inspection of the roads in the Willington,Rushbrook area as they are in a bad state of repair.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to examine the issue of pedestrian safety at the roundabout at the junction of Old Bawn Avenue and Dun an Oir, especially at school opening and closing time at Maelruans N.S. and Old Bawn Community School, with a view to making this junction safer.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to inspect all footpaths in Kilnamanagh and agree to the dishing of paths that require dishing as part of the finishing and reinstatement work that will be carried out as a result of the new lighting system currently being installed.
In order to promote active citizenship and to assist in removing an Anti-Social blackspot, that the Manager agrees to extingush the right of way on the footpath between St Aongus Green and Tymon North Road, to facilitate the provision of a Community Garden, in accordance with the wishes of the local community.
Corporate Services & Libraries
Headed Items
Library News & Events
New Works Corporate Services & Libraries
(No Business.)
Correspondence Corporate Services & Libraries
a)Letter SENT to the Manager, Dublin Bus, on 30th April 2010, as a result of a Question submitted to the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to a request for the provision of a bus shelter at one of the stops on Ballycullen Road.
b)Letter SENT to the Manager, Dublin Bus, on 30th April, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to the opposition to the reduction in the bus service in Tallaght, resulting from the proposed review of services by Dublin Bus.
c)Letter SENT to the Garda Commissioner, on 30th April, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to policing in the Kingswood area.
d)Letter SENT to the Superintendent, Tallaght Garda Station, on 30th April, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to policing in the Kingswood area.
e)Letter SENT to the Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform, on 30th April, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to policing in the Kingswood area.
f)Letter SENT to the Minister for Environment, Heritage & Local Government, on 30th April, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to a request to prioritise legislation in relation to the height of trees and hedges on private and public property.
g) Letter RECEIVED from the Garda Commissioner, on 11th May, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to policing in the Kingswood area..
h) Letter RECEIVED from the Superintendent, Tallaght Garda Station, on 12th May, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to policing in the Kingswood area.
i) Letter RECEIVED from the Office of the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government, on 18th May, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 22nd February, 2010, in relation a request for the review of the Derelict Sites Act, 1990.
j) Letter RECEIVED from the Office of the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government, on 7th May, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to a request to prioritise legislation in relation to the height of trees and hedges on private and public property.
k) Letter RECEIVED from the Office of the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government, on 20th May, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 26th April, 2010, in relation to a request to prioritise legislation in relation to the height of trees and hedges on private and public property.
Cathaoirleach's Business.
That this Committee, conscious of a lack of child changing facilities in County Hall for members of the general public to have access, agrees to call on the Manager to investigate and address this issue as a matter of urgency.
That this Committee requests the Minister for the Environment and Local Government to place a refundable deposit on bottles of alcohol within the Tallaght area as a pilot project for a limited period - to be rolled out nationally going forward as a budgetary measure.
"To ask the Manager to confirm what, if any, action is being, or has been, taken to ensure that the dumped material at Whitehall, Kingswood (owned by IRFU) is removed (as per planning permission) and to where?"
"To ask the Manager for a full report on the restart of building works on the site at the rear of St Peter's BNS, Limekiln Road, Greenhills, and to make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to give a report outlining the information he has regarding the current occupancy and the amount of empty apartments currently in the Tallaght Town Centre lands.
"To ask the Manager to give an update on the proposed masterplan for Jobstown Park?"
"To ask the Manager to inform this Committee if the Parks Dept will continue to cut the grass on Bishops Field at the 168th St Aengus Scouts Den and when will ownership of this site pass to the H.S.E.?"
"To ask the Manager to confirm the grass cutting schedule including frequency for long grass roadside verges, and public open spaces in the Ballycragh/Bohernabreena Cottages area?"
"To ask the Manager to outline how the security and safety of residents whose homes back onto Kiltipper Park will be accommodated, as they are concerned about the possible influx of people, and having regard to the fact that the area is now subject to incursion by quad bikes etc which is a cause of danger and nuisance?"
"To ask the Manager to report on the promised repairs to the grass verge outside *Details Supplied, given the repeated problems at this site for the residents in the adjoining house over many years?"
Headed Items
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
(None Received.)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to set out his plans re the design for the refurbishment of the playground in Tymon Park i.e. that part of the park close to St Aongus, Tymon and Kilnamanagh and if he could set out a time frame as to when this refurbishment is due to commence by South Dublin County Council Parks Department and if he will make a statement on the matter.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to allow Scoil Carmel access to the green area behind the school which is part of the Dodder Linear Park.
That the Manager ensure that grass cutting on large greens is carried out at the same time as the edges or smaller boundary areas of grass in the area.
"To ask the Manager to indicate when it is likely that the applicant, *details supplied, will be allocated an allotment at Friarstown, and can he also outline the position generally?"
Headed Items
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
(None Received.)
That the Manager clarify the ownership of the footpath from Silvio's take away to the Templeogue Inn. This area is a cause of serious concern to the residents of Templeogue, and is presenting a health and safety risk.