south dublin county council crest


Monday, May 24, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney

"To ask the Manager for a full report on the restart of building works on the site at the rear of St Peter's BNS, Limekiln Road, Greenhills, and to make a statement on the matter?"


Prompster Developments Limited were granted Planning permission by An Bord Pleanala, on 16th June 2006, in respect of the following proposed development at   Temple Manor Avenue off Limekiln Farm & St. Peters School, Greenhills, Dublin 12.:

“Demolition of the existing 3 storey school building and the construction of 30 no. dwellings which are broken down into 5 blocks A, B, C, D and E all above basement as follows: Block A consists of a 3 storey block containing a total of 5 no. apartments as follows- 4 no. 3 bed & 1 no. 2 bed apartments with dormer windows facing north-east & south-west;  Block B consists of a 4 storey block containing, 7 no. apartments consisting of 6 no. 2 bed apartments and 1 no. 3 bed apartment which is incorporated within the roof with dormer windows facing north-east & south-west;  Block C consists of a 4 storey block containing 7 no. apartments consisting of 6 no. 2 bed apartments and 1 no. 3 bed apartment which is incorporated within the roof with dormer windows facing north-west and south-east;  Block D consists of 9 no. 3 storey terrace houses consisting of 9 no. 3 bed with balconies;  Block E consists of a 4 storey block containing 2 no. 4 bed houses with the fourth floor incorporated within the roof and dormer windows facing north-east & south-west;  basement level consists of 44 no. car parking spaces, plant room, attenuation tank, and lift & stairs for access to the courtyard and access to Block E;  ground level consists of 7 no. car spaces, refuse storage and bicycle storage located to the south-east of the site and covered lift and staircase for access to the basement located in the courtyard, together with an E.S.B. substation facing south-west with pedestrian and vehicular access off Limekiln Farm Road with security gates all with proposed landscaped courtyard, boundary treatment and site development works.”

The above planning permission has a duration of 5 years.

The applicant therefore has until 15th June 2011 to implement the permission.

A site inspection was carried out under the Derelict Sites Act 1990 on this site in February 2008. The site was deemed to be non-derelict.