Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 26th May, 2008.
To ask the Manager if the developer of the site at Greenhills Road, Tallaght, relating to SDO4A/0731, has submitted written concent from the VEC in relation to their land, as requested in Condition 3 (ii) of the planning permission granted.
To ask the Manager to clarify if the work and time schedule of work commenced at the old M.P.I site on the Main Road, Tallaght is in compliance with all conditions of planning permission SD06A/0849 (work on the site is commencing at 6am some mornings and ceasing at 8pm) and this is causing an understandable inconvenience to nearby residents?
Headed Items
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
B. Files requested by members
Report on Taking in Charge of Estates
That the Manager outlines the current status of the Local Area Plan for Saggart as agreed in the Development Plan in 2004.
To ask the Manager to outline in detail the number of strips of lands adjacent to existing residential developments owned by South Dublin County Council in the Kingswood Heights area?
Headed Items
Respond! Housing Association on Cookstown Way
Headed Items
(none received)
That the Manager give details the sites in Tallaght that have been deemed to be derelict since the commencement of this Council term.
To ask the Manager to arrange the repair of the lamp post, bollards and footpath on Blessington Rd., Tallaght, located outside First Active House, in the interest of public safety?
"To ask the Manager to outline the reasoning for the removal of the pedestrian crossing at the vicinity of the entrance to Balrothery Estate and will the Manager note the severe inconvenience caused to numerous pedestrians, many who live in the Balrothery Estate and will the Manager outline what action can be taken to alleviate this inconvenience?"
"To ask the Manager for a detailed update on proposals to extinguish the right of way at *details supplied with spefic reference to the construction of a wall at this location?"
“To ask the Manager in respect of a request to have a yellow box provided at the entrance to the Verschoyle Housing Estate in Saggart on the City West Road, if he can outline what progress has occurred in respect of this proposal since it was first mooted, and the likely timeframe involved before the yellow box in question will be established, and if he will make a statement on the matter.”
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (none received)
M50/Greenhills Road Bridge
Kiltipper Road Traffic Study
Headed Items
(none received)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to provide a detailed report on discussions between this Council and the contractor/developer and the N.R.A. in relation to new Tallaght By-Pass bridge and its Taking-in-Charge. Furthermore, the provision of a time-table to rectify the outstanding works at the entrance to St. Dominics N.S. and St. Colmcilles.
This Committee calls for a box junction to be placed at the junction of the Old Court Road and Kilininny Road.
That this Committee demands that J. OConnor Ltd.,complete work on the footpath on the Greenhills Road, between the apartment building and the rear of St. Basils Centre, and that the Council obtain notice of this work and when it will be carried out.
This Committee calls for the erection of signs at the entrances to Ballycragh estate warning cars to slow down in consideration of children at play.
Corporate Services
Headed Items
(A) Letter dated 4th June, 2008 sent to the Minister for Health regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th May, 2008, in relation to Social/Child Protection services in the Tallaght Area.
Letter dated 18th June, 2008, received from the Office of the Minister for Health regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th May, 2008, in relation to Social/Child Protection services in the Tallaght Area.
(B) Letter dated 4th June, 2008 sent to Bus Atha Cliath regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee of 26th May, 2008, in relation to the provision of bus shelters at bus stops.
Letter dated 12th June, 2008, received from Bus Atha Cliath regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee of 26th May, 2008, in relation to the provision of bus shelters at bus stops.
(C) Letter dated 4th June, 2008 sent to the Minister for Education & Science regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th May, 2008 in relation to the neglect of the Holy Rosary National School with regard to the School's Building Programme.
Letter dated 11th June, 2008, received from the Minister for Education & Science regarding a motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th May, 2008 in relation to the neglect of the Holy Rosary National School with regard to the School's Building Programme.
Headed Items
(none received)
This Committee calls on An Post to locate a post box at Old Court shopping centre.