south dublin county council crest


Monday, June 23, 2008


Planning Files

A. Large applications under consideration

SD08A/0018 Reg. Date: 13-Jun-2008 Applicant’s Name: Niall O'Farrell Submission Type: Additional Information         Location: Ballymount Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Proposed Development: Part 4/part 5 storey building (5 storey overall) to provide a gross total floorspace of c.7,220sq..m. of office based industry in 2 no. units (Unit 1 of c.2,955sq.m. GFA and Unit 2 of c.3,085sq.m. GFA).  The scheme provides for a roof terrace at fourth floor level on the southern elevation; a pedestrian bridge from the southern side of the proposed building at first floor level to the adjoining footpath on the M50/Calmount Road junction to the south west: 129 no  car spaces at grade level, 92 no. bicycle parking spaces, bin store, switch room, gas room, and all associated landscaping, boundary treatment and site development works.  The vehicular entrance to the site will be from the internal access road in Ballymount Business Park which is accessed off Ballymount Road Upper.  All on a site of c.0.77 hectares bounded by the grounds of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to the north; internal access road and 'Fashion City' to the east; the Ballymount Interchange and M50 sliproad to the south and south west; and Calmount Rod to the west. Decision Due on or before: 10-Jul-2008  
SD08A/0281 Reg. Date: 29-Apr-2008 Applicant’s Name: Calmount Group (Holdings Ltd) Submission Type: New Application         Location: Calmount Business Park (Block D Site), Blocks D1 & D2, Calmount Avenue, Calmount Road, Ballymount, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: The erection of 2 no. buildings as follows: Block D1 2 storey over basement carparking & 2 no lower ground floor units & 10 no ground floor units floor area 2689m sq. Block D2, 2 Storey with 7 no units floor area 2051 m sq. All having optional occupancy use including (a) office (b) office based industry. New single storey ESB Substation floor 22m sq. Underground & surface carparking, on site mains service connections, site development works & landscaping, site access from Calmount Avenue Existing Decision Due on or before: 23-Jun-2008  
SD08A/0347 Reg. Date: 23-May-2008 Applicant’s Name: Place Property Ltd. Submission Type: New Application         Location: Fortunestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: The provision of a park and ancillary development including landscaping, tree planting, park furniture and construction of surrounding boundary walls with local pedestrian entry car parking and associated vehicular access road from Citywest Shopping Centre and including the provision, construction or erection of any structures in connection with or for the purposes of enjoyment, management or operation of this local recreational facility which has been jointly developed on foot of Condition No. 4 of SD03A/0857 and conditions of other grants of permission for adjoining developments with the consent and agreement of adjoining land owners for the overall benefit of the existing community all on a site of 4.28hectares located on lands west of Citywest Shopping Centre, south of Carrigmore Green, Fortunestown Lane, Saggart, west of Saggart Abbey off Citywest Road, N82. Decision Due on or before: 17-Jul-2008