Headed Items
a) - Minutes of the Special Presidential Nomination Meeting 20th September 2018
b) - Minutes of the Council Meeting 8th October 2018
c) - Minutes of the Special Council Meeting 16th October 2018
a) Rathfarnham/Templeogue-Terenure Area Committee - 9th October 2018
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No report)
b) Clondalkin Area Committee – 17th October 2018
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No report)
c) Tallaght Area Committee – 22th October 2018
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning (Planning - 1 Report), Economic Development, Libraries & Arts (Arts - 1 Report), Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
d) Lucan Area Committee – 23th October 2018
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Report)
(a) Vacancy on the Board of Rua Red
a) Land Use Planning & Transportation SPC
(No Reports)
How many Traveller families are awaiting bays in the county?
When was this Councils' Traveller Accommodation Plan last reviewed, and what was the outcome?
How many of our Traveller specific accommodation sites make provision for animals, eg stables? Animal care and in particular horse ownership is a big part of Traveller culture and is proven to improve mental health. How do we support this as a local authority?
To ask the Chief Executive what the turnaround time is between planning applications being submitted, them being viewable online and what is regarded as an acceptable turnaround time?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide details of any meetings or correspondence that he has had with the Minister for Housing Planning & Local Government in regards to housing issues since February 2016 including the dates and a brief outline of the topics discussed including any discussions relating to Joint Venture Projects in the County.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the applications to the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund, and to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive if he has any plans to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of this Council during 2019; if he will consider any low-cost but appropriate events or publications (online or otherwise); and to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the private rented inspections which have taken place to date in 2018; to indicate the failure rate for these inspections; to provide a year-on-year comparison in terms of inspections carried out and failures; to indicate a breakdown of reasons for failure; and to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive how many Traveller accommodation units are provided in the County and to give a breakdown on type of unit. Also to provide the total population of Travellers living in accommodation provided by the Council in the County.
To ask the Chief Executive how many full time and part time tree crews are operating in the County currently and to give a report on tree management in the County. Information required please.
How many trees are on the approved list waiting to be pruned or removed and how does this compare to last year and to the previous year?
Also to ask if the County tree survey and registration of each tree on a database ever completed and if so, is available in a summary format?
Can the Chief Executive give an update on this motion below that was passed in July.
Since this motion was passed Fingal county council have installed two water fountains in public areas.
Monday, July 09, 2018
MOTION: Councillor D. O'Brien
That in the interests of reducing waste and litter in our county this Council will investigate the possibility of installing public drinking water fountains where possible in parks, tourist attractions and any other busy locations throughout the County.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the total number of voids currently that SDCC has. Broken down by LEA and for this report to include the time frame for when these houses will be ready to be put back in to use.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the Tree Strategy for the County and to include by Area Committee, (a) the number of requests from residents for action on particular trees since January 1, 2017 , (b) the number of trees that are still on the “to do”, (c) what is the average time between a tree being reported and action being taken, (d) why are tree stumps left so long without being removed and can the Chief Executive give the average period of such a wait at present.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014-2018 for this County, highlighting successes and indicating challenges faced; and to make a statement on progress to date by SDCC in supporting the Traveller Culture and economy.
To ask the Chief Executive if Comhairle na nÓg have been invited to make a submission for the 2019 Budget as agreed during their last presentation to a full Council meeting, and if not, are there any plans to invite them at this late stage to make a written submission?
To ask the Chief Executive to present an update on the Council's actions to deal with the challenges of Brexit as it effects our County; will he give assurances that everything possible is being done to assist local businesses; will he confirm contacts he has had with Government, business and other agencies and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to present an update on actions being taken in respect of Climate Change; will he confirm contacts he has had in respect of this most important issue for our futures and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm actions he is taking to promote Disability Inclusion in our County outlining the various contacts he has had in respect of this matter and will he make a statement.
To ask Chief Executive if he would bring the members of the Council up to date on his efforts to respond to the ongoing housing / homeless crisis as it effects our County; will he give full details of those initiatives and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive if he can now confirm that additional funding and resources will be provided in the 2019 Budget to respond to concerns from communities throughout the County in respect of the Tree Programme; will he appreciate that communities are anxious that everything possible will be done to deal with those concerns; will he give details and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive what steps this Council, given the climate changes taking place and the severe water shortages experienced this summer, will take to safeguard the water supply within our County.
To request the Chief Executive to advise on the protocol regarding provision of public litter bins within housing estates, including the areas that have litter bins within housing estates, and if open green spaces that exists in housing estates are considered as open public space.
To ask the Chief Executive for an updated report on the ‘Solar Bins’ pilot for the county, if there is any further details regarding the benefits of ‘Solar Bins’
To ask the Chief Executive for a report in relation to the events carried out over the Halloween, to include the programmes put in place to eliminate the creation of unauthorised pile up/bonfires and what costs if any were occurred in post clean up.
To ask the Chief Executive to advise what delays if any, (including timeline) exist within the ESB carrying out necessary works to switch on street lights / traffic lights in new developments and if the department is resourced to fulfil these necessary works within new developments.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into the pre and post clean up for Halloween 2018 and information available so far?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into what SDCC propose to do in relation to getting all people to register to vote and in particular get migrants to register to vote before the local elections 2019?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into Homeless within SDCC how many are on list and to compare this with same time last year? To give a breakdown of what accommodation they are currently being offered and receiving ?
That the Chief Executive issue a report into the socioeconomic deprivation rates and stats within the South Dublin County Council area and outline how areas that are identified as suffering from high levels of socioeconomic deprivation are being helped?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the amount of Council tenants who have applied for the Disabled Persons Grant in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 to date and to provide figures and a statement on how many of the grants were approved.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the amount of part V properties acquired by South Dublin County Council in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 to date and to give a statement on the matter?
Headed Items
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
Correspondence dated 2nd October 2018 from the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport regarding BusConnects.
Letter dated 26th October from the Minister of Health in relation to Spinraza
Letter dated 31st October from the Minister of State at the Department of Justice & Equality in regards to Clondalkin Towers
Correspondence dated 31st October 2018 from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government in relation to Local Authority Elected Members Role and Remuneration Review
Letter dated 4th October 2018 from Donegal County Council regarding the closure of post offices.
Based on the recommendations of the ISPCCC this Council agrees that provision is made by South Dublin County Council to grant free access to its local sports and leisure facilities such as swimming pools, to families who are homeless. Access to such activities can provide both physical and mental stimulation and offers families the opportunity to participate together outside of their limited homeless accommodation.
A number of amendments were made to Part V by the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 including that the local authority has the discretion to decide what percentage of a development must be reserved for social housing but this is subject to a cap of 10% of the development.
Prior to the 2015 Act, the cap was higher at 20%. The cap was reduced to take account of the change in the economic climate since Part V obligations were first enforced.
This Council calls on the Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy to immediately raise the cap back to 20% to increase the social housing and affordable housing yield giving the current housing crisis.
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to remove the requirement “All applicants are required to include with their grant application, proof that they are compliant with the local property tax.” From the conditions of applications on the following grant schemes.
- Housing Aid for Older People Scheme
- Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a disability.
- Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme
Following on from the successful submissions made in the recent Participatory Budget can this Council ensure as much as possible that the Community Orchard Project in Clondalkin and any planting of apple trees in the County be sourced from our ancient Irish species as a priority.
That this Council supports the principle of a directly-elected Mayor for all of Dublin as part of the wider democratisation of the city and county; and that we call on the Government to initiate, as soon as possible, a plebiscite of the people of Dublin to ascertain their support for such a proposal which will include the details of the powers and term of such a position and it effect on the current powers of Councillors, Chief Executives and any additional powers.
That this Council supports An Gorta Mór petition to the Irish Government For a permanent standalone An Gorta Mór exhibition in the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks, appreciating that Irishmen And Irishwomen and the Irish Family Overseas are signing this Petition To right this National Scandal and will the Chief Executive bring this motion to the attention of our Government.
The elected members of this council, in light of the Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy’s statement that money is available for the council building on public land, request that the Chief Executive immediately makes plans for large sites (minimum 100 units) and make applications to the Department to draw down this money. This would involve using public land to build a combination of local authority housing and affordable housing for those not able to afford a house on the private market.
That this Council declares South Dublin County a breastfeeding friendly county and takes action to promote breastfeeding-friendly policies in all Council buildings and in the county in general.
This Council does not support statements regarding the "gaming of the system" or "years of bad behaviour" by senior housing officials in the Dublin Regional Housing Executive.
This Council regards hubs and hotels as a short term emergency measure and recognises the work and studies carried out by Focus Ireland and others regarding the negative impact of homelessness, hubs and hotels on the development and mental health of children and adults.
It is our position that HAP does not offer a secure, quality accommodation, or a value for money solution for homelessness.
This Council calls for the issue of a defined percentage of all available homes for allocation to be reserved for families currently in long term emergency accommodation in hubs, hotels and hostels based on their time in homelessness to be brought back to the Housing SPC to explore if it can be included in the scheme of lettings.
That the Council treat the trees in public parks that border estates differently in the next review of the Living with Trees policy. Trees in parks are planted with no restrictions on size. While large and exotic trees can enhance a public park, the planting of such trees has a negative impact on the residential houses that they border and overlook. Residents located next to parks with large trees often live in constant shade and fear that that their property could be damaged in high winds.
That SDCC welcomes the Ratification of the UN convention of the Rights of People with a Disability and to show our commitment to this we will commit as follows:
We commit to Inviting Senator John Dolan who is also CEO of the Disability Federation of Ireland to address the chamber on where we are in Ireland with Disability rights and what needs to be done
We welcome and acknowledge the OWL internship in our national Parliament and will seek to investigate opportunities for extending this to our council building and services in consultation with KARE and WALK
We actively support Sgt Peter Woods and his Initiative ‘’Operation Enable’’ and as a council will actively promote Operation Enable via our newsletter and social media
We as a council will look at inviting people with a Disability for organizations such as the Irish Wheelchair association etc onto our SPCs so they are involved in polices and decisions that affect their lives.
We commit to disability proofing all policies and will work within the UN convention of the Rights of People with a Disability that provides the framework to promote, protect and ensure the rights of all people with disabilities and promotes equal rights in all areas of life.
That this Council fully supports the objective of the Committee for the Commemoration of the Irish Famine Victims (CCIFV) to establish a permanent standalone exhibition to the Famine, An Gorta Mor, in the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks
That the Chief Executive provide a report on the practical steps taken to date to implement H1 Objective 4 of the County Development Plan 2016 – 2022 and that a discussion take place leading to proposals on how elected members of this Council can play an active and positive role in promoting social integration, especially in new residential developments but also where housing supports such as HAP are used, across South Dublin County.
This Council calls on the Chief Executive to support schools and supply materials to schools who are prepared to organise a propagation programme for children.