Headed Items
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on repairs to the tunnel and overall playground to Hermitage Park.
To ask the manager to provide a report on previously agreed Item No. 76308 - 'Waterstown Park - Bird Nesting Meadow'. Indications from Nov 2022 LPNC ACM management response and discussion pointed toward a progression of this project in early 2023 (included in Budget 2022 appendix doc)?
This committee asks that Chief Executive agrees to installing goal post storage for the AGP0 pitch, similar to ones recently placed in other locations of the park.
To ask the Chief Executive Officer for an update on the caretaker's house in the Old Esker Cemetery and measures that have been taken to ensure it does not fall into further dereliction?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That, in view of the shared facility which is Glenaulin Park, a meeting be arranged as soon as possible between this LAC and the adjoining LAC of Dublin City Council to discuss and put forward ideas for development of the Park.
That the Chief Executive reports on the number of outdoor basketball court areas currently available in this Area Committee Area, to outline given demands by young people in particular for such facilities, whether new full size court areas can be provided, along with additional solo hoops, as even casual players require two scoring areas for a proper game; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That the Chief Executive consider scoping plans for an upgrade/redevelopment of Ballyowen Park near Balgaddy/Earlsfort?
That the manager recognises the growing need and agree to the introduction of 4 new strategically positioned public litter bins in combatting the escalating litter problem in Adamstown - Locations as follows: (1) Entrance to Adamstown train station (2) Newcastle Rd Bus Stop - Outside Finnstown House Hotel (3) 110 Adamstown Avenue - at bus stop (4) Entrance to playground at Adamstown Park (pics attached).
That the Chief Executive arrange for litter picking prior to all grass cutting in the North Clondalkin area and look at systems for removal of cut grass after cutting in the area.
To call on the manager to prune vegetation around the external boundary of Willsbrook Park which is currently encroaching on the pedestrian footpath and grass margins.
That the Chief Executive provides details and drawings in regard to the planned works in Griffeen park regarding levelling off the pitches. To advise if these works will also alleviate the flooding that regularly happens along the footpath, which can often affect the parkrun route.
That the Chief Executive responds to reports by residents of a large increase in visible litter in the vicinity of Ballyowen Lane, including Liffey Terrace, Liffey Hall, Liffey Crescent and the area leading up to the bollards into the shopping centre complex and commits to a litter pick, as well as to investigate the area in the following weeks to see whether the issue requires a more considered response; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive agree to provide a briefing to members as a headed item on the ownership, maintenance and remedial measures (against dumping and anti-social behaviour) on the laneways network in Palmerstown.
Given the need for renewable energy and the existing infrastructure and industrial history of the area, that the possibility of converting the mill race and mill buildings in Palmerstown for the production of electricity be explored with the Council acting as brokers with the current owners.
To call on the manager to install an electric charging point in Adamstown Community Centre in conjunction with Adamstown Community College Greener Environment Initiative led by students and staff
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the consultation to take place on the design of the new community centre for Balgaddy.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the number of HAP/HHAP/RAS tenancies in the Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin that have been ended or received a notice to quit in 2023 and what action, if any, has been taken for the re-housing of the tenants?
To ask the Chief Executive about the reasons for the delays on the new housing in St Mark's/Rowlagh (originally due to be completed in 2022)?
To ask the Chief Executive for an overview of the total number of age friendly rightsizing applications from the Lucan, Palmerstown and North Clondalkin area and the proportion of which were successfully completed, categorised the housing list (including homeless, medical priority or HAP transfers), transfers (existing Council tenants rightsizing) or the community list (financial contribution for private homeowners rightsizing).
"To ask the manager how many transfer of tenancy applications are currently being assessed/processed and the expected timeframe for same?"
To ask the manager to provide an update detailing the extent of retrofit works undertaken on the council's housing stock in 2022, listing any constraints or challenges in meeting the completion of scheduled works.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Pre-planning design for age friendly housing Sarsfield Park Lucan.
Quarterly Housing Supply Report
That the Chief Executive provide a report on when the Council expects to take up the Part 5 Social Housing Units at the Palmerstown Gate Development and to include in the report how the units are to be managed and if the Council will have seats on the Management Company?
To ask Chief Executive if a response has been received in regard to agreed motion seeking statistics from South Dublin Childcare committee and to supply the figures sought.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline how many pre-planning meetings have taken place between Council officials and private developers in relation to private developments of more than 10 units in Palmerstown, Lucan and North Clondalkin since last January; what these would relate to in general terms and if a statement can be made on the matter.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
"To ask the manager for an update on the progress of the LED public lighting programme, that also details any challenges that may have emerged during the ongoing transition."
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the HGV Policy Review and to indicate , with all due respects to the role and expertise of the relevant SPC, if there is any intention to involve Area Committees in this important work?
To ask the Chief Executive Officer if the yellow box at Newcastle Road entrance to Westbury Estate be repainted?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
To call on the manager to examine sequence of Lights on the R403 and examine the viability of a pedestrian crossing in the area of Weston Way to assist with pedestrian safety approaching bus stops
To call on the Chief Executive to repair the footpaths on the "ramp road" (L1015) given the dangerous state of paths here.
That the manager carry out a full inspection of footpaths in Willsbrook estate, and scheduling the necessary repairs / upgrades into the programme of works for 2024.
That the Chief Executive provide an update on the agreed motion passed to design a roundabout at the T-junction Esker Lane/Manor, if it can be confirmed that this has been placed onto a programme of works.
That the Chief Executive repairs the ramp and levels the adjacent drain covering on the roadway junction at address supplied in Elmwood estate that appears to have been damaged by a heavy vehicle; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
To call on the manager to make urgent footpath repairs, to include safety measures and tactile crossing outside O'Neills of Lucan Village. Image attached.
That the Chief Executive consider the use of pencil bollards in active travel zones/areas around schools in the Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin area.
That the Chief Executive and Design Team ensures that any future scoping and formal consultation for the "Esker Permeability Scheme" as part of the €50k NTA allocation received for 2023 is informed by and has regard to the considered opinions of a significant number of residents living in those estates immediately adjacent who expressed their views about the overall plan in some detail as part of the recent survey facilitated by this elected representative.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the manager to provide an update on the results of the recent survey conducted by Creative Connections on behalf of SDCC & Creative Ireland seeking to identify suitable mural/ innovative creative project(s) celebrating the diversity & inclusivity of the Adamstown community.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive for a further update and timeline of completion for the greenway from the 12th Lock to Hazelhatch and if a statement can be made on the matter?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive make provision for a heritage trail/heritage app for Lucan and Palmerstown villages.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask Chief Executive if a reply has been received in regard to agreed motion below :MEETING OF LUCAN / PALMERSTOWN / NORTH CLONDALKIN AREA COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 22, 2022 MOTION NO. 29 MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole Given the many health care issues within the Lucan area, including matters of parents trying to access healthcare for new-born babies, this committee seeks to invite the HSE to an area committee meeting to allow members the opportunity to discuss the HSE's current waiting list status, within the area, and to allow for the HSE to update all on their plans. Many years have passed since the HSE last visited/presented to this committee. REPORT: If this Motion is passed, we will write to the HSE and invite them to an Area Committee Meeting.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive ensure that all contractors (including sub-contractors) on Part 8 projects in the Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin area are compliant with any local employment clauses in tender contracts and to produce a report on the current projects under construction.