Headed Items
Minutes of Meeting held on 23rd May 2022.
Headed Items
Strategic Housing Development-SHD3ABP-313590-22 (Greenhills)
Strategic Housing Development-SHD3ABP-313591-22 (Broomhill)
Strategic Housing Development-SHD3ABP-313606-22- The Former ABB Site, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24
SHD3ABP-313760-22 - Lands at Belgard East, Belgard Road and Blessington Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls on the Manager to bring any S254 Licence renewal applications for Telecommunication Masts, located within the Tallaght area, before this Committee for discussion and consultation, in an effort to get proper feedback from the Communities who are impacted by these Masts, within their housing estates. Where possible, a representative of the applicants should also be invited to attend to facilitate direct questions from the Area Committee members?"
"To ask the Manager is there going to be an official opening cermony for the Jim Lawlor Bridge in Dodder Valley Park?"
"To ask the Manager, when Corbally & Westbrook Estate, Citywest will be taken in Charge? It was stated last year that this would happen in 2022. Has this process commenced and when does the Council envision this to be completed?"
"Is there an estimated completion time for the street lighting on the N81 between De Selby and Citywest?"
"To ask the CEO if he now has proposals to deal with traffic management issues in and around St Mark's Community School, Cookstown Road, Tallaght, noting the serious concerns in respect of the matter and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO if he has given further consideration to the need for traffic calming the length of Maplewood Road and in reporting will he state if that consideration has taken into account the new housing developments in Fernwood and Maplewood and will he make a statement?"
"Can the manger arrange parking bays on the road be repainted at sacred heart school as they as they are not visible in some areas?"
Headed Items
Public Lighting Progress Report on the LED Energy Efficiency Upgrade Programme
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This Area Committee calls on the Manager to liaise with the National Transport Authority and to request funding for Bike Parking stands to be installed at bus stops/Terminus across the Tallaght Area. Additionally, Bus stops at junctions/borders of the surrounding LEA's of the Tallaght Area, where space is allowed for such parking.
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to contact Cairn Homes in relation to the ongoing issue of parking in the Citywest Quarter as a matter of urgency " photo attached" for the purpose of them coming up with a solution to the lack of parking. A suggestion is that they remove one of the grass verges and install public parking spaces in its place and this should be done before the road is taken in charge. This Area Committee also notes that the majority of the Tallaght Area Committee Members made observations during the SHD Citywest Planning Applications & had discussed in length our observations in relation to foreseeing the issues that would arise in relation to traffic management and parking in the area. This should be noted for any future planning applications?"
"The Dodder Greenway is looking great and people are enjoying it, I would like to request that the features of the Dodder greenway bridges, greenway boundary features e.g, stone walls, red iron entrance markers and red iron bridge fencing used to identify the greenway and entrance / exit points to it are to be of a similar design and quality in the Tallaght Part as what is in Cherryfield, Kilvere Rd and Firhouse road - which all look amazing. The big difference in design and quality is obvious between those and the Avonmore entrance to the greenway?"
Libraries & Arts
"Could the Arts Officer indicate to this Area Committee a timeframe for the installation of the chosen commissioned sculpture for the N81 Glenview Roundabout?"
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO now that the building programme on the 4th Stand at Tallaght Stadium has commenced, will he confirm the schedule being followed and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to update the Tallaght Area Committee regarding plans for the proposed Tallaght Heritage Centre at Civic Headquarters and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the CEO if he has had any further contact with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage regarding the delay in allowing the Council to deal finally with the request to change the name of Brookmount, Tallaght; will he appreciate the concern of residents in respect of the issue and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to update members on work on the Tallaght Voting Register for 2022/2023 and will he confirm if he has had any contact from the Department following suggestions that changes be made in the process and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the manager what consideration is given to removing stickers from gates, lampposts etc. Particularly where the content is violent and/or targetting certain groups?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the manager is there an update on when the Tennis Courts in Dodder Valley Park will be resurfaced?"
"Could the Manager inform this Area Committee if there is a plan in place to address the following issues in Tymon Park. The Mayors stone on the Arena Road is overgrown by weeds and needs cleaning up. The footpath to the left of the Bridge on the Arena Road needs resurfacing, as the current surface is a trip hazard. The small pedestrian bridge over the Poddle at the Arena Road end of the Park needs to be resurfaced. There are numerous benches around Tymon Park, on both sides of the M50, that need remedial works as there are exposed bolts and missing seats. Could signage for Public Toilets be erected at the Tymon side of the Park?"
"Could the Manager inform this Area Committee if there are plans to prune/cutback trees on the main road through Brookmount Estate, as residents are complaining that there are low branches causing problems for cyclists using the cycle lane and other branches are overhanging driveways of local houses?"
Could the Manager publish a timetable for grass cutting in the Kilnamanagh area, to assist the excellent local Tidy District volunteers to plan for edging, weed clearance and general maintenance work that they carry out daily in the area.
To ask the Manager to contact Cairn Homes and Harcourt Developments in relation to a fence that has been left up dividing Cuil Duin and Edenbrook Estate, Citywest. The fence is being held up by 4 blocks of concrete that school children are jumping over to get to school which is a health & safety issue. Both Developers has been contacted and they have stated that this in the Councils hands. Can the Manager clarify who is responsible in removing this concrete blocks?
"To ask the Manager if s/he can look at tree planting on Bolbrook Park in Tallaght? The last street tree in the cul de sac was cut down approximately 10 years ago, and none have been replanted since. The road is one popular link to a local school, a in-estate wild flower meadow and the Avonbeg Active travel Scheme?"
"To ask the CEO to detail actions taken and proposed to deal with the menace of scramblers in Tallaght Parks; will he appreciate the concern of many in respect of this serious issue and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm recent actions he has taken to ensure that Sean Walsh Park is safe for all park users and will he include in his report details of contacts he has maintained with the Gardai in the matter and also confirm if he now plans to provide public information sinage as raised by this member at the April meeting and will he make a statement?"
"Can the manager arrange to have the trees cut back in whitestown industrial estate?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to level the pathway to the existing landscape that leads onto Kilmartin Avenue & additionally, to provide planting for each side?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"Could the Manager please advise this Area Committee as to when construction will commence on Brady's Field and if a Contactor has been appointed for the St Aongus infill?"
"What supports are put in place for individuals in Tallaght who are coming from homeless accommodation/streets and who have complex issues when being offered a property by the Council or Voluntary Housing Body? Are supports continued throughout the length of tenancy or until a time that an individual can live independently?"
"Could the manager give an update on the mould problem that is/was been inspected at Mac-Ulliam estate?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm any further contacts with Fettercairn Estate Management in respect of ongoing concerns and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm the number and location of current boarded up Council houses in Tallaght and in reporting will he state actions being taken to return these houses to the housing stock for allocations and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to come up with plans for the no man land at the back of Kilmartin Estate adjoining the Luas line?"