Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of January 2022
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive if there are any plans for outdoor markets and outdoor entertainment for the spring and summer in Ballyowen Park (aka Balgaddy Park) and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the current standing of the Council's interest in the Silver Bridge, discussions with Fingal County Council on the matter and the next steps being undertaken in relation to it.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask Chief Executive to report to this committee in regards to the plans for the council owned buildings (Green buildings adjacent to Lucan Sarsfields) and to make Comment as to them been provided for community use.
To advise if the Old Schoolhouse building is a consideration of the council given the many requests via various motions to make possible this building into the council ownership.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask if contact has been established with Fingal County Council with a view to holding a meeting of the Liffey Valley Committee and that a discussion take place on the membership of the committee.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive to give indicative dates for the grass cutting and cleaning schedule for the green space either side of the laneway beside (Address Provided), as the last time this was tidied before Christmas it was done by local residents and these volunteers are of an advanced age and no longer able to do the work, but are worried about litter and rats when the area is left in an untoward state.
To ask the manager when work will commence on Waterstown House and if he could outline the scope of thr works planned.
To ask the manager if it is planned to refresh any damaged or obscured perspex covers on the notice boards in Waterstown Park. Picture attached.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on when the Sports Pavilion Part 8 for Collinstown Park will be published?
To ask the Chief Executive as to what consultation has been undertaken with clubs affected by the temporary loss of dressing rooms pending the construction of the Griffeen Park Pavillion.
To ask the Chief Executive as to the feasibility of installing KM markers in Collinstown Park and if he will make a statement on the matter.
In commending the Council for the comprehensive works recently undertaken on the treeline between Ash Park and Elm estates in Lucan, to now ask the manager if the 9 trees removed as a part of the overall clean-up works will be replanted with new ones?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive Officer give an update on the greenway that is to be developed as part of the planning permission for the new Cemetery at Esker Hill and when is it hoped that this will be developed and open to the public and is the Council Parks section liaising with the developer on how it will look and if he will make a statement on the matter
To now ask the manager for a clear commitment and timeline to restore the remaining green space (see attached images) to be returned to its original condition after the construction of the multi function wall in the playing fields off the Newcastle Rd. Despite previous indications for this to occur, and as far back as 2018, the land piece remains as it was. This will enable a suitable space for aspiring and upcoming younger players with AGP FC to train, providing the kids with access to the changing rooms and toilets at the clubhouse.
This committee request the Chief Executive to assist the residents in all Finnstown estates (Abbey/Priory/Cloisters) to examine and agree to install additional public lighting around the communal areas/open green spaces that are deemed as lacking in adequate lighting.
That the Council carries out a cleansing, litter picking and enforcement blitz along the public walkways, roadways and verges indicated in the attached map, with a particular focus on clearing embedded dog dirt, tidying up dumped material and litter blown into blackspots and identifying new areas for bins. Notwithstanding that all parts of our county have problems brought to our attention, a considerable number of complaints have come in at the same time in relation to these approach roads to several local schools and a focused approach, along with a visible presence for a period may assist in improving the area for local residents, many of whom do regular clean-ups in their immediate vicinities, but who cannot cover the entire space.
That the Chief Executive arrange to cut back the hedging and put down rat poison along the Fonthill Rd at St Mark's Grove to combat the rodent problem in the area.
To call on the manager to replace the bridge at the swimming pool entrance to Griffeen Valley Park inline with the finish of the new complex
Moved without Debate
That the Chief Executive Officer consider a dog park for the Park, Vesey Park, that can be accessed by the new greenway that is being developed in tandem with the new cemetery at Esker, to be a smaller dog park - look at different models to the bigger one at Griffeen.
This committee asks the Chief Executive for an update on the Dog Park extension/enhancements at Griffeen Park If management could indicate to members if they are considering a dog park for the Adamstown area/new parks, given its expected to have a significant population upon completion of the sdz. Also following my earlier motion passed on the dog park improvements to ask if the agreed 'pictograms' have been sourced
Following in from correspondence on February 14th 2020 (see attached) from SDCC to ALDI, has any progress been made in the effort to secure bottle recycling facilities at Aldi Palmerstown.
To ask the manager to provide report in tabular form, detailing the number of abandoned vehicles reported, notices provided to registered owners and action taken to remove said vehicles in the past 12 months. Report to include the estimated overall cost to the Council, monies recovered through prosecution and the number of vehicles that have been correctly disposed of at authorised treatment facilities during the same period.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the provision of bottle bins to the Community in North Clondalkin.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Litter Management Plan Update
The Clondalkin Equine Club is a wonderful facility in our community that promotes good animal welfare practice, engagement with marginalised young people, working on the issue of urban horses at a local/national level and horses as a therapeutic and education support. This Committee agrees that the Council provide assistance at board level with the skill set that will enhance the Club as they engage with different stakeholders in order to access multiple funding streams
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
That the Chief Executive provides an updated timeframe for the reopening of the refurbished Lucan Leisure Centre, provides clarification as per discussions last September that previous users such as Naíonra Mháirín, Lucan Shotokan Karate club, Newlands Taekwon-Do Club and White Lotus Yoga, have now been contacted and offered first options for space, or will be imminently, in time to prepare for a September 2022 opening date; and also reaffirms that previously earmarked long-standing clubs with large memberships in need of accommodation, such as Esker Boxing Club, will also be prioritised in any allocation.
To ask Chief Executive to report on the number of Part 5 introduced in lucan and adamstown in last 5 years and include projected ones
To ask the Chief Executive for a progress update on the construction of older people's accommodation on the Old Lucan Road in Palmerstown.
To ask the manager for an update on the progress in addressing the backlog of window and door replacements, providing statistical data of applications being assessed and approved and broken down for Lucan, for North Clondalkin and also Palmerstown and timeline of works scheduled.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Allocations Report
Quarterly Report on Anti-Social Behaviour
Quarterly Housing Supply report
That the Chief Executive Reports on the Council's further investigations into providing closable gates or doors at Sarsfield Close and making the area around The Square safe, as the antisocial behaviour and intimidation continues by people dealing in and taking drugs and alcohol in the stairwells and entering back gardens; and, given the Gardaí have responded intermittently with some successes, but are not in a position to answer all calls in a timely manner, commits to finally providing protective solutions for the residents of this area, some of whom would be very vulnerable.
To ask the manager if the owner of the shipping container at the top of Chapel Lane, Palmerstown village has been identified and the matter regularised or should the container be removed? Previously asked question attached.
To ask the Chief Executive for a progress report on the resolution of the boundary breach between Mount Andrew and St Edmunds.
To ask the Chief Executive for the number of complaints since January 2021 that have been made regarding compliance with planning conditions about construction SHDs in the Lucan, Palmerstown and North Clondalkin Area, broken down by those still open, those resolved and those that led to a sanction or resultant action and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
As we continue to prepare our development plan, the proposed policy/wording below is part of Environmental Assessment/Built Environment study. They relate to reuse of appropriate buildings. This committee requests that the Chief Executive explains the meaning / result of these studies, what the findings mean for the two mentioned policies below. To also discuss how the Shackleton Mill discussion with Fingal Co Co is progressing. Given the lack of progress for the Liffey Valley Monitoring Committee a long period has lapsed with no collaboration for both councils for sometime in this official capacity. NCBH 7 Objective 9 To facilitate the reuse of an appropriate existing building in Lucan and Palmerstown as a tourist amenity and educational/interpretive centre. Potentially Negative Environment Effects (B, LSG, W, CH, LV, MA) Yes NCBH 7 SLO 1 To investigate the potential of collaborating with Fingal County Council for the re-use of Shackleton's Mill as a tourism destination given its location in proximity to Lucan Village. Uncertain Environment Effects (B, W, CH, LV)
That the Chief Executive give an update as to when it is intended to initiate a Local Area Plan for the REGN area of Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate and will he make a statement on it,
To ask the Chief Executive why submissions by individuals on a number of consultations such as the Lucan Village Green and Lucan Demesne Works on the portal could clicked open and viewed but then this option was blocked around 27th January on all but a small number of consultations; to clarify that these submissions in their raw (but moderated) state will made available before the closing date so as to restore public confidence in the transparency of the process; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
To ask the manager for an update on the School Street project planned for Palmerstown.
To ask the Manager for an update on the installation of heritage tops to the four heritage lampposts in Palmerstown Village. Item 9 on the attached document from December ACM 2021.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update as to when the suggested new sign for the gantry on the outbound R148 (showing Palmerstown on the left), mirroring the inbound sign could be erected (pursuant to commitment given in reply to Palmerstown Tidy Towns).
To ask the Chief Executive if the results of the traffic survey on Kennelsfort is ready.
To ask Chief Executive to provide a detailed update report regarding the plans for the pedestrian/cycle embankment plans at Esker (Moy glas/Castle Riada).
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the status of the damaged wall bordering Italian grounds.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
That this committee acknowledges the need to address the existence of the decade long dusused / redundant bus lane, running 2km along the Adamstown Link Rd and into Adamstown Avenue, breaches statutory road marking regulations, remits conflicting messages to motorists and is compromising pedestrian safety and works to find a resolution with the relevant bodies. In the absence of any planned / scheduled service along this key artery by Dublin Bus, SDCC will implement the appropriate clearly required street parking markings
To ask the manager to examine the narrow footpaths on the L5216 to make them safer for pedestrians
Moved without Debate
This committee calls on the Chief Executive to implement the following objective and action from the current 2016-2022 CDP before the plan is overtaken by the new plan: "TM5 Objective 2: To protect sensitive areas from inappropriate levels of traffic and in particular the movement of Heavy Goods Vehicles." Action ll arising from Objective 2 "vehicles in excess of 3.5 Tonne will be restricted, except for access, from entering Kennelsfort Road, Wheatfield Road, Palmerstown Avenue, Turret Road, Woodfarm Avenue, Woodfarm Drive, Glenmaroon Road and the Oval, Palmerstown."
That the Chief Executive writes to Transport for Ireland, the NTA and the Bus Connects team, requesting a formal, detailed, dedicated meeting with the elected members of this Area Committee to discuss the Bus Connects C-Spine and related services; also inviting Dublin Bus, Go Ahead, Council transport officials and members of the relevant SPC; to ask that this meeting be arranged by the end of the first week in April as by then it will be over four months since the launch of the service and there remain multiple serious issues and service deficits that require addressing, many of which need to be outlined in some detail, feedback received in return and firm commitments and timelines given regarding key improvements that need to be made, on behalf of the thousands of bus users we represent.
To call on the Chief Executive to provide lighting on the pedestrian walkway between the N4 and St Edmunds Grove, adjacent to St Loman's Hospital.
Moved without Debate
That this committee agrees to work with Lucan Festival Committee and local businesses to provision for the installation of festive lights along Main Street Lucan, from the Griffeen River bridge to the roundabout at Lucan Bridge, a distance of roughly 450 metres.
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to examine the feasibility of reopening the historic pedestrian tunnel running from the grounds of the Spa Hotel Lucan through to Lucan Demesne (reportedly blocked-up but not destroyed during construction of the N4 Lucan bypass) so as connect the hotel complex and the Demesne, making it more accessible for visitors."
Moved without Debate