Headed Items
a) Minutes of the January Council Meeting - 13th January 2020
a) Rathfarnham-Templeogue-Firhouse-Bohernabreena Committee - 14th January 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No report)
b) Clondalkin Area Committee – 15th January 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No report)
c) Tallaght Area Committee – 27th January 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(1 Report)
d) Lucan-Palmerstown-Fonthill Area Committee – 28th January 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No report)
a) Draft Calendar of Meetings Dates
b) Report on Conferences/Seminars
c) Proposed Special Inter Local Authority Committee on Fire/Ambulance Services and Emergency Management
d) Establishment of Infrastructure Naming Committee
(No reports)
(No Reports)
To ask the Chief Executive to outline most recent data for the number of applicants on the social housing list and HAP Transfer List for 2017, 2018 and 2019 as well as figures of how many applicants have been housed since.
To ask the Chief Executive if he has plans to investigate the possibility of setting up a Council housing company or trust in order to deliver more innovative methods of public housing on public land.
To ask the Chief Executive what if any regulations govern private hotels and operators who are being paid by the state to provide emergency accommodation to people and families who are homeless and are on the social housing list in South Dublin County Council. Is there any national legislation, Statutory Instruments, Dept Circulars or any other form of regulation that ensure that vulnerable families and adults are being provided with adequate accommodation suitable for their needs and whether such properties are inspected, if so by who and how often? And would the Chief Executive care to make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Chief Executive for an up to date and full breakdown of all publicly owned lands owned by the state/South Dublin County Council which are zoned for residential and commercial use and if this information could be accessible to Councillors and the public to view. The report should also include any possible impacts on these areas from decisions agreed during the previous Council.
To ask the Chief Executive what measures are under consideration to respond to the proposal by the Department of Climate Change to ban textiles from general waste, given that textiles accounted for 80,000 tonnes of waste last year, making up 10% of the content of general household waste bins.
To ask the Chief Executive to produce a report on how many successful prosecutions has the Dog Wardens had versus the number of complaints logged and to make a statement on the dogs wardens work programme, what parks are covered by it, how the park rangers can assist the dog wardens and what funding is available for the dog wardens work programme?
To ask the Chief Executive to present an update on the implementation of the Council's Tree Programme following approval of additional funding at the Council's Budget Meeting; will he confirm that action is being taken in respect of urgent/emergency calls made regarding Trees and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm actions being taken to implement the Council's Social Inclusion Policy; will he detail initiatives in that regard and make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to present a report on efforts to promote Tourism here in our County and will he make a general statement in the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to update members on plans in place to deal with any severe weather events affecting our County and will he make a statement in the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to detail any new plans to tackle the ongoing housing/homeless crisis; will he confirm the number of applications currently being considered and will he make a statement.
Approximately how many hotels beds are there in SDCC?
To ask that the Chief Executive issues a report into how many one beds are planned for council housing stock in SDCC for 2020? To also ask how many are on the one bed list?
To ask that the Chief Executive issue a report into how many people are registered as Homeless in SDCC and what plans are under way to provide an additional Hostel-beds to meet these needs within our county ?
To ask that the Chief Executive issues a report into existing approved Part 8s and to include date they where approved and where funding is at? To also ask when they will start and when they will be delivered ?
To ask that the Chief Executive issue a report into how many people are registered as In Our Libraries in SDCC and how many use the services and what plans are under way to provide an additional Libraries or Hubs during the lifetime of this Council?
To ask that the Chief Executive issue a report into how many schools are planned for SDCC and what plans are under way to provide an additional schools to meet these needs within our county, both Primary and Secondary? What sites are agreed or identified and what stage of funding are they at with Department Of Education ?
To ask for an update on what the Council does with material left at the Ballymount Civic Amenity, including, cardboard, plastics, paints and electrical goods? How much is recycled and how? In relation election posters left there after recent elections, what happened to these posters afterwards and was, for example, there a market for recycling corriboard from these posters that the Council made use of?
To ask the Chief Executive the up to date position regarding the number social houses directly owned by the Council as of the latest date this information is available and the corresponding number of houses owned by the Council 5 years previous to that
Headed Items
(No reports)
(a) Disposal of fee simple in 107 Sarsfield Park, Lucan, Dublin
(b) Disposal of fee simple in 79 Castle Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24
(a) Disposal of fee simple in 107 Sarsfield Park, Lucan, Dublin
(b) Disposal of fee simple in 79 Castle Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Letter dated 30th January 2020 from Galway County Council calling for the provision of Personal Assistance Services.
Local Authority Motion in Support of the Right to Personal Assistance
This local authority calls for a motion to support the right to Personal Assistance Service (PAS) for disabled people to have freedom, choice and control over all aspects of their lives to enable them to fully participate in an inclusive society as equals.
Independent living means an individual can live with the freedom and control to have the same choices in life that everyone else has in terms of housing, transportation, education and employment. PAS is a tool for Independent Living that allows disabled people to live independently, providing individuals with the freedom and flexibility they need to live their lives as they choose.
With PAS, disabled people are in control and direct the Personal Assistant (PA) to carry out tasks both inside and outside of the home, including personal care, domestic duties, assisting in day-to-day tasks such as shopping, support in the workplace or socialising. PAs should not be confused with ‘Home Help’ or Carers as they do not ‘look after’ or ‘care for’ a disabled person.
In Ireland there is no standardised procedure for administrating personal PA hours. In 2017, 84% of those in receipt of PAS received less than three hours a day and 42% of these people were in receipt of between 1 and 5 hours a week, an average of 42 minutes a day, despite disability being a 24-hour issue. As far back as 1996, it was identified that an average need for 10 hours of PAS per person per week could only respond to essential personal care needs, not quality of life requirements and it would certainly not enable full active participation in the community.
30 years on and the Independent Living Movement in Ireland continues to strive for full independent living on behalf of disabled people; advocating for choice and control over their lives and full participation in society as equal citizens. A right to PAS for disabled people is fundamental to achieving that vision, however, currently there is no such right in Ireland.
Considering the unanimous motion passed in Dáil Eireann on the 19th November 2019, this Local Authority recognises:
- In March 2018 Ireland formally ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which under Article 19 states that disabled people have the right to live in the community and have access to a range of in-home and other supports including PAS to support this.
- Its obligation to consult closely with disabled people and their representative organisations in policy development as enshrined in Article 4.3 of the UNCRPD which states that “in the development and implementation of legislation and policies…States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations”, specifically in relation to services provided by this local authority which impact on disabled people’s lives, such as planning, housing, transport, social inclusion and enterprise.
- The Motion passed in Dáil Eireann on the 19th November and as such reaffirms that PAS that supports disabled people to live independent lives should be legislated for as a right.
That any housing developments on Council owned lands that involve the potential loss of more than 1,000 native trees not be proceeded with for the time being in the interests of sustainability, biodiversity and meeting the Council's climate change strategy targets and that the future use of such lands be instead considered during the next development plan process following submissions from any local communities concerned.
Following the attached Sinn Féin motion that was passed in March of this year, This Council reaffirms it’s call to the Chief Executive to review the current waste collection services in conjunction with the other Dublin local Authorities and the Unions with a view to the remunicipalisation of the domestic waste service whereby the Council would take charge once again of the Service but this time in a more efficient and cost competitive manner than was previously the case
That the Chief Executive, in light of the recent rent increase affecting some of the poorest in the county, ensures that the accelerated maintenance programme is expedited and that priority is given to those households with older residents and residents with medical conditions and to prepare a report.
This council, in light of the climate and biodiversity emergency declared both nationally and in this chamber, calls on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to begin preparations for the implementation of free public transport for all in Dublin and across Ireland.
That this Council, in line with the recently declared Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, calls on the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to remove the Shannon LNG terminal from the Projects of Common Interests List.
That South Dublin County recognises the need for continued support for the one school in the County for children with Specific Reading Difficulties / Dyslexia, St Roses National School.
Furthermore that this Council would write to the Minister for Education and Skills conveying the disappointment of members of this Council that the NCSE in their recent progress report would question the need for the only resource in the County for children with Dyslexia creating anxiety and uncertainty for children and their families.
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to confirm actions he is taking to deal with the ongoing menace of Scramblers/Quads which remains a serious issue in many communities throughout our County; will he also confirm contacts he has had with Government in respect for the need of effective legislation in the matter and will he make a statement.
That this council requests the Chief Executive to examine the feasibility of SDCC opening a motocross track at a suitable location and to liaise with any motocross clubs established within the South Dublin area in achieving this goal.
That this Council calls for the establishment of a dog pound/cat and dogs home that is within this Council's control.
What funding is available for this ?
The Chief Executive to bring a report on the feasibility of achieving this.
That the Chief Executive implement a school-street scheme, similar to that implemented by Fingal County Council, to ban traffic from dropping children at the school gates, in order to cut down on the amount of air pollution at schools caused by the traffic, and to encourage an increase in pupils using "active travel" such as walking, cycling or scooting and to promote a cleaner, quieter space.
That this council calls on the Chief Executive to instruct the Architects' Department to investigate solutions and technology around rain-harvesting for all new builds with the intention of SDCC becoming a national leader in the area.
That this Council, in an effort to reduce waste, bans one use plastics in a phased manner to use up what plastic is left and also looks at going Paperless for meetings and daily work where possible and send brochures etc by email where possible and encourages all Councillors only to print when absolutely essential and that this is brought to the Environment SPC for policy on same.