South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Chief Executive’s Report on Public Consultation in relation to the proposed development of a Social Housing Project for Independent Living for Older Persons, consisting of 12 homes and demolition of a single-storey dwelling house on lands off Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

1. Introduction

In accordance with the requirements of Part XI of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), (“the Act”) and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended) (“the Regulations”), South Dublin County Council is seeking planning consent to construct a social housing development for Independent Living for Older Persons, consisting of 12 homes, and demolition of an existing single-storey dwelling house on lands off Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

The purpose of this Chief Executive’s Report is to present the outcome of the consultation, to respond to submissions made during the consultation period and to make recommendations in relation to the proposed development where appropriate.

2. Legislative Context

Section 179 (3) (a) of the Act, requires that the Chief Executive shall, after the end of the public consultation period, prepare a written report in relation to the proposed development and submit the report to the members.

Section 179 (3) (b) of the Act outlines that a report shall—

  1. Describe the nature and extent of the proposed development and the principal features thereof, and shall include an appropriate plan of the development and appropriate map of the relevant area;
  2. Evaluate whether or not the proposed development would be consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which the development relates, having regard to the provisions of the Development Plan and giving the reasons and the considerations for the evaluation;
  3. List the persons or bodies who made submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development;
  4. Summarise the issues, with respect to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, raised in any such submissions or observations, and give the response of the Chief Executive thereto; and,
  5. Recommend whether or not the proposed development should be proceeded with as proposed, or as varied or modified as recommended in the report, or should not be proceeded with, as the case may be.

Under Section 179(4) of the Act, the Elected Members shall, as soon as practicable, consider the proposed development and the report of the Chief Executive. Following the consideration of the Chief Executive's report, the proposed development may be carried out as recommended in the Chief Executive's report, unless the local authority, by resolution, decides to vary or modify the development, otherwise than as recommended in the Chief Executive's report, or decides not to proceed with the development. A resolution must be passed not later than six (6) weeks after receipt of the Chief Executive's report.

3. Site Description

The proposed site is located in the townland of Tallaght, South Dublin County with the proposed development situated at the corner of Old Bawn Road and Old Bawn Way, beside the open space lands and on the site occupied by an uninhabited single-storey bungalow, which is proposed to be demolished. The described development comprises an area of 0.28ha.

The site is principally surrounded by residential developments, with Pine Lawn and green open space to the west whilst Old Bawn Way and Old Bawn Road form the southern and eastern boundaries respectively. An existing football pitch on the green open space used by Tymon Bawn Football Club is to the north of the development site. The site is relatively free of onsite services and is well served by public transport and local facilities.

4. Scheme Description

The proposal is for a social housing development for Independent Living for Older Persons, consisting of 12 homes and demolition of a single-storey dwelling house on lands off Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24. The proposed development consists 8 (eight) one-bedroom one-storey houses and 4 (four) two-bedroom apartments.

The associated works will include: a new access from Old Bawn Way, landscaping works to boundaries and all necessary associated ancillary works on the site and to adjacent areas. The housing provision comprises of two-storey detached blocks of two apartments and one-storey terraced houses (all of which will be minimum A2 BER rated) grouped around a central courtyard.

Plans and reports for proposed development are shown on the following links:

Sheet 1 Constraints Plan, Location Plan, Existing Site Plan

Sheet 2 Proposed Site Plan and Roof Plan

Sheet 3 Proposed Floor Plans

Sheet 4 Proposed House Types

Sheet 5 Proposed Elevations

Screening for Appropriate Assessment

Screening for Environmental Impact Assessment

Part 8 County Architect’s Report

5. Public Consultation

Plans and particulars of the proposed development were on public display for over seven weeks from 28th November 2019 to 16th January 2020 (inclusive). During the public consultation, information on the proposed social housing development was disseminated to the public and submissions were invited.

The public consultation on the proposed social housing development included the following statutory and non-statutory elements:

Submissions and observations on the social housing development could be made online and in writing for a period of over seven (7) weeks between 28th of November 2019 to 16th of January 2020 (inclusive).

6. Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

The proposal has undergone an Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and it is considered that implementation of the proposed development would not be likely to have significant adverse effects on the integrity or conservation objectives of any Natura 2000 network of sites.

The proposal has also undergone a preliminary examination for an Environmental Impact Assessment and the Planning Authority has concluded that there will be no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and therefore an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.

As a result of the above, in accordance with Part XI of the Act, the Elected Members of the Council can consider the proposed social housing development for Independent Living for Older Persons, consisting of 12 homes, and demolition of a single-storey dwelling house on lands off Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24, under Part 8 of the Regulations.

7. Outcome of Public Consultation Process

A list of all the persons, organisations and bodies that made submissions is provided in the links in the table below for each method of submission received together with links to copies of the submissions received. For reasons of data protection, these documents have the personal addresses of submitters redacted.

A total of 29 submissions/observations were received.

Person/Prescribed Body

Link to Submission Received

No. Submissions

Consultation Portal Submissions

Consultation Portal Submissions


Written Submissions

Written Submissions


Customer Contact System Submissions

Customer Contact System Submissions


Geological Survey Ireland

Geological Survey Ireland


Transport Infrastructure Ireland

Transport Infrastructure Ireland


Dept of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht

Dept of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht


A summary breakdown of the issues raised in the submissions is as follows:


Category of Submission



Traffic and Road Safety






Road Design



Loss of green space/recreational amenity/impact on existing services



Overdevelopment of the current site/Old Bawn area



Allocation of New Housing



Tymon Bawn F.C facilities



Design of the proposed development



Boundary design



Utility boxes






Site Investigations/project scoping



Environmental Impact



Public consultation period



Description of site



Support for the proposal


8. Summary of Issues Raised and Chief Executive’s Responses & Recommendations

Submission Category No. 1 – Traffic and Road Safety

  1. The proposed access at Old Bawn Way will impact on traffic congestion.
  2. On-street parking is a contributory issue to the traffic congestion at Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, concerns raised regarding the potential increase in cars parking on-street.
  3. Concerns regarding impact on traffic during construction period.
  4. Submissions received in respect of the 77a bus route travelling past the site of the proposed development and the current traffic challenges faced by the bus route at this location.
  5. Request for a traffic survey to be carried out.


Submission Category No. 2 – Parking

  1. Requests for additional car parking for visitors within the proposed development.
  2. Concerns regarding possible use of the courtyard areas for parking.


Submission Category No. 3 – Road design

  1. Request for the existing pedestrian crossings at the junction of Seskin View Road/Old Bawn Road/Old Bawn Way to be examined.
  2. Suggestions that the development should be stepped back away from Old Bawn Road to allow for future improvements to the road layout such as a bus corridor/road widening/cycle lane.


Submission Category No. 4 – Loss of green space/recreational amenity/Impact on Existing Services

  1. Submissions received consider that recreational amenities and open green space as used by the local community at Old Bawn will be taken away.
  2. The proposal for increased housing in Old Bawn will impact on existing services in the area.


Submission Category No. 5 – Overdevelopment of the current site/Old Bawn area

  1. Submissions received reference the approved social housing development for older persons located nearby at Whitestown Way, Tallaght and query the need for another specific older person’s development within such proximity.
  2. Concerns raised regarding further development of this site for housing in the future.
  3. Recommendation to redevelop the old house on site for the football club and/or as a community facility.


Submission Category No. 6 – Allocation of new housing

  1. Concerns regarding the tenure of the housing if it will be restricted to older persons.
  2. Will people from the local area be allocated these homes?
  3. The definition of ‘older persons’ to be aged over 55 rather than 65 years is misleading.
  4. Clarification sought regarding the allocation of 2-bedroom units
  5. Enquiry received in respect of possible involvement of an Approved Housing Body.
  6. Submission received suggesting a resident “concierge” type service be provided to the tenants.


Submission Category No. 7 – Tymon Bawn Football Club facilities

  1. The football club has occupied the site for over 40 years with very limited facilities. Suggestions that the bungalow could be utilised and developed into a changing & storage facility for the club, this could also be used by the community as a meeting point.
  2. Concerns from the club over the loss of green space/pitches to the rear of the proposed housing.
  3. Concerns regarding impact of construction period over the use of the pitches.


Submission Category No. 8 – Design and Density of the proposed development

  1. Requests to reduce the two storey apartments to single storey dwellings to minimise the visual impact of the development and keep in line with the existing.
  2. Submission received regarding the proposed road layout within the scheme indicating a possible extension of the site to the west in future developments.
  3. Concerns that the proposed development is too high density and will accommodate up to 32 people.
  4. Concerns that the proposed development is too close to traffic, and the tenants will be affected by noise from the adjacent roads.


Submission Category No. 9 – Boundary design

  1. Suggestions regarding the boundary between the football pitch and the development to prevent footballs entering the development (including some one specific suggestion for evergreen trees to be planted between the pitches and housing and another for provision of a granite wall with railings like the existing walls and Killininny Meadows).
  2. Concerns raised that existing hedging attracts litter and that hedging should not be planted along the pitch perimeter.
  3. Request received to relocate the existing name stone for “Old Bawn” onto the corner of the green at Old Bawn Road and Old Bawn Way and consideration to be given during construction in respect of the existing “Tree of Hope” planted at the name stone.


Submission Category No. 10 – Utility boxes

  1. Requests to have utility boxes relocated behind the football pitches and obscured by hedging to address concerns regarding the visibility of the current utility boxes that are adjacent to the site.
  2. Concerns regarding access to new parking spaces by utility companies.


 Submission Category No. 11 – Zoning

  1. Submissions received referencing the appropriate zoning for the site of the proposed development as open space only.


Submission Category No. 12 – Site investigations & project scoping

  1. Submission from Department of Culture, Heritage and The Gaeltacht noting that the proposed development is located on the line of an old Mill Race as shown on old maps. The mill race is a feature of historic interest that is likely to be related to sites of local built heritage such as Old Bawn house DU021-057001. The Department has recommended that the carrying out of pre-development testing  by a suitably qualified archaeologist (licensed under the National Monuments Acts 1930–1994) be included as a condition of any grant of planning permission that may issue.


Submission Category No. 13 – Environmental Impact

  1. Concerns that developing the site will have negative impact on the environment and on the habitat of existing wildlife in the area such as foxes, badgers and hedgehogs.
  2. Concerns regarding mature trees on the site and possible negative impact should these trees be removed.


Submission Category No. 14 – Public Consultation

1.      Submission received referring to the public consultation taking place over the Christmas period.


Submission Category No. 15 – Description of site

1.      Reference made to the public notice which described the site as undeveloped lands.


Submission Category No. 16 – Support for the proposal

  1. The site is located close to amenities and local services.
  2. Housing for older persons specifically is needed in the area.


Submissions received indicating support for the proposed housing development are noted.

9. Proposed Conditions and Modifications for Development if approved.

10. Recommendation

Following consideration of the submissions, it is considered that the issues raised in submissions will be satisfactorily addressed as outlined in the foregoing report. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposed development is in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and therefore it is recommended that the Council adopt the following Motion:

“As the proposed development is in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, the Council approves the development of social housing for Independent Living for Older Persons, consisting of 12 homes, and demolition of a single-storey dwelling house on lands off Old Bawn Road & Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24.”