Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 24th September, 2018.
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"The Brookfield Youth and Community Centre has been closed for over a year. In April this year commitment was given by Council Management that the establishment of a new Company will be completed soon. This Area Committee calls for urgent action to bring the Community Centre back into use and request that Management produce a report including a time frame on the reopening of the Community Centre."
"Given the real disconnect that has emerged between the Council and residents in Springfield over the Fernwood and Maplewood Part 8 process this Area Committee calls on Council to extend an invitation to the St. Marks Resident Association to discuss the need for community facilities, amenities and upkeep in their estates."
"To ask this Area Committee if it can be established as to who is the rightful Landlord of the Tallaght Cross Homeless Hub. Is it the AHB Tuath Housing or SDCC? Tenants are receiving notices of termination for over-holding in a Homeless Hub only to be sent back out into Emergency Accommodation. How can this be possible?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to present an updated report in respect of actions being taken regarding issues raised with his staff at recent meetings of the Fettercairn Estate Management Group in Fettercairn Community Centre attended by Gardai and local Councillors and in reporting will he appreciate the great endeavors of the Estate Management Group and detail how the Council intends to continue to support their efforts including seeking additional funding for their work?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to present an up to date report on his efforts to deliver new housing projects in the Tallaght area; will he give details of each project currently under construction and confirm when houses will be available for allocation and will he also provide information on his future plans for housing developments in the Tallaght area?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee, following the completion of the current phase of infill housing, asks the Council to give some priority for local tenants who wish to transfer whether it be to upsize or downsize or have an overcrowded situation."
"To ask the Chief Executive if he will present an update on Planning Enforcement issues in Tallaght village and will he make a general statement in respect of the matter?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive if he will confirm the schedule now being followed in respect of the next Traffic Ramps Programme; will he outline his plans in that regard and will he make a statement?"
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Proposed Extinguishment of Right of Way
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive that due to the number of applications by private and Council tenants that this Council should consider the general extinguishment of laneways to the side and rear of houses as a solution to the backlog."
Libraries & Arts
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would congratulate the Arts Office on the success of the recent Sightless Cinema 2018 event held at the IMC Cinema Tallaght and in reporting will he also confirm plans to continue to fund this worthwhile project?"
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive to confirm his continued efforts to attract jobs to Tallaght with a particular emphasis on spaces in our local industrial estates; will he appreciate the importance of the issue to the local community and will he make a statement?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would write to the Chief Executive of the NTA seeking an update on the schedule now being followed in respect of the submissions recently received, particularly from the Tallaght region, regarding Bus Connects and will he stress to the NTA that much concern was expressed from communities in respect of the proposals?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would please write to Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health, asking him to confirm any plans he has to assign additional funding, through the office of Catherine Byrne TD, Minister of State, to the Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Task Force which is in urgent need of additional assistance in respect of their important work load?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Council considers as a priority the erection of two anti-dumping signs with penalty affixed along the stretch of the Whitestown Stream extending from Cloonmore Road to the Blessington Road. This is a total eyesore in the local area with domestic and stable waste being dumped there on a regular basis."
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Memorial Garden that was raised at Tallaght Area Committee in recognition of the women who fought for women's suffrage?"
"Following on from a Deputation for Kilmartin Estate on May 23rd one of the items on the agenda that was discussed was the green space at Kilmartin Drive. What was asked for by the residents was that the green space be levelled off in some way and a goal post erected at one end of it. It has been suggested they were looking for a play area, this was never the case. What progress has been made on the surface being levelled?"
"To ask the Chief Executive why works have not begun on the planting of hedging along the Belgard Road to curb noise pollution in the Parkhill area?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would make immediate arrangements for his staff to meet St Mark's Residents Association, Springfield Estate, Tallaght, to discuss the demands which emerged recently calling for the provision of a Playground / Play Space in the estate; will he appreciate the urgency of this matter and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on grass cutting and tree pruning in the industrials estates in the Tallaght area?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the play space programme for Saggart and Brittas?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to confirm the action plan now in place to deal with the challenges which will be presented in respect of Bonfires during Halloween week; will he particularly note the need for strong action in Aylesbury and Kilnamanagh and indeed other areas in Tallaght and in reporting to the motion will he also state what contacts he has had with the Tallaght Garda Station management in respect of this matter and will he make a statement."
"That the Chief Executive agrees to fence off the boundary of Butler/McGee Park around St. Marks GAA Club and St. Marks FC Club. There is a small stub wall around the boundary with the current boundary wall around the other part of the Park. This is really needed in the area."
"This Committee requests that the entrance into Homelawns is upgraded and improved.
The granite name rock is not enhanced by the low concrete stub wall which closes off this area at the bottom of the Homelawn Road and the Seskin View Road.
This Committee suggests that a limestone wall be used here where the stub wall currently is. This new boundary treatment will align with the park entrance and uses native, natural materials helping to create a visually upgraded entrance to this residential area. The estate is over 40 years old and an upgrade is overdue at this stage."
"That this Area Committee asks that priority will be given in the Tallaght Central area to curtailing in any way we can the Halloween Bonfire at Kilnamanagh which got completely out of hand last year. Tallaght Central Councillors have met several times with the very active Neighbourhood Watch in Kilnamanagh and wish to support them in any way we can on this matter."