Monday, October 22, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor B. Leech
"Following on from a Deputation for Kilmartin Estate on May 23rd one of the items on the agenda that was discussed was the green space at Kilmartin Drive. What was asked for by the residents was that the green space be levelled off in some way and a goal post erected at one end of it. It has been suggested they were looking for a play area, this was never the case. What progress has been made on the surface being levelled?"
"An item similar to this one was submitted on the agenda of the March 2018 ACM however on that occasion it made reference to a small green space at Kilmartin Park. The green spaces at Kilmartin Drive and Kilmartin Park are in close proximity to each other. The following was the reply given on that occasion and the Council's position remains the same. The removal of the surplus soil whch is mounded on these green spaces would involve major works which would be costly and would utilise any budget that could be made available for such a project just to remove and dispose of the excess material. The areas will now be examined to determine if a suitable use can be identified for either of these locations.
"There are no plans at present to carry out works on the green space at Kilmartin Park and there is currently no provision in the budget for this. The removal of the mounded area and levelling, soiling and seeding of the area once excess soil is removed would constitute major works in this residential area which would present a number of practical problems. One of these is the issue of disposal of the excess soil which would have to be done in accordance with current waste legislation and which would have the effect of adding substantial cost to such a project.
The area will however be examined to determine if it is possible to establish either a play area or an area for football which would not necessitate such substantial construction works and cost. It is not certain that such a development would prevent bonfires occuring there however it may help in this regard if the area is established as a play area for local children."