South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, October 22, 2018


MOTION: Councillor M. Murphy

"That this Area Committee asks that priority will be given in the Tallaght Central area to curtailing in any way we can the Halloween Bonfire at Kilnamanagh which got completely out of hand last year. Tallaght Central Councillors have met several times with the very active Neighbourhood Watch in Kilnamanagh and wish to support them in any way we can on this matter."


"The Council recognises the difficulties that Halloween can cause for many communities with the illegal burning of waste on bonfires, the damage to local amenities and the threat to property and local services.

For Halloween 2018, the Council will continue to adopt a cross departmental approach, utilising the services of Public Realm, Waste Enforcement, Environmental Awareness, Library Service, Housing and Community Services Departments to prevent damage and promote the “Safe Halloween” message. Contact has been made with local Gardai to arrange a joint approach to dealing with the removal of material.  The waste enforcement section have been in touch with over 150 businesses to advise them of the waste regulations. In addition the Gardai will call to local businesses to make them aware of their responsibility regarding waste disposal at this time of the year.

The Council's Public Realm Section have been collecting bonfire material in the Kilnamanagh area since September and are liaising closely with residents in the area in question. All reports made advising of stockpiling of bonfire material will be logged specifically for attention.   All available resources will be deployed to the preventative collections of bonfire materials prior to this Halloween and crews will work in response to the reports received.

In addition this year, recently acquired unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs / Drones)will be used to detect the illegal stockpiling of bonfire material.  These drones are an important addition to the waste enforcement toolkit, and will provide evidence to officers on the ground of areas where visibility is sometimes difficult.

The very popular Bulbs not Bonfires scheme will continue to be provided through the Social Credits Scheme, as well as a door to door WEEE collection prior to Halloween by RecycleIT."