Headed Items
Manager's Report.
Introduction and Core Strategy
Headed Items
Recommended wording change to PA002 which amends and updates the Core Strategy of the Draft Development Plan, inter alia, in order to take into account the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022, which were published in June 2010.
Recommended wording change to PA005.
Liffey Valley Zoning.
Amendment Ref.No.PA013
“That in Section 0.5 Land Use Zoning, Table 1.1(a) Development Plan Zoning Objectives, the Zone “I” be retained with the Objective “ To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley and to preserve its strategic importance as a green break between urban settlement areas”.
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell, E. Tuffy, C. Jones, and D. Keating.
That both amendment PA157 and amendment PA013 (Land Use Zoning Objectives Matrix) be modified such that ' hotel/motel' and 'public house' use classes be simply clarified as 'open for consideration - in existing premises only' under zoning objective 'I'.
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell, E. Tuffy, C. Jones, and D. Keating.
That both amendment PA157 and amendment PA013 (Land Use Zoning Objectives Matrix) be clarified and modified such that 'Aerodrome/Airfield' and 'Concrete/Asphalt Plant in or adjacent to a Quarry' use classes be listed as 'not permitted' under zoning objective 'I'.
It is noted that the Manager states in the associated report on submissions that these two use classes were left blank in the two amendments (PA013 and PA157) and he continues to state that: 'Given that the box was not indicated, the use would be considered in conjunction with general policies of the plan and the zoning objectives for the area’. In this regard it is therefore noted that policy PA021 which if left as is, provides for clear policy limitations on development within areas designated under this Liffey Valley Zoning Objective ‘I’; and therefore already has the affect of restricting development of both the 'Aerodrome/Airfield' and 'Concrete/Asphalt Plant in or adjacent to a Quarry' use classes. Therefore the proposed modification is not a material variation of the plan - but simply a clarification being wholly consistent with the objectives for the Liffey Valley zone. To drop the introduction of the Liffey Valley Zoning would however be a material variation of the Draft plan and such is neither required nor desirable.
Theme 1 A Living Place
Headed Items
A Living Place - Minor Wording Amendments.
PA030 introduces a new policy SCR12(A) ‘Cooperation with the Department of Education and Science in the Sustainable Development of Existing Schools and Educational Institute Sites’.
Recommended deletion of PA020 which proposed to introduce a new policy H31(A): ‘Exceptional Housing Need in the Dublin Mountain Zone’, which states:
It is the policy of the Council within areas designated with Zoning Objective ‘H’
(“to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character of the Dublin Mountain Area”) to consider permitting a new or replacement dwelling on a suitable site where the applicant is a person such as Registered General Nurse caring, nurturing and looking after the health and well being of an immediate elderly family member or relation in the community in a professional capacity that would otherwise require hospitalisation.
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell, E. Tuffy,C. Jones, and D. Keating
To modify amendment PA021 by modifying Point 1 under '1.2.52.iv (a)Policy H32(A): Liffey Valley Zone' as follows: "1. Development directly related to the area’s amenity potential or to its use for agriculture, but not to impinge on the landscape, or vistas of the valley or compromise its biodiversity or amenity."
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell, E. Tuffy, C. Jones, and D. Keating
Amendment PA021, updating section 1.2.52 of the plan should have included a further update to policy H35 to include a reference to the new Liffey Valley Zone (to reflect the prior decision of the Councillors ), and to provide consistency and clarity within the plan. The policy H35 already includes High Amenity, rural, and mountain zones and should include the Liffey Valley 'I' Zone also, so the amendment PA021 should be updated with policy H35 which should read as follows:
1.2.52.vii Policy H35: Replacement Dwellings in Rural Areas and Liffey Valley Zone
It is the policy of the Council, when considering planning applications for the refurbishment or replacement of existing dwellings in Liffey Valley, rural, mountain and high amenity zones,
- To be satisfied that there is a genuine need of replacement and/ or refurbishment.
- To be satisfied that the roof, internal and external walls of the dwelling are substantially intact.
- Require that in mountain, Liffey Valley and high amenity zones the replacement house shall be constructed substantially on the footprint of the existing house, unless there is a strong planning reason to allow alternative siting to be permitted (e.g. existing house within 200m of a stream or water course).
That it is the Policy of the Council to promote a practice in Building Construction of the highest standards of energy efficiency particularly in the areas of insulation, air tightness, passive Solar gain, efficiency and provision of appropriate renewable energy systems.
While specific energy performance standards of new buildings are set by National Standards i.e. Building Regulations, Energy Performance, and Renewable Energy Installations exceeding the minimum statuatory requirements will be encouraged to as high a degree as practically possible in any given situation.
Theme 2 A Connected Place
Headed Items
A Connected Place - Transportation. Minor Wording Amendments
HI 7(a) Proposed Amendment PA053 relates to Quality Bus Corridors and includes a reference to the DTO (Dublin Transport Authority).
HI 7(b) Proposed Amendment PA058 relates to Policy T16: Transport and Traffic Impact Statements which states: It is the policy of the Council that a Transport and Traffic Impact Statement should be submitted with all significant development proposals.
The proposed amendment adds the following text: Transport and Traffic Impact Statements shall be prepared in compliance with the Traffic Assessment Guidelines (National Roads Authority, September 2007).
HI 7(c) Proposed Amendment PA066 relates to a note for Table 2.2.4 General Car Parking Standards Related to Land Use, that Parking bays (for shopping centres particularly) will be 2.5m wide and 5m in length. All parking bays in surface and multi-storey or basement parking areas (other than those reserved for disabled persons) shall be 2.5m in width and 4.75m in length, exclusive of any structural pillars and other obstacles.
HI 7(d) Proposed Amendment PA069 relates to the revised Table 2.2.5 of the Six-year Roads Objectives from which the National Secondary Route Road objective ‘Upgrade of N81 Blessington Road (Extension of the Tallaght By-Pass)’ was omitted.
HI 7(e) Proposed Amendment PA057 relates to Section 2.2.14 Walking and Cycling and proposes to insert new text.
Recommended deletion of Proposed Amendment PA054 which proposed to insert a new policy T4A: Underutilised QBCs stating:It is the policy of the Council to examine how to make available underutilised QBCs which should be available to other road users and therefore not be sterilised.
Recommended deletion of Proposed Amendment PA070 which relates to Table 2.2.6 Long Term Road Objectives and proposes to delete the Local Road objective ‘Extension to Esker Meadow View to meet Esker Lane’.
Recommended wording change to Proposed Amendment PA077 which relates to risk of flooding and ensuring the protection, management, and as appropriate, enhancement, of existing wetland habitats where flood protection/management measures are necessary.
A Connected Place - Environmental Services. Minor Wording Amendments.
HI 11(a) Proposed Amendment PA078 relates to the aim of the Environmental Services section of the draft plan which states:
2.4.1 Aim
To conform to the European Union, National, and Regional policy in all matters relating to the production, handling, treatment and disposal of waste, and the control of air, noise and light pollution within the County.
It is proposed to replace the above statement with the following text:
‘To provide a leadership role in relation to the control of air quality, noise and light pollution; and the sustainable management of waste through the Council’s own policy having regard to European, National and Regional policies and implementation of solutions on waste minimisation, re-use and recycling so as to limit the financial and climatic impacts of landfill.’
HI 11(b) Proposed Amendment PA092 relates to a new Policy ES13A: Construction and Demolition Waste which states ‘It is the policy of the Council to require that planning applications for development (apart from residential developments of less than 15 units) be accompanied by a Waste Management Plan. The Plan, as a minimum, shall include a provision for the management of all construction and demolition waste arising on site, shall make provision for the recovery or disposal of this waste to authorised facilities by authorised collectors. Where appropriate, the re-use of excavated material from development sites on the site is to be encouraged, for landscaping, land restoration or for preparation for development.’
HI 11(c) Proposed Amendment PA074 relates to a new objective that sufficient conveyance capacity should be available within the receiving sewerage system locally and sufficient treatment capacity should be available downstream, at the relevant Waste Water Treatment Plant, to ensure ecological integrity.
HI 11(d) Proposed Amendment PA094 relates to Air Quality and the South Dublin County Council Air Quality Management Plan, and proposes to include the following statement in the Draft Plan:
“In conjunction with the EPA and the other Dublin local authorities the main air pollutants to be measured and monitored during the lifetime of this Air Quality Management Plan are smoke and particulate matter, Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Lead and Benzene.”
Recommended wording change to Proposed Amendment PA086 which relates to Policy ES6 Waste Prevention and Reduction which states that:
“It is the policy of the Council to promote the prevention and reduction of waste and to co-operate with industry and other agencies in viable schemes to achieve this in accordance with the Waste Management Plan for the Dublin Region 2005- 2010 and subsequent revisions and updates.”
It is proposed to replace the above text with the following:
‘It is the policy of the Council to undertake waste prevention in line with the principles of sustainable development in order to reduce waste arising and decouple the environmental impacts of waste generation from economic growth.’
Recommended deletion of Proposed Amendment PA090 which relates to Policy ES9: Municipal Solid Waste Disposal which states:
It is the policy of the Council to dispose of residual municipal solid waste in accordance with the Waste Management Plan for the Dublin Region 2005-2010 and subsequent revisions and updates by means of:
a) ‘Waste to energy’ conversion;
b) Sanitary landfill, or other suitable methods as deemed appropriate.
And to replace the above text with the following:
‘It is the policy of the Council to investigate the use of mechanical biological treatment and other ‘non-incinerating’ technologies to address the disposal of residual municipal solid waste.
Recommended deletion of Proposed Amendment PA099 which relates to Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures and includes in particular the statement ”That it is the policy of the Planning Authority thattelecommunication masts shall not be located within 200m of any schools; hospitals; community centres or police stations, similar to Kerry Co Co.”
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell and D. Keating.
That the additional text proposed in amendment PA059 be omitted from the Draft Development Plan i.e. "It is an objective of the Council to examine the lands adjacent to Cooldrinagh Lane and beside the former Tara Co-op site with a view to determining the suitability of this location for a park and ride facility."
That amendment PA080 be omitted from the Development Plan.
That regarding amendment ref no. PA080 amending Section 2.3.4 Waste Strategy of the Draft Plan – the following proposed addition to the text should be DELETED:
“It is an objective of the Council that no commercial or publicly-controlled incinerator other than for industrial processes or health purposes be built in South Dublin.”
Re. Ref. no. PA080 amending section 2.3.4..Waste Stategy of the Draft Plan—The proposed addition to the text “It is an objective of the Council that no commercial or publicly controlled incinerator other than for industrial processes or purposes or health be built in Sth County Dublin. I propose that that this addition be deleted
Re. Ref no.PA081 amending section2.4.5. Waste Mgt. Plan and that the words” further be left in the text, sothat it reads” “No further waste to energy incinerator or waste to energy thermal treatment facility, will be situated in Sth Dublin Co . Council.
Regarding amendment ref no. PA081 amending Section 2.4.5 Waste Management Plans - that the word 'further' be left in the text so that it reads:
“No further waste-to-energy incinerator or waste-to-energy thermal treatment facility will be situated in the County."
That Motion 120 and its amendments, as listed in the 4 May, 2010 amendment document ,( Item ID; 23311) be withdrawn from the County Development Plan on the grounds that it weakens the protection of South Dublin from incinerators. (Note: Original wording of the motion was as follows:That no commercial or publicly controlled incinerator be built in South Dublin.)
Motion also proposed by Councillors G. O' Connell, E. Tuffy, C. Jones, and D. Keating.
Amendment PA097 updating the Telecommunications policies for the Liffey Valley Zone should have also included an update to section 2.5.7.i policy EC3 (to reflect the prior decision of the Councillors ), and to provide consistency and clarity within the plan.
The policy EC3 already includes High Amenity , rural, and mountain zones and should include the Liffey Valley 'I' Zone also, so the amendment PA097 should be updated with policy EC3 which should read as follows:
2.5.7.i Policy EC3: Telecommunication Infrastructure in Sensitive Landscapes
It is the policy of the Council that all planning applications for energy and communications infrastructure on lands located in Liffey Valley, rural, high amenity and mountain zones (zones I, B, G and H) above the 120m contour, shall be accompanied by an assessment of the potential visual impacts of the proposed development on the landscape - demonstrating that impacts have been anticipated and avoided to a level consistent with the sensitivity of the landscapee, in order to support, protect and improve the landscape character of sensitive lands.
Regarding amendment ref no PA099amending Section 2.5.8. (Under “In the consideration of proposals for telecommunications antennae and support structures, applications will be required to demonstrate the following:”)That at the end of the 3rd point “or walking route” be added.
Amendment Ref.No.PA100
“That in Section 2.5.9 Renewable Energy the word “primarily” be deleted from the last line of the 3rd paragraph, so that it reads “lands zoned for development.”
Regarding amendment ref no PA104amending Section 2.5.15 “That “and walking routes” should be added to the 4th bullet point.”
Theme 3 A Busy Place
Headed Items
A Busy Place - Minor Wording Amendments.
HI 15(a) Proposed Amendment PA120 relates to new Policy TDL21 A Lucan Village Vision and Strategy.
HI 15(b) Proposed Amendment PA122 relates to new Policy TDL21 C Templeogue Village Vision and Strategy.
Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnell - Security Issues and Air Safety (Including proposed amendments to Schedule 4).
Weston Aerodrome - Air Navigation (Including proposed amendments to Schedule 5).
Recommended wording change to Proposed Amendment PA126 which relates to Neighbourhood/Small Town/Village Centres and proposes to reduce the upper size limit of supermarket and discount food stores in such centres from 2,500 m.sq. to 1,500 m.sq.
Amendment Ref.No.PA123- County Villages
That the following addendum be added to Amendment Re.No PA123 ( Section Ref. 3.3.23) after the words “urban design for the villages” at the end of the second paragraph. “ It will be the policy of the Council, during the term of this Development Plan, to encourage and support proposals from local communities, and community organisations such as Community Council’s, and proposals from Local Area Committees of the Council, which seek to have a Village Design Statement for a particular village drawn up through a process involving community participation, the Heritage Council and the Council’s Planning Department”.
That amendment PA210 re: definition of the 'Shop - Neighbourhood' use class be modified by adding the following additional sentence: "It also includes a small supermarket on a scale directly related to the role and function of the settlement and its catchment and not exceeding 1500sqM in gross floor area."
Amendment Ref.No.PA117
Amend 3.3.6.iv(a) Policy TDL9(A) Tallaght Education City, as follows:
- Change “Tallaght Education City” to “Tallaght Education and Innovation City”
- Add to the first paragraph, after “in Tallaght” the words “and the promotion of innovation and enterprise”
- In the second paragraph change “Education City” to Education and Innovation City”
- Delete all after “transport infrastructure” in the existing second paragraph, ie the reference to City West Institute.
- Add the following paragraph: “ It is an objective of the Council to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business start-ups in Tallaght Education and Innovation City, including in City West Business Park , through facilitating and supporting institutions and organisations involved in these activities”
Amendment Ref.No.PA109
Amend 3.2.21.ii Policy EE39: Restriction Area at Casement Aerodrome
To read:
“ It is the policy of the Council to continue to negotiate with the Department of Defence regarding restrictions at Casement Aerodrome”
Amendment Ref.No.PA110
Delete Policy EE39A “Casement Aerodrome- Security Consultation Zone” as in June 2010 Amendment Ref. No. PA110
Replace with
Policy EE39A “Casement Area – Security Consultation Zone”
“It is the policy of the Council to continue to negotiate with the Department of Defence to prevent encroachment of development around Casement Aerodrome which would interfere with its safe operation”
Theme 4 A Protected Place
Headed Items
Recommended wording clarification to Proposed Amendment PA144 which relates to Policy LHA9 Impacts on Natura 2000 Sites and proposes including the statement that “All subsequent plan-making and adoption of plans arising from this Plan and proposed amendments to the adopted plan will be screened for the need to undertake Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. Projects noted within the National Parks and Wildlife Service Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – Guidance for Planning Authorities (2009) will be screened for the need to undertake Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive.”
Recommended deletion of Proposed Amendment PA152 which relates to Policy LHA22 Protection of the Grand Canal.
Regarding amendments ref no PA139 to PA143 amending Sections 4.3.7 i, 4.3.7 ii, 4.3.7iiio, 4.3.7iv, and 4.3.7v, That the time limit of “during the lifetime”provided for in each of these policies be substituted by “within three years of adoption”
Specific Local Objectives
Headed Items
Recommended deletion of PA184 which refers to a proposed new SLO as follows:
Tandy’s Lane and Esker Lane- Exit on to N4
To pursue and facilitate the reopening of Tandy’s Lane and Esker Lane exists onto the N4 in an acceptable, safe and efficient layout subject to funding and approval from the National Roads Authority.
Recommended deletion of PA195 which proposes a new SLO Liffey Valley Town Centre -Traffic
which states:
“To actively seek to have N4 motorised traffic gain access and egress to and from Liffey Valley Town Centre so as to relieve the presence, pressure, hazards and pollution of unnecessary motorised traffic on the Palmerstown residential community. “
Recommended wording change to PA197 which proposes a new SLO Tourism Amenity - Dodder Valley
which states:
“Support the development of a visitor centre/tourism amenity based on the historical mills that were a feature of the area, at a suitable location on the Dodder at Tallaght with particular focus on examining potential impacts on biodiversity and wildlife that such a development may have.”
Recommended deletion to PA200 which refers to a proposed new SLO as follows:
Commons Little, Aylmer Road - Nursing Home
“To provide for the development of a high quality nursing home facility at Commons Little, Aylmer Road, Newcastle.”
Recommended wording change to Proposed Amendment PA204 which relates to a proposed new SLO,
”Facilitate the development of the Grand Canal at Hazelhatch as a location for water based activities and walking trails between Dublin and Kildare subject to the approval of Waterways Ireland and the development of a sustainable strategy for the Grand Canal as set out in SLO 6. River Liffey and Grand Canal-Strategy.”
Recommended deletion to Proposed Amendment PA163 which relates to a proposed New LZO as follows:
Hazelhatch- Residential Marina Village
“Facilitate the development of a Residential Marina Village at Hazelhatch subject to an Approved Plan.”
Regarding amendment PA175 seeking to delete SLO 26. Cloverhill – Connection to M50 Motorway, that the original wording and objective be restored to read as follows:
“Provide a connection to the M50 Motorway at Cloverhill to serve the industrial and residential areas of North Clondalkin by providing a roads infrastructure to:
a) Maintain a southern connection from Palmerstown Woods Estate to Clondalkin Village;
b) Divert heavy commercial out of Clondalkin Village, via the Cloverhill Motorway Interchange.”
The Grand Canal 12th Lock Master Plan is subject to the following:-
- The Grand Canal Way should be developed on the North Side westbound to Hazelhatch but not on the South Side.
- Traffic control for cyclists safety at the 12th Lock Bridge.
- The 3 storey Mill Building adjacent to the 12th Lock Bridge should be included in the list of protected structures.
- The Grand Canal should not be used as a flood relief route.
- Any restorative work on the Grand Canal should not impact negatively on the local natural environment.
Regarding amendment ref no PA198 amending New SLO That “within the lifetime of the Plan” be added.
Headed Items
Proposed Amendment PA213 relates to changes to the text of Schedule 6 Housing Strategy.
Amendment Ref.No.PA211
Reinstate in Amendment Ref. No. PA211 as in June 2010 Proposed Amendments to Draft Development Plan, the sentence “ For safety and security reasons, it is also the policy of the Council that no new developments be permitted within the restricted area shown on the maps and which comprises the aerodrome and the lands immediatell adjoining the aerodrome boundary.”
Regarding amendment ref PA211 on Casement Aerodrome I propose that the Managers recommendations on the matter be adopted.
To modify the Draft County Development Plan Index Map/ Map 3 to reduce the area of the ‘Security Consultation Zone’ to approximately 300 metres west from the edge of Runway 05/23. (For the avoidance of doubt, this area is not to be taken from the edge of the taxiway). This is in accordance with Policy EE39A of the Amended Draft County Development Plan. The flight safety zones (red zones) shall remain
Unaffected. Page ref. 126 Draft Amendment Plan 2010-2016
To modify the Draft County Development Plan Index Map/ Map 3 to reduce the area of the "Security Consultation Zone" to approximately 300 metres west from the edge of Runway 05/23. (For the avoidance of doubt, this area is not to be taken from the edge of the taxiway). This is in accordance with Policy EE39A of the Amended Draft County Development Plan. The flight zones (red zones) shall remain Unaffected. Page ref. 126 Draft Amendment Plan 2010-2016.
Map 3
Headed Items
Recommended deletion to Proposed Amendment PA228 which relates to zoning of lands, north of the Naas Road.
Amendment Ref.No.PA228
Delete Amendment Ref. No. PA228 as in June 2010 Proposed Amendments to Draft Development Plan- Zoning. Revert back to Draft Development Plan Map 3, where lands in question have zoning objective B “ To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture”
Emergency Motions
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That Policy H30(A) be relocated to a new Section1.2.52.i(a) and be re-named as new Policy H29(A): Rural Housing Policies and Local Need Criteria.
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That 1.2.52.v(a) Policy H33(A) be amended to read as follows: “It is the policy of the Council to seek to ensure the long term viability of the rural communities of Glenasmole/Bohernabreena/Ballinascorney/Brittas and to this end, will facilitate applicants who wish to build a family home in their local area. Development proposals for new or replacement dwellings located within the areas of Glenasmole/Ballinascorney/Bohernabreena/Brittas will only be permitted on suitable sites where:
- Applicants can establish a genuine need to reside in proximity to their employment (such employment being related to the rural community) Or
- Applicants have close family ties with the rural community”
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That PA146 be amended to include the following “with the exception of a family home that is consistent with the other policies in this Development Plan relating to rural housing in the Glenasmole/Ballinascorney/Bohernabreena/Brittas areas”
That amendment PA104 relating to section ‘2.5.15.i Policy EC10: Energy and Communications infrastructure in Sensitive Landscapes’ be modified as follows:
“It is the policy of the Council that all planning applications for energy and communications infrastructure on lands above the 120m contour located in rural, high amenity, and mountain zones (zones B, G, and H) and on lands in the Liffey Valley (zoned I), shall be accompanied by an assessment of the potential visual impacts of the proposed development on the landscape - demonstrating that impacts have been anticipated and avoided to a level consistent with the sensitivity of the landscape, in order to protect and, where appropriate enhance, the landscape character of sensitive lands.”
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That PA018 be amended as follows: Delete the word”residents” and insert instead the word “applicants.
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That 1.2.52.iii(a)Policy H31(A) be amended as follows:
“It is the policy of the Council within areas designated with Zoning Objective H to consider permitting a new or replacement dwelling on a suitable site where exceptional health circumstances exist, whether such circumstances relate to the applicant themselves or where the applicant is a person such as a Registered General Nurse caring, nurturing and looking after the health and well being of an immediate elderly family member or relation in the community in a professional capacity that would otherwise require hospitalisation”
Motion also proposed by Councillors C. King, S. Crowe, C. Brophy, B.Lawlor, and Cllr M. Duff
That PA019 be amended to include the following : “Rural generated housing arises where the applicant is indigenous to the rural area or has family links to the rural area or who works in a type of employment intrinsic to the rural economy, which requires the applicant to live in the rural area, to be close to their rural-based employment. Urban generated housing arises where the applicant has no indigenous links with the rural area, currently lives and works in the urban area and wishes to live in the rural area”
That it is the policy of South Dublin County Council to amend the Security Zone restriction around Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnell so that it becomes a Security Consultation Zone, within which standard security measures will be applied in line with international best practice at military and civilian aerodromes.