Monday, September 06, 2010
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
Amendment Ref.No.PA117
Amend 3.3.6.iv(a) Policy TDL9(A) Tallaght Education City, as follows:
Proposed Amendment PA117 relates to new Policy TDL9A Tallaght Education City.
The facilitation and promotion of Tallaght Town Centre as an Education and Innovation City with the objective of utilising the physical and educational infrastructure to provide for the education of international students in Tallaght Town Centre is to be welcomed. In conjunction with the facilities that Tallaght Town Centre has to offer such as the civic centre, which includes the theatre, Rua Red, the library; the retail centre located both in Tallaght Village and at the Square and the transportation infrastructural hub which links the Luas with buses and which will eventually link with Metro West, the concept of an Education and Innovation City would strengthen Tallaght Town Centre as a positive destination for students and all employment associated with education.
It should be a policy of the Council to facilitate and promote Tallaght Town Centre as an Education and Innovation City, building upon the existing Institute of Technology and the growth of educational provision within the town centre and in close proximity to the major transportation hub. In general the promotion of Tallaght as an Education and Innovation City is considered to be reasonable and reflects an appropriate role for the development of Tallaght Town Centre, however, it is considered inappropriate to refer to individual sites. It should be noted that the SEA is supportive of the proposed changes as it potentially reduces the number of car journeys.
Manager’s Recommendation:
That the motion be adopted with the following amendments:
3.3.6.iv(a) Policy TDL9(A) Tallaght Education and Innovation City
It is the policy of the Council to facilitate and promote the concept of Tallaght as an Education and Innovation City, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders, with the objective of utilising the physical and educational infrastructure to provide for the education of international students in Tallaght and the promotion of innovation and enterprise.
It is an objective of the Council to brand and promote Tallaght as an Education and Innovation City and to promote and attract more international and national students to the area by using the ready availability of rented apartment and housing accommodation, the existing educational institutes and facilities and its accessibility through growing and improved transport infrastructure, and to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business start-ups through facilitating and supporting institutions and organisations involved in these activities.