Monday, September 06, 2010
MOTION: Councillor T. Ridge
To modify the Draft County Development Plan Index Map/ Map 3 to reduce the area of the "Security Consultation Zone" to approximately 300 metres west from the edge of Runway 05/23. (For the avoidance of doubt, this area is not to be taken from the edge of the taxiway). This is in accordance with Policy EE39A of the Amended Draft County Development Plan. The flight zones (red zones) shall remain Unaffected. Page ref. 126 Draft Amendment Plan 2010-2016.
Proposed Amendment PA110 proposes a new policy (EE39A) to amend the Department of Defence Security Zone Restriction around Casement Aerodrome so that it becomes a ‘Security Consultation Zone’. This motion proposes to modify the Development Plan Index Map to reduce the size of the Restriction Area. As this does not directly relate to the proposed amendment, it cannot be considered at this point in the Development Plan process.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is considered that the case for retention of the Restriction Area with a reduction to 400 metres from the taxiways, has been adequately justified by the Department of Defence, particularly having regard to the threat assessment carried out by the relevant State Authorities.
The reduction in extent proposed by the motion would result in the revised western boundary being in extremely close proximity to the taxiway parallel to runway 05/23. This would facilitate access to the taxiway where slow moving aircraft could potentially be vulnerable targets. Furthermore, in relation to the Restriction Area, the report of the aviation consultant states:
‘….we agree with giving equal protection to taxiways and runways….’
Having regard to the above, it is considered that the extent of the Restriction Area at Casement Aerodrome should not be reduced.
SEA Assessment:
Removal of the restrictions applied to the lands around Casement Aerodrome have potential to negatively impact on biodiversity, landscape, habitats, flooding and watercourses, however, these effects are likely to be mitigated, as long as the surrounding lands remain in agricultural use.
However, significant additional impacts on the landscape and habitats, which are unlikely to be mitigated, would be envisaged if the proposed amendments to the security zones and runway restrictions were to be adopted along with a subsequent rezoning for the surrounding lands from ‘B’ agriculture, to industrial zoned lands.
Manager’s Recommendation:
That the motion not be adopted.