Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght ACM (1) 16th November, 2009.
"To ask the Manager to outline how, going forward, SDCC is going to deal with the rise in Anti-social behaviour, due to the perceived increase in drug-dealing in many Council owned estates in Tallaght - to indicate where this Council's responsibility ends and the Gardai's begins and how the Council Housing staff are finding the Garda response to the many problems that are currently being highlighted?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a comprehensive list giving numbers and location and date of surrender of all vacant houses in the Tallaght area along with a reason for each vacancy and the expected turnaround/reletting date?"
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(none received)
(none received)
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Cathaoirleachs Business
(None received)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the removal of the overgrown tree in the front garden of 3 Bawnlea Green as it is lifting the driveway and causing other damage in it's vicinity.
That the Manager outline what precisely is causing the delay in the handing over of the legal title to residential units to the Oaklee Housing Association in the McUlliam Estate - that he notes that Oaklee are not currently in a position to require tenancy agreements for their tenants and this may cause significant legal issues going forward, that he gives a commitment to resolve this situation before Christmas.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to report on the current situation with the derelict NABCO Community facility on Donomore Park including any relevant information from other Departments such as Planning and Development.
That the Manager, by way of adhering to its duty of care to it's tenants in the Tallaght area, pursue the owners of all vacant houses not owned by SDCC to ensure their security, under whatever legislative measures are available to the Council, and to put in place a planned response to be implemented as the need arises.
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Application for Grants (if any)
(none received)
(None Received)
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Cathaoirleachs Business
(None Received)
To ask the Manager to detail the progress of the Jobstown All-weather pitch in terms of footfall, range of activities etc to give an indication of past and present usage and to outline what changes have been implemented or may be necessary to keep the facility sustainable.
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the removal of graffiti from containers/dressing rooms in the vicinity of the Old Bawn Road/Dodder Park as soon as possible?"
"To ask the Manager to outline in practice how the new bin collection waiver scheme will operate for recipients as there is a lot of confusion amongst members of the public about how this scheme will be rolled out and the practicalities for the service users?"
"To ask the Manager if he is aware of the road subsiding on Killinney Road at the roundabout at the Scholars and the second roundabout for Parklands in Ballycullen that appears to be coming from recent pipe laying in the area and will he take measures to resolve this issue that is causing water to lodge on the road and creating a potential hazard for motorists?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange a clean-up of the lane located between Dominics National School, Mountain Park Rd., and the houses in St. Maelruans Park?"
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(None Received)
(None Received)
Cathaoirleachs Business
This Committee, in view of the ongoing attacks and breakins on mourners cars in Bohernabreena Cemetery, calls on the Manager to erect new signage in the immediate area to highlight the dangers of leaving valuables and other items in cars.
That this Committee notes the significant detraction from the quality of life of local residents due to Kelland Homes' disrespect to the neighbourhood and the environment surrounding the Sundale Park Shopping Centre and to request that a letter is sent to this owner requesting that special attention is paid to cleansing the environs of the shopping centre coming up to and during the Christmas period.
That the Manager outlines how many projects and the nature of those projects in the Tallaght area that are currently engaging in the social credits scheme announced by the Council early last year.