Monday, December 07, 2009
MOTION: Councillor M. Corr
That the Manager outlines how many projects and the nature of those projects in the Tallaght area that are currently engaging in the social credits scheme announced by the Council early last year.
The Council commenced discussions on this initiative in February of this year and looked at a wide variety of possibilities in other countries as well as looking at the possibility of it forming part of a european project through the Regional Authority. The EU dimension remains a possibility however the Council has now decided to proceed with the initiative.
The Social Credits initiative will enable community organisations, schools and businesses to avail of opportunities to earn credits for environmental and civic participation efforts which they can redeem against the use of facilities and services of the Council. .
Many schools, community groups, households, businesses and individuals continuously strive to improve their environment by cleaning up, planting and maintaining places all around the County. The new Social Credit System will acknowledge and reward such groups and motivate others to get involved and take ownership of the County. “Green Credits” will be awarded for environmentally sustainable actions carried out. Credits will be accumulated and then exchanged for a variety of rewards. Actions and points required for a variety of rewards will be listed in the Social Credit Catalogue. Some examples of actions will include a community group keeping their area graffiti free, a business siting a bring bank on their premises, a school keeping their grounds litter free or household reducing their waste going to landfill. Rewards from the Council will include free swims; a free round of golf, use of a sound studio, a free WEEE collection for your area, your street could be awarded a litter free status or have trees planted in your area.
The work is in the preparatory stage however it is intended to consult further in advance of the intiative being finalised to ensure that the initiative will provide a response to some of the civic needs of the County
There is a consultation proposed for the Elected Members on 13th January (as part of the Corporate Plan consultation) and it is hoped to follow this with consultations with the business community as well as the community sector and the schools. It is hoped to launch the intiative in the first quarter of 2010.