Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Rathfarnham Meeting of Tuesday 13th October 2009
"To ask the Manger to provide an update on the Lolipop Lady service for the Knocklyon road and to guarantee the provision of 2 Lolipop ladies on this road which is critical for the safetly of children crossing this road?"
"To ask the Manager to review the accesibility of pedestrian crossings in the vicinity of the Fonthill Estate with Ballyboden Road in order to improve accessibility for residents to the Ballyroan shops and community services?"
"To ask the Manager to have the public street lights in Dispensary Lane repaired. They have not been working for three weeks?"
"To ask the Manager to have a nameplate installed to identify the houses at Glemore Green?"
"To ask the Manager to request Dublin Bus to move the present city bound bus stop on Stocking Lane at Prospect Manor nearer to the Pedestrian crossing. This would be done for safety reasons as bus users might start using the new exit from Prospect Heath to cross to the existing bus stop?"
"To ask the Manager to raise the levels of the manhole covers on Scholarstown Road as all of them from Orlagh Roundabout to Templeroan are below road surface?"
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That the Manager put in place a pedestrian safety crossing on Ballyboden Road between the junctions of Fonthill Park and Glendoher estate to protect children crossing going and returning to school."
"That this Committee discusses the new proposed opening adjacent to The Heath Prospect Manor and how this will be managed with the closure of the old opening from Socking Lane to Heath."
"That the Manager give a report on the street lighting at the pathway between Marian Crescent and Anne Devlin Drive to take account.
1. The trees in the small green area opposite house 59 Marian Crescent are blocking the light from the street light there and need to be cut back.
2. The tree at 16 Anne Devlin Drive is also blocking the lamplight and needs to be cut back severely or cut down.
That this Council contact the ESB to request that they install another street light on the pole opposite 59 Marian Crescent pointing in the direction of Marian Crescent."
"That this Committee expresses its great disappointment and annoyance with NRA, M50 Concessions and associated contractors, in how they have treated residents along the line of the motorway upgrade in Knocklyon."
"That the Manager outline what Road Safety Audit or actions will be taken to ensure safety of pedestrians crossing Stocking Lane from Prospect Manor at the proposed newly created cut through point rather than the traditional exit at the pedestrian crossing."
"That this Committee discuss the new proposed opening to service the Bus Stop adjacent to the Heath Prospect Manor."
"That the Manager provide an updated report on the various meetings held with Residents and M50 Concessions Ltd and detail the outcomes of these meetings."
Development & Parks
"To ask the Manager to plant a new tree to replace the tree which was blown down two years ago at house 20 Prospect Grove?"
"To ask the Manager to have the large conifer tree tops cut back opposite houses 16 and 18 Edenbrook Drive?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the Whitechurch Shopping centre – re derelict site:- I was informed on the 23rd March 2009 that “the Council has re-inspected the site since the works have been carried out and are of the opinion that the works carried out with regard to the car park are not sufficient and therefore the site remains in a derelict condition. The procedure now is to ascertain the current market value for the site, which is being pursued by Development”
As far as I am aware no further work has been carried out at this location."
"To ask the Manager to include Firhouse road for 3 extra trees in the upcoming tree planting programme i.e. adjacent to 45 Woodbrook Park – Firhouse Road – this request in previously?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the planting of the area in front of the new wall built at Templeroan/Boden Drive (adjacent to the bus stop) as it is attracting grafitti and looks very bare"
(Location - The precise location is at the end of templeroan Dr and junction of Green Route)
"To ask the Manager for an update on the progress of works at Rathfarnham Castle playground?"
Headed Items
New Works Development & Parks
Proposed Programme of Arboricultural Works for Rathfarnham Electoral Area – 2009 / 2010.
Correspondence Development & Parks Department
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
"That this Committee recommends that toilet facilities be provided at Rathfarnham Castle Playground immediately - this is an emergency health and safety issue."
"That the Manager update members on progress made regarding Willbrook Park, Rathfarnham and the idea of a Community Garden."
"That this Committee discusses the ‘problem’ of the large trees between Orlagh Downs and Woodfield estate and advise on how best to move forward to have this issue resolved – i.e. trees pruned and unsafe removed before they fall and cause serious damage -this area is not in charge of SDCC but ‘nobody’ is taking responsibility."
Headed Items
Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members
Bolton Hall
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
Headed Items
Report on Housing Construction Programme
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
Headed Items
Application for Grants
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
Corporate Services & Libraries
Headed Items
Library News & Events
New Works Corporate Services & Libaries
(No Business)
Correspondence Corporate Serivces & Libraries
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
"To ask the Manager to provide an update on the current works in Prospect Manor resulting from the Boherboy Water Scheme and to detail when the pedestrian bridge will be re-opened?"
"To ask the Manager what a customer who has not yet registered for the new bin system has to do to become part of the system?"
"To ask the Manager when he anticipates rolling out the brown bin?"
Headed Items
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That the Manager give a report on when will the footbridge at Prospect Manor be reopened."
"That the Manager confirms he is satisfied with the reinstatement quality of the work carried out by Boherboy Contractors."