Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Proposed Programme of Arboricultural Works for Rathfarnham Electoral Area – 2009 / 2010.
The Arboricultural Programme for 2009/2010 will be implemented between November 2009 and mid-March 2010.
Due to the extent of the established and maturing tree population in the general area of Rathfarnham and the significantly large volume of requests for tree pruning and removals, the Parks Department is giving priority under the forthcoming Arboricultural Programme specifically to the maintenance and pruning of existing trees and to the thinning and/or removal of shrubberies on open spaces which are locations of anti-social activities and cause of anxiety and nuisance for the general public. It is intended to concentrate on the entire street tree population in complete estates rather than on individual trees on individual streets. This approach has been the general practice in recent years and has the benefit of optimising the use of existing staff and equipment resources.
It should therefore be noted that in some cases, requests for pruning of individual trees in estates that are not included in this programme will be deferred to the next programme other than where works are required as a matter of urgency in the interests of public safety. The programme below does contain individual tree locations which are the subject of committments given to Elected Members as well as members of the public during the course of this year.
Street Tree Planting
In the conteext of the above, a very minimal amount to tree planting will be undertaken next spring and it is intended to bring a proposed programme of tree planting to the meeting of the Area Committee in January 2010.
Street Tree Pruning and Removals
Trees are pruned under the street tree pruning programme on a 'need to prune' system based on the following criteria:
Trees which have to be felled will in the first instance have their branches removed and the main trunk reduced to approx. one metre above ground level. The remaining section of trunk reduces the risk of a trip hazard until such time as the removal is completed. The removal of the remaining trunk involves the use of specialised stump grinding equipment and in most cases, the re-instatement of the grass verge. In order to maintain progress with the pruning programme which is done during the dormant season, a portion of trunk will remain in place for a period after the works have been completed. A follow on programme of stump removals will take place commencing in early spring 2010.
Replacement trees will be planted where appropriate and subject to the availablity of resources in the following planting season.
Rathfarnham Electoral Area Tree Pruning List
Ashton | Ashton Grove |
Ashton Avenue | |
22 Ashton Grove | |
Ballyroan | 8 Ballyroan Crescent |
13 Ballyroan Crescent | |
38 Ballyroan Crescent | |
8 Ballyroan Heights | |
11 Ballyroan Park | |
130 Ballyroan Road | |
Ballytore | 13 Ballytore Road |
14 Ballytore Road | |
Beaufort Downs | Beaufort Downs |
Beverly | Beverly Estates |
Beverly Downs | |
Boden Wood | 33 Boden Wood |
Castlefield | 11/13 Castlefield Court |
15 Castlefield Court | |
Castlefield Grove | |
Castleside | Castleside Drive |
Coolamber | 125 Coolamber Park |
Cremorne | side of 84 Cremorne |
Dargle Wood | rear of 37 Dargle Wood |
rear & side 43 Dargle Wood | |
Delaford Avenue | rear 53 Delaford Avenue |
Dodder | 2 & 8 Dodder Court |
Dodder Park Grove | |
Edenbrook Park | 9 to 11 Edenbrook Park |
Glenbrook Park | 26 Glenbrook Park |
39 Glenbrook Park | |
Glendoher | 18 Glendoher Close |
44 Glendoher Avenue | |
27 Glendoher Park | |
34 Glendoher Park | |
Glenview | Glenview Drive (end of cul de sac) |
Grange Manor Drive | 1 Grange Manor Drive |
Hermitage | 2-20 Hermitage Drive |
3,5, 7 Hermitage Park | |
13 Hermitage Drive | |
24 Hermitage Grove | |
Idrone | rear 32 Idrone Close |
rear 36 Idrone Close | |
52 Idrone Drive | |
53 & 55 Idrone Park | |
61 Idrone Park | |
Knockaire | opposite 14 Knockaire |
37 Knockaire | |
56 Knockaire | |
side of 55 Knockaire | |
Knockcullen | 18 Knockcullen Park |
Knocklyon | opposite 25 Knocklyon Avenue |
opposite 23 Knocklyon Avenue | |
7 Knocklyon Close | |
1 Knocklyon Court | |
Lower Dodder Road | 67 Lower Dodder Road |
68 Lower Dodder Road | |
Mount Alton | 37 Mount Alton |
Moyville Lawn | rear of 11 Moyville Lawn |
Orlagh | Orlagh Estates |
Rathfarnham Wood | 106 Rathfarnham Wood |
Silverwood Road | 31 Silverwood Road |
Springvale | 43 Springvale |
St. Enda's Park | 24 St. Enda's Park |
Tibradden Drive | 9 Tibradden Drive |
Washington Park | 15 Washington Park |
Whitechurch | 102 Whitechurch Way |
Whitecliff | 137 Whitecliff |
Rathfarnham Electoral Area Tree Removal List
12 Ashfield, Templeogue
Ashton Close
35 Ashton Close
Ballycullen Drive
Ballycullen Drive (main drive)
6 Barton Drive
Opposite 76 Barton Drive
75 Barton Road Extension
20 Beverly Crescent
17 Beverly Lawns
side of 31A Brookvale Downs
20 Brookvale
Butterfield Grove
4 Butterfield Grove
2 Castlefield Court
11-13 Castlefield Court
Castleside Drive
Castleside Drive
104 Coolamber Park
72/73 Coolamber Park
68 Coolamber Park
104 Coolamber Park
Dangan Park
36 Dangan Park
Dargle Wood
rear & side 43 Dargle Wood
Delaford Drive
17 Delaford Lawn
24 Delaford Park
Dodder Park Road
45 Dodder Park Road
55 Fairways
76 Fairways
Fonthill Park
26 Fonthill Park
36 Glenbrook Park
54 Glenbrook Park
8 Glendoher Avenue
30 Glendoher Close
34 Glendoher Drive
14 Glendoher Park
Glenvara Park
200 Glenvara Park
2 Hermitage Drive
3, 5 Hermitage Court
27 Hermitage Drive
23 Hermitage Grove
11, 15, 27, 29, 37, 47 Hermitage Drive
30 Hermitage Lawn
30 Hermitage Grove
23 Hermitage Park
61 Idrone Park
33 Knockaire
2 & 4 Knockaire
66 Knockcullen Drive
23 Knockcullen Park
9 Knockcullen Rise
17 Knocklyon Heights
30 Lansdowne Park
Mount Alton
opposite 2 Mount Alton
17 Mount Alton
44 Orlagh Park
31, 35, 44 Silverwood Road
St. Enda's Park
25 St. Enda's Park
Templeroan Park
32 Templeroan Park
Tibradden Drive
9 Tibradden Drive
Westbourne Lodge
85 Westbourne Lodge
Willbrook Estate
42 Willbrook Estate