Agenda - Adjourned April 2009 Development Plan Meeting

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30/04/2009 15:30
Council Chamber

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Colin Ryan


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

The Council directs the Manager to include in the Overall Strategy/Recommended Policy Approach, in the section beginning with"Seek to provide for the future well being of the residents of the County by" the addendum "Ensuring an adequate supply of zoned lands for agriculture and food production, including land for allotments, to provide for any new and/or additional demand for locally produced food, which may arise in the medium to longer term future as a consequence of predicted climate changes resulting in significantly changed world and Irish patterns of food production and associated changes in the availability of imported foodstuffs to Ireland and the Greater Dublin Region."

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That the  Council directs the Manager to add the words "and Adaptation" to the first paragraph in Page 57 of the Report so that it reads :"Promote Climate Change Mitigating and Adaptation Measures through the integration of land-use and transportation and by promoting and facilitating development to be more energy efficient."

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That the Council directs the Manager to insert as an addendum to the second paragraph in the section "Infrastructure-Environmental Services: Recommended Policy Approach" the statement: "In the event that the Government has not published a national climate change adaptation by the time the draft County Development Plan is nearing completion, the Council will formulate its own adaptation strategy, based on best practice in the matter by other local and regional government organisations."

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That the Council directs the Manager, in regard to the Policy Approach to Land Use Zoning and Local Zoning Objectives, that it is the view of the Council, based on the existing availability in the County of serviced land zoned residential, historical trends in house completions during a period of acknowledged house building "boom", and likely overall  demand for housing in the County during the period of the next two Development Plans, not to include any proposal for the rezoning of any substantial parcel of land (in excess of 5 hectares) in the Draft Plan.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That this plan determines that the present level of zoned land for private housing is adequate.

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That the County Development Plan includes policies for zoning land for housing that maintains status quo, i.e. no further development / zoning.

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That given the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area have designated the agricultural areas of this county as part of the Dublin Metropolitan Area, to be developed in the long term into a compact urban form based on enhanced public transport, this Council directs the Manager to incorporate into the draft development plan clear strategic policies and objectives setting out a framework structure for the long-term transition of the agricultural and rural areas consistent with the strategic regional objective that will provide for retaining the distinctive attractive communities in the area with a strong sense of place, and the preservation of natural beauty, biodiversity and critical environmental areas, while at the same time accommodating appropriate selective sustainable development that does not compromise the long-term framework structure, the strategic regional objective, or the amenities of the county’s rural areas.

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That this Council ensures that existing agricultural land banks are protected with a view to improving and enhancing local food production for reasons of food security, with specific policy objectives adopted to achieve this goal.

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That this Council directs the Manager in accordance with the provisions of Section 11(4)(d) of the 2000 Planning Act as amended, to incorporate into the forthcoming draft county development plan, the principles of the One Planet Living initiative jointly advocated by World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) and the BioRegional environmental organisation which seeks to make sustainable living easy, attractive and affordable through the adoption of ten guiding principles of development sustainability evolved through the initiative, which are;

(1) Zero Carbon in response to the human induced build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere,

(2) Zero Waste dealing with disposal issues and the squandering of valuable resources,

(3) Sustainable Transport concerned with travel contributing to climate change, air and noise pollution and congestion,

(4)Local and Sustainable Materials as resource exploitation increases environmental damage, and the need to maximise the benefit to local communities,

(5) Local and Sustainable Food to minimise transport costs and maximise the benefit to local communities,

(6) Sustainable Water use to protect local supplies, and avoid pollution or depletion,

(7) Protect natural habitat and wildlife to ensure bio-diversity and avoid over exploitation of natural resources,

(8) Local Culture and Heritage to be fostered to avoid loss of local identity and knowledge,

(9) Equity and Fair Trade to ensure that all communities can meet their need from what they produce or sell,

(10) Health and Happiness being fostered to avoid a divergence between rising wealth and the true basis of well-being,

and that the overall strategy, policies and objectives in the county development plan be framed to be consistent with this initiative.

Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That this Council directs the Manager in accordance with the provisions of Section 11(4)(d) of the 2000 Planning Act to incorporate into the forthcoming draft county development plan, the principles of the Smart Growth initiative developed to effect the implementation of more efficient land-use planning as an alternative to urban sprawl, traffic congestion, disconnected neighbourhoods, and obsolete development based on the following principles;  

1. Mix land uses;  

2. Take advantage of adaptable compact building design utilising quality durable materials;  

3. Create a range of housing opportunities and choices;  

4. Create walkable communities with appropriate priority measures;  

5. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place;  

6. Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas;  

7. Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities;  

8. Provide a variety of transport choices;  

9. Make development decisions predictable, fair and cost effective;  

10. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions;  11. Efficient management, adaptation, reuse and expansion of infrastructure, and;  

12. Infill redevelopment and adaptive use and re-use in built-up areas;

and that the overall strategy, policies and objectives in the county development plan be framed to be consistent with this initiative.

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

That in preparing the Draft Development Plan that the Manager integrate into all the relevant sections the principles, policies and actions contained in the South Dublin Climate Change Strategy Document. 

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Chapter 1 - Strategy

Acknowledging both the submissions made at the consultative stage and the subsequent response of the Manager, the members being very conscious of the fact that much of the county was developed quite rapidly and over a relatively short time frame with much of the consolidation being understandably focused in the County capital of Tallaght, direct that Management in preparing the Draft for the Development Plan Review, pay specific and particular attention to the deficit in other parts of the County, especially, but not only, in older communities that now require rejuvenation through the provision of schools (all levels including creches) and of a wide variety of community facilities for all age groups such as community centres, libraries. Museums, interpretive or visitor centers, places of worship, indoor sport and recreation facilities such as swimming pools and Youth Cafes, outdoor facilities such as children’s play areas, space for outdoor sports, skate parks, and scramble areas for motorcycle and quad enthusiasts.

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 2 - Enterprise & Employment

That the Council directs the Manager to insert as addenda to the section "Enterprise and Employment: Recommended Policy Approach" the statements " Support and Facilitate the location in all parts of the County, particularly in Grange Castle Business Park, other Business Parks, the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZs and the Liffey Valley Town Centre, of knowledge based Enterprise Centres and Innovation Centres, which complement existing Centres in the County and established larger businesses in the County" and "Support and Facilitate the location in the County, in particular in Grange Castle Business Park, of R&D Centres with programmes and activities that complement the activities of existing businesses and IT Tallaght and NUI Maynooth".

Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 2 - Enterprise & Employment

That the County Development Plan includes specific objectives to create the conditions to stimulate/create incentives for economic growth in areas that have been heretofore neglected.

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 2 - Enterprise & Employment

That this Council adopts as a policy objective the creation of long-term jobs within the County, with emphasis being placed on the numbers of jobs created within its business parks rather than the rates payable.

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 4

That the Council direct the Manager to include in the Draft Plan guidelines/provisions which will facilitate and support the development of childcare, pre-school and after school, facilities on the same campus as National/Primary Schools or on a site adjoining new school sites. 

Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Chapter 4

That a new strategy be introduced to provide for the following provision at our schools:

  • Car parking
  • Bus parking and turning points
  • Pedestrian safety, including School Wardens, Pedestrian Crossings, appropriate road markings and signage, and that these be provided up front and in proportion to the capacity of schools, rather than depending later on land availability, pedestrian counts, available staff and funding resources.
Mot (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Chapter 4

That this plan reflect the support of the elected members for a County Museum, as outlined in the Motion by this Councillor agreed in 2007.

Mot (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 5

That this Council directs the Manager to specifically define the village settlements of the County into the Development Plan to support and promote the village in line with the definition of urban and town centres and as a strategy for villages to maintain and retain over time their unique heritage and identity.

Mot (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That South Dublin County Council, in conforming to the Dublin Waste Management Plan, which calls for an incinerator at Poolbeg, ensures that no public waste incinerator is built within our County.

Mot (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the new County Development Plan includes aggressive incremental targets to ensure that within the 2010-2016 period we arrive at a situation where no waste generated within our County that is recyclable or compostable will be incinerated at any location.

Mot (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That South Dublin County Council, in conforming to the Dublin Waste Management plan which calls for one incinerator situated at Poolbeg, must also be cognisant of An Bord Pleanála's decision in relation to the Rathcoole Incinerator which in rejecting it stated:

"Having regard to the approval granted under section 175 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, for the facility at Poolbeg, it is considered that the additional facility as proposed would be in conflict with the integrated approach to waste management for the Dublin region as set out in the said Waste Management Plan and would therefore be contrary to the development plan of the area and to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area"

We submit if the SDCC Country Development plan for 2010-2016 stated that it precluded the provision of incinerators, including incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production, in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan, that this would provide a clarification of the situation and the County's position. It would make it less likely for incinerator companies to ask for planning permission and therefore spare the Council and community groups the massive expense in time, effort, resources and money in addressing inappropriate proposals. This decision would also reflect the unity of feeling among all community and political groups and would be good for South County Dublin, and a most welcome move.

Therefore in brief, we submit that the manager take the following direction from the elected members in relation to the preparation of the next draft development plan for the county so that is states

"No further incinerators or thermal treatment or thermal energy solutions dependent on the burning or combustion of waste be situated in this County and that such facilities such as incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production be specifically precluded in the County within the 2010-2016 County Development Plan."

In so doing we are particularly mindful of the spiraling increase in job losses throughout the country, the massive cost to the economy of the recent pork dioxin scare and the importance of protecting jobs in our indigenous equine and Agri-food sectors, which are critical employment and revenue sources now, and critical growth areas for our future.

Mot (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

As a separate motion but complimentary motion to that on precluding incinerators in the County, we also submit the critical importance of enhancing our County's recycling and composting efforts and ensuring that South Dublin does not merely export its waste problem. We therefore submit the following policies be included within the Draft County Development Plan being prepared for South Dublin for the period 2010-2016.

.        No contractual obligation over one year will be entered into by SDCC to provide waste to an incinerator - lest it negatively impact our flexibility to move toward more sustainable waste management.

.        That the new County Development plan should include aggressive incremental targets to ensure that within the life of the plan - that we achieve the target that: No waste generated within the County that is recyclable or compostable will be incinerated in any location.

We note in so doing that the waste management plan currently takes precedence over the County Development Plan - but this is an important policy statement and expresses the wishes of the elected representatives of the County about how we will adapt to the said Waste Management Plan and behave in a sustainable way.  We must find the means and the resources to manage our waste in a cost effective and sustainable way, and charge the county with this target.

Mot (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

South Dublin County Council in conforming to the Dublin Waste Management plan which calls for one incinerator situated at Poolbeg, must also be cognisant of An Bord Pleanála's decision in relation to the Rathcoole Incinerator which in rejecting it stated:

"Having regard to the approval granted under section 175 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, for the facility at Poolbeg, it is considered that the additional facility as proposed would be in conflict with the integrated approach to waste management for the Dublin region as set out in the said Waste Management Plan and would therefore be contrary to the development plan of the area and to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area"

We submit if the SDCC Country Development plan for 2010-2016 stated that it precluded the provision of incinerators, including incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production, in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan, that this would provide a clarification of the situation and the County's position.

It would make it less likely for incinerator companies to ask for planning permission and therefore spare the Council and community groups the massive expense in time, effort, resources and money in addressing inappropriate proposals.

This decision would also reflect the unity of feeling among all community and political groups and would be good for South County Dublin, and a most welcome move.

Therefore in brief, we submit that the manager take the following direction from the elected members in relation to the preparation of the next draft development plan for the county so that is states

.       No further incinerators or thermal treatment or thermal energy solutions dependent on the burning or combustion of waste be situated in this County and that such facilities such as incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production be specifically precluded in the County within the 2010-2016 County Development Plan.

In so doing we are particularly mindful of the spiraling increase in job losses throughout the country, the massive cost to the economy of the recent pork dioxin scare and the importance of protecting jobs in our indigenous equine and Agri-food sectors, which are critical employment and revenue sources now, and critical growth areas for our future.PROPOSED: Councillor Guss O’Connell

SECONDED: Councillor Shane O’Connor and Councillor Derek Keating

Mot (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

As a separate motion but complimentary motion to that (above on precluding incinerators in the County), we also submit the critical importance of enhancing our County's recycling and composting efforts and ensuring that South Dublin does not merely export its waste problem. We therefore submit the following policies be included within the Draft County Development Plan being prepared for South Dublin for the period 2010-2016.

.       No contractual obligation over one year will be entered into by SDCC to provide waste to an incinerator - lest it negatively impact our flexibility to move toward more sustainable waste management.

.       That the new County Development plan should include aggressive incremental targets to ensure that within the life of the plan - that we achieve the target that: No waste generated within the County that is recyclable or compostable will be incinerated in any location.

We note in so doing that the waste management plan currently takes precedence over the County Development Plan - but this is an important policy statement and expresses the wishes of the elected representatives of the County about how we will adapt to the said Waste Management Plan and behave in a sustainable way.  We must find the means and the resources to manage our waste in a cost effective and sustainable way, and charge the county with this target.

PROPOSED:  Councillor Guss O’Connell

SECONDED: Councillor Shane O’Connor and Councillor Derek Keating

Mot (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the Development Plan include policies that prohibit the following;

(i) thermal treatment or thermal energy solutions dependent on the burning or combustion of waste to be situated in the County and that such facilities such as incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production be specifically precluded in the County within the 2010-2016 County Development Plan.

Mot (27)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That contractual obligations of more than one year not be entered into by South Dublin County Council in order to focus and move forward to a more sustainable management of waste.

Mot (28)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the new County Development Plan should include aggressive incremental targets to ensure that within the life of the County Development Plan 2010-2016 that this Council would achieve the targets of full recycling and compostable methods and that no recycled or composted waste will be incinerated in any location.

Mot (29)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That given (a) the strategic importance of the effective implementation of the Regional Planning Strategy for the Dublin Metropolitan Area that provides for the consolidation of development into a compact urban form, based on enhanced public transport, which in turn largely depends on achieving a high quality built environment based on the principles of sustainable development and best practice in urban design, and (b) the strategic importance of transportation to economic activity and employment within the county, this Council directs the Manager to recognise the need for the control and management of the movement and parking of HGV type vehicles through or in residential or other environmentally sensitive areas within the county and to incorporate into the draft development plan a HGV management strategy, including the appropriate policies and objectives to prohibit, restrict or deter certain classes of such vehicles, given their environmental and safety impacts, including if appropriate the definition of cordon areas and the incorporation of suitable route choice measures in such a management strategy so as to minimise their use of residential streets or other environmentally sensitive areas such as location of schools.

Mot (30)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure


Given that the County has been rapidly developed over a relatively short period of time and that many long established and traditional communities and villages have been subsumed into this development as a bye product of progress, often with new commuter routes feeding into and out of an infrastructure that was not designed to take such traffic, and given that this Council has had the foresight to invest significantly in the monitoring of traffic through and within the County, the members, now direct Management to prepare and make available a comprehensive traffic report that will

  • Address the impact on the quality of life that “through” traffic is having on our citizens
  • Identify undesirable levels of commuter and other outside traffic through residential areas
  • Propose options for the re- routing of traffic away from schools and other sensitive areas
  • Consider the impact of installing Bus/Public Vehicle Gates at certain locations throughout the County effectively providing “Cul-de-Sac” residential communities
  • Provide ready access to national routes for motorised traffic for residents from our communities that will both minimise commuting distance and facilitate integration

that will guide the members in putting forward proposals aimed at improving and alleviating the serious  traffic congestion that has emerged in the build environment throughout the County and in providing for future development in accordance with Government Guidelines and best practice.


PROPOSED:  Councillor Guss O’Connell

Mot (31)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That it shall be a policy objective of this Council to encourage sustainable development, with any new planning permissions on existing or undeveloped residential or industrial sites incorporating stringent insulation and energy-efficiency targets while also facilitating the use of renewable technologies for heating and micro-generation of electricity.

Mot (32)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Daly
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the development plan considers the provision of policies for truck stops in the County.

Mot (33)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That this Council, in supporting and prioritising the development of indigenous, renewable energy resources within South County Dublin, examines the possibility of designating a highland area of our County, outside the areas of greatest scenic beauty, as being suitable for the production of wind energy and that this be incorporated into the new County Development Plan 2010 - 2016.

Mot (34)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the County Development Plan supports and includes specific objectives to develop renewable energy sources.

Mot (35)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That this Council supports and prioritises the development of indigenous, renewable energy resources within South County Dublin. In this context, the new County Development Plan should include an objective for the exploitation of the deep geothermal heat resources available at Newcastle, confirmed as one of the most significant indigenous renewable energy resources that exists in the Greater Dublin area. The exploitation of this natural energy resource should be carried out in the first instance as a pilot project in association with the development of a new sustainable energy efficient community. The development of this energy resource will facilitate the future growth of Newcastle and other areas of the County in a sustainable manner. This pilot project will give a practical expression to section 7.24.4 of the existing Development Plan (2004-2010) regarding renewable energy by identifying Newcastle, or another appropriate area, as a suitable location. In addition, it will demonstrate to employers and potential employers that this County is committed to providing sustainable and renewable energy solutions to industry, thereby attracting new job opportunities to South Dublin.

Mot (36)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That it shall be a policy objective of this Council to work towards self sufficiency in electricity production, primarily from renewable sources, with specific targets being set to achieve this goal through the identification of sites that will maximise such a strategic objective.

Mot (37)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the County Development Plan has a specific aim of creating public wifi zones in and around all public buildings in the County.

Mot (38)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That it is the policy within the development plan that the number of pylon / telephone masts per person be reduced.

Mot (39)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the County Development Plan seeks to develop public transport that links areas of the county in a sustainable/structured way with a focus on the County town.

Mot (40)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Daly
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the development plan considers public transport facilities in the south west of the County.

Mot (41)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

That the Manager in preparing the Draft Development Plan prioritises the issue of repairing the damage caused by legal and illegal dumping in the Dublin Mountains and seeks to inhibit future dumping in the mountains.

Mot (42)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9

Pursuant to The Planning  & Development Act 2000, Article II Plans & Guidelines, Chapter I Development Plans in relation to the actual exercise to prepare a Draft Development Plan – as is being currently undertaken by South Dublin County Council, and the provision under the said act for the members to direct the Manger on the preparation of the draft plan following their consideration of his report on submissions, as prescribed under the aforementioned article and chapter, section 11, subsection 4(d); the following motion on the Liffey Valley is proposed:

This motion is also submitted in specific recognition of the Member's need to adhere to the ‘requirements of the legislative framework’  and therefore of the specific provision of the act in relation to the ‘Content of Development Plans’ as laid out in Section 10, subsection (2) (a), (c),(d), (e) and (j), but not limited to same

10.—(1) A development plan shall set out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area of the development plan and shall consist of a written statement and a plan or plans indicating the development objectives for the area in question.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a development plan shall include objectives for—

(a) the zoning of land for the use solely or primarily of particular areas for particular purposes (whether residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, as open space or otherwise, or a mixture of those uses), where and to such extent as the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, in the opinion of the planning authority, requires the uses to be indicated;

 (c) the conservation and protection of the environment including, in particular, the archaeological and natural heritage and the conservation and protection of European sites and any other sites which may be prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;

(d) the integration of the planning and sustainable development of the area with the social, community and cultural requirements of the area and its population;

(e) the preservation of the character of the landscape where, and to the extent that, in the opinion of the planning authority, the proper planning and sustainable development of the area requires it, including the preservation of views and prospects and the amenities of places and features of natural beauty or interest;

 (j) the preservation, improvement and extension of amenities and recreational amenities;

It is also submitted in recognition of South Dublin’s long standing objectives to progress the matter of protection and preservation of the lands of the Liffey Valley and to promote a Liffey Valley Park, and the support of so many of its members for same.

Therefore this motion proposes that the Council undertake such study or studies as are necessary to evaluate the lands of the Liffey Valley within its jurisdiction, with a view to making assessments of the suitability of such lands for protection and public access, to include such considerations and provisions as legislatively provided for as :

.        Special Amenity Area Orders,

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 202 & 203

.        Landscape Conservation,

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 204

.        Tree Preservation Orders,

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 205

.        Public Rights of Way,

 - per The Planning & Development Act 2000 Part XIII, Section 206,207 & 208

and also :

.        Special Areas of Conservation

.        Natural Heritage Areas

And to provide same in a report or report(s) to the elected members.

Such report(s) should be provided to the elected members as quickly as possible but no later than 4 weeks before the members being required to respond to the Manager’s Report on submissions as prescribed under section 12 subsections 5 (a),(b) and (6). To put it simply following the public consultation on the first draft of the plan, as provided under The Planning & Development Act 2000, Part II Plans and Guidelines Chapter 1 Development Plans Section 12 Making of Development Plan subsections (1) and (2), which is expected to commence late September 2009, the manager will produce a report on the submissions from that consultation for the members to deliberate upon and respond to, and 4 weeks before the members are required to respond and act in response to that Manager’s report, they should have access to the studies performed on the Liffey Valley as required in this motion.  

This is so that appropriate amendment within the powers of the members can be made to protect lands as informed by the said studies, and yet it also to allow for further consultation if such amendments are of such significance to warrant further consultation, as is fully provided for in the legislation under section 7(a),(b). The Draft Plan process could then be finalised as provided for under Section 12 sub-sections 8 and 9 as required.

This is all with a view to enabling the members to formulate motions to propose appropriate zoning protection for the lands of the Liffey Valley within the jurisdiction of South Dublin County Council as are within their powers, and to initiate such steps as are appropriate and which would be required to implement the recommendations of said report(s) within the process to prepare this Draft Development Plan currently underway for 2011-2016, or shortly thereafter as appropriate.

The study or studies should build upon but not be limited by studies performed before including but not limited to, the recent SAAO study submitted to the Minister in February of this year, The Myles Wright report, and the more recent ERM report: ‘Toward a Liffey Valley Park’ and the inputs to same. However the intention of the study or studies, which are the subject of this motion should focus particularly on facilitating assessing the lands of the valley with a view to identifying the most appropriate protection for them in the context of the latest legislative provisions and thereby address the limitations of other reports to date. 

The scope of such study or studies should include in length all the lands within the Council’s jurisdiction stretching from Palmerstown to the county boundary, and in width from the County’s northern boundary with the River southwards to the N4, until it intersects with the Celbridge Road, and thereafter using the Celbridge Road as the southern boundary for the study, and to  include all the lands of Lucan Golf Course, Cooldrinagh and Tubbermaclugg in the assessment.

As such, the study or studies will include lands already within the current Special Amenity Area Order, SAAO, but ensure the lands up as far as the N4 are assessed. It will also include lands already developed, but ensures lands such as those adjacent to Lucan demesne and lands whose protection may not have been covered within the recent SAAO study requested by the Minister can have appropriate protection provided to them. It is time the Council moved from protecting the valley as an Objective – to delivering on that objective with this proactive step, and to build on the good work done by the Council in Lucan Demesne for example.

Mot (43)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Corrigan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9

As a strategy for one of the two natural prime assets of the County that this Council direct the Manager to incorporate into the 2010-2016 Development Plan the current policy of preserving and protecting the Liffey Valley in addition to incorporating the recommendations of the Office of Public Work’s plan for the Liffey Valley. As part of this strategy that this Council directs the Manager to adopt the lead role in encouraging and working with other local authorities in order to provide  clear joined up thinking, a coherent strategy and a vision for the preservation of  the Liffey Valley. We endanger this prime natural asset at our peril.

Mot (44)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9


Pursuant to The Planning  & Development Act 2000, Article II Plans & Guidelines, Chapter I Development Plans in elation to the actual exercise to prepare a Draft Development Plan – as is being currently undertaken by South Dublin County Council, and the provision under the said act for the members to direct the Manger on the preparation of the draft plan following their consideration of his report on submissions, as prescribed under the aforementioned article and chapter, section 11, subsection 4(d); the following motion on the Liffey Valley is proposed.

This motion is also submitted in specific recognition of the Members need to adhere to the ‘requirements of the legislative framework’  and therefore of the specific provision of the act in relation to the ‘Content of Development Plans’ as laid out in Section 10, subsection (2) (a), (c),(d), (e) and (j), but not limited to same

10.—(1) A development plan shall set out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area of the development plan and shall consist of a written statement and a plan or plans indicating the development objectives for the area in question.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a development plan shall include objectives for—

(a) the zoning of land for the use solely or primarily of particular areas for particular purposes (whether residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, as open space or otherwise, or a mixture of those uses), where and to such extent as the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, in the opinion of the planning authority, requires the uses to be indicated;

 (c) the conservation and protection of the environment including, in particular, the archaeological and natural heritage and the conservation and protection of European sites and any other sites which may be prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;

(d) the integration of the planning and sustainable development of the area with the social, community and cultural requirements of the area and its population;

(e) the preservation of the character of the landscape where, and to the extent that, in the opinion of the planning authority, the proper planning and sustainable development of the area requires it, including the preservation of views and prospects and the amenities of places and features of natural beauty or interest;

 (j) the preservation, improvement and extension of amenities and recreational amenities;

It is also submitted in recognition of South Dublin’s long standing objectives to progress the matter of protection and preservation of the lands of the Liffey Valley and to promote a Liffey Valley Park, and the support of so many of it’s members for same.

Therefore this motion proposes that the Council undertake such study or studies as are necessary to evaluate the lands of the Liffey Valley within it’s jurisdiction, with a view to making assessments of the suitability of such lands for protection and public access, to include such considerations and provisions as legislatively provided for as :

.       Special Amenity Area Orders,

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 202 & 203

.       Landscape Conservation,

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 204

.       Tree Preservation Order’s

- per The Planning & Development Act 2000,   Part XIII, Section 205

.       Public Rights of Way

 - per The Planning & Development Act 2000 Part XIII, Section 206,207 & 208

and also :

.       Special Area’s of Conservation

.       Natural Heritage Areas

and to provide same in a report or report(s) to the elected members.

Such report(s) should be provided to the elected members as quickly as possible but no later than 4 weeks before the members being required to respond to the Manager’s Report on submissions as prescribed under section 12 subsections 5 (a),(b) and (6). To put it simply following the public consultation on the first draft of the plan, as provided under The Planning & Development Act 2000, Part II Plans and Guidelines Chapter 1 Development Plans Section 12 Making of Development Plan subsections (1) and (2), which is expected to commence late September 2009, the manager will produce a report on the submissions from that consultation for the members to deliberate upon and respond to, and 4 weeks before the members are required to respond and act in response to that Manager’s report, they should have access to the studies performed on the Liffey Valley as required in this motion.  

This is so that appropriate amendment within the powers of the members can be made to protect lands as informed by the said studies, and yet it also to allow for further consultation if such amendments are of such significance to warrant further consultation, as is fully provided for in the legislation under section 7(a),(b). The Draft Plan process could then be finalized as provided for under Section 12 sub-sections 8 and 9 as required.

This is all with a view to enabling the members being able to formulate motions to propose appropriate zoning protection for the lands of the Liffey Valley within the jurisdiction of South Dublin County Council as are within their powers, and to initiate such steps as are appropriate and which would be required to implement the recommendations of said report(s) within the process to prepare this Draft Development Plan currently underway for 2011-2016, or shortly thereafter as appropriate.

The study or studies should build upon but not be limited by studies performed before including but not limited to, the recent SAAO study submitted to the Minister in February of this year, The Myles Wright report, and the more recent ERM report: ‘Toward a Liffey Valley Park’ and the inputs to same. However the intention of the study or studies, which are the subject of this motion should focus particularly on facilitating assessing the lands of the valley with a view to identifying the most appropriate protection for them in the context of the latest legislative provisions and thereby address the limitations of other reports to date. 

The scope of such study or studies should include in length all the lands within the Council’s jurisdiction stretching from Palmerstown to the county boundary, and in width from the County’s northern boundary with the River southwards to the N4, until it intersects with the Celbridge Road, and thereafter using the Celbridge Road as the southern boundary for the study, and to  include all the lands of Lucan Golf Course, Cooldrinagh and Tubbermaclugg in the assessment.

As such, the study or studies will include lands already within the current Special Amenity Area Order, SAAO, but ensure the lands up as far as the N4 are assessed. It will also include lands already developed, but ensures lands such as those adjacent to Lucan demesne and lands whose protection may not have been covered within the recent SAAO study requested by the Minister can have appropriate protection provided to them. It is time the Council moved from protecting the valley as an Objective – to delivering on that objective with this proactive step, and to build on the good work done by the Council in Lucan Demesne for example.

PROPOSED Councillor Guss O’Connell

SECONDED Councillor Derek Keating and Councillor Shane O’Connor

Mot (45)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9

That this plan responds to the demand for allotments within the County by making available suitable land.

Mot (46)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9

That the County Development Plan includes the written statement of an objective to construct a linear public park along the Southern Boundary of the “West Oldcourt Area Plan” in the Dublin Mountains. The purpose of the Park would be twofold – a public amenity to be enjoyed by the citizens of the County and a barrier to further suburban development in the Dublin Mountains at this location.

Mot (47)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Chapter 9

That while it is recognised that the Dublin Mountains Partnership is a welcome initiative regarding the public owned land in the Dublin Mountains, and is progressing an innovative strategic plan for these lands which represent only a small proportion of the upland part of the county, the prime natural asset of the county, this Council directs the Manager to incorporate into the draft development plan strategic recreational management policies and objectives for the balance of the Dublin Mountains area, that compliment, support, and are consistent with the strategic plan of the Dublin Mountains Partnership for the publicly owned lands, and that the draft plan clearly demonstrate a comprehensive and strategic approach to the development and management of all legitimate recreational activities across the entire upland area, arising not only from within this county but also from the entire metropolitan region, consistent with sustainable development, maintaining biodiversity preserving critical environmental areas, and the protection of the amenities of the area, and the interests of other stakeholders in the area.

Mot (48)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

That the Council directs the Manager to insert as an addendum, in the section "Residential Development:Recommended Policy Approach", after the first paragraph, the statement: "The Housing Strategy will provide guidelines for the development of Infill Housing on Council owned land, and in existing residential and at mixed use/residential locations including village and town centres where new/refurbished housing development is proposed in the context of village/town renewal projects."

Mot (49)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

The Council directs the Manager to incorporate the recommendations in the two Reports of the Planning and Economic Development SPCs, viz on Cul-de-Sacs in Residential Estates, and Planning to Reduce/Ameliorate Anti-Social Behaviour, in the Draft Plan in an appropriate way. 

Mot (50)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

That this Council affirms that all high density housing development be placed within 600 metres of top quality public transport including both bus and/or rail and metro services and that such development not be put in place unless it coincides with the arrival of the said public transport.

Mot (51)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

That the Manager examine the numbers of existing residents and those who work in South Dublin who choose to live outside or move outside our County and that, if the reason is that they are doing so because they want to live in lower density housing, that we make provision in our new Development Plan 2010-2016 for sufficient amounts of housing at the lower end of housing density within Government density guidelines.

Mot (52)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

That it is the policy within the County Development Plan that the number of off licences per person is dramatically reduced or maintain status quo.

Mot (53)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

This Council directs Council Management to ensure that all new housing and commercial development has the maximum opportunity to avail of sustainable energy resources and that this be reflected in the new County Development Plan, 2010-2016.

Mot (54)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Chapter 11/12

That the County Development Plan includes an additional ministerial to ensure that no private residential area of South Dublin contains more than 15% tenants/rented property funded by rent supplement payments.

Mot (55)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

Further to the submission made in PDS0079, as so referenced in the ‘Manager’s Report on Pre-Draft submissions and Observations made on the Pre-Draft Public Consultation, Feb 2009’, which proposes to rezone a 6.8 hectare site at Lucan Golf Club from Objective GB and Objective F to Objective A/A1 – this motion proposes this application for re-zoning be rejected out of hand and not included in the draft plan. The Manager’s desire to deal with zoning proposals individually and in turn is noted. However, given the proximity of this land to the river Liffey and it’s current green undeveloped status; and the fact it forms and is seen as part of the green belt between the residential communities of Lucan and Celbridge; together with the  enormous extent of land already zoned in the county and the decrease in demand for development – this proposal warrants no further consideration. In summary given the above and also but not limited to the criterion of ‘Policy Context’, ‘Environmental & Heritage’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Assessment of Need’, it should be rejected and not carried into the draft plan for further consideration, and we so direct the Manager.

Mot (56)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That the Lands at St. Edmundsbury and Woodville, as part of the Liffey Valley Lands, be preserved from Housing Development, and that this Council pursues by way of an extension to the Special Amenity Area Order, in order to preserve these lands for parkland.

Mot (57)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That this plan accepts the need for a Statement of Design for Tallaght Village.

Mot (58)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That this plan prioritise the need to have public ownership of the banks of the River Dodder from Old Bawn to Fort Bridge.

Mot (59)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That this plan supports the change of zoning of the status of the section of land at Balrothery/Castletymon Road to that which it held in the previous County Development Plan.

Mot (60)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That this plan recognises the need to protect the Greenbelt from Kingswood, Tallaght to the Naas Road.

Mot (61)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That the County Development Plan includes a written statement of an objective to see the Brownsbarn area on the Old Naas Road be developed with a village identity and that amenities suitable to a village be developed at this location.

Mot (62)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives

That it is the policy within the Development Plan that public spaces will be made available through our own land / purchasing / land swaps – to facilitate taxi drivers throughout this County to increase business.

Mot (63)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Colin Ryan

Local Zoning / Special Local Objectives


Further to the submission made in PDS0079, as so referenced in the ‘Manager’s Report on Pre-Draft submissions and Observations made on the Pre-Draft Public Consultation, Feb 2009’,  which proposes to rezone a 6.8 hectare site at Lucan Golf Club from Objective GB and Objective F to Objective A/A1 – this motion proposes this application for re-zoning be rejected out of hand and not included in the draft plan. The Manager’s desire to deal with zoning proposals individually and in turn is noted. However, given the proximity of this land to the river Liffey and it’s current green undeveloped status; and the fact it forms and is seen as part of the green belt between the residential communities of Lucan and Celbridge; together with the  enormous extent of land already zoned in the county and the decrease in demand for development – this proposal warrants no further consideration. In summary given the above and also but not limited to the criterion of ‘Policy Context’, ‘Environmental & Heritage’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Assessment of Need’, it should be rejected and not carried into the draft plan for further consideration, and we so direct the Manager.  

PROPOSED: Councillor Guss O’Connell

SECONDED: Councillor Derek Keating and Councillor Shane O’Connor

Mot (64)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Colin Ryan

Not Appropriate to Development Plan

That it is the policy within the Development Plan that this Council fully utilises and develops the Clondalkin office.

Mot (65)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Colin Ryan

Not Appropriate to Development Plan

That the Manager add the Meath County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 to Appendix F as Meath is the only county in the Greater Dublin Area which does not have a border with South Dublin County.